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Alternis Kerbol - Development thread


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Yes, we all do. Now let Nova take his holiday break or keep working, whichever he's doing.

It was just wishful thinking. I am well aware of how life in charge of an online project is, he will be ready when he is ready to release it, not before.

I think I may just make some final tweaks to the planets then try to release an early version for christmas (no save scanning yet, though)

I think that would be really cool, just make sure that you are ready to do this. I think that if this does get released, there will be a massive demand for it

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Yes, we all do. Now let Nova take his holiday break or keep working, whichever he's doing.

It was just wishful thinking. I know how life in charge of an well liked online project is.

I think I may just make some final tweaks to the planets then try to release an early version for christmas (no save scanning yet, though)

That would be really cool, just make sure you are ready for the demand for it.

This. I don't need anything else for christmas but this.


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Actually, I don't think the savegame thing will work after all... shifting the system is one thing - shifting it back is quite another. It would require pretty much doing the entire thing again, but with the opposite actions, returning everything to normal... the solar system is persistent across scenes, once it's loaded it doesn't unload, to reduce loading times. That means I would either have to find a way to force it to regenerate or just have the player restart the game if they want to go back.

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I know that's not the elegant solution that you may want Nova, but I would do a separate KSP install for this mod too. Meaning if it "overwrote" or totally replaced the stock Kerbolar system I could live with that. (Geez, Kerbolar, now that's a mouthful. Couldn't somebody just have named the Kerbal's star Sam?) I already run multiple installs for just stock or mods or testing.

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I have been doing career mode since 0.22 came out. If this were like PlanetFactory, I would just make a backup save and add the new planets in, but since this changes the entire layout, I would be starting over (either sandbox or career) in 0.23 with Alternis Kerbol. I don't think it is that big a deal to start over, in fact it is probably necessary given the changes to each planet.

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NovaSilisko: I think just being able to load KSP and select a save to have it toggled would be enough of an advantage, rather than having to install or uninstall the mod to switch.

In fact, I might well implement that for RSS at some point.

As for AtmosphereFromGround, I direct your attention here:


First, the change in .23. As part of Mu's optimization (I assume) the things we change are no longer pushed to the shader every frame, so whereas before all it took was pushing new info to the AFG object tied to the CelestialBody, now you also have to force it to update the shader. In particular, you have to set, for the CB's AFG, afg.DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = true in order for it to push the changes. You can then set it back to false (or whatever it's original value was) sometime later.

The values Starwaster and I have been able to puzzle out:

outerRadius defaults to the CB.radius * 1.025 * ScaledSpace.InverseScaleFactor (i.e. 1.025x the size of the scaledspace mesh).

innerRadius = 0.975 * outerRadius

scale is something like 1 divided by the difference between the radii?

scaleDepth seems to usually be -0.25

scaleOverScaleDepth seems obvious :)

doScale seems to make the afg's transform.localScale be scaled. again by that 1.025 multiplier

wavelength changes the color of the atmosphere. invWavelength seems computed from wavelength

I haven't tested the various K parameters. Seem to deal with the sunlight color.

(tested by setting the DEBUG flag and seeing what happens to get the defaults--looks like whatever's doing the atmosphere updating will clobber most of the above changes except for wavelength, alas.)

TL;DR: set the debug flag, change wavelength as desired (along with the sun-related params--but do those for all planets, I think, as you don't want different suns!), and some time later unset the debug flag. The rest seems handled automatically.

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Well, I've just been setting the inverse wavelength. That works fine, as long as you can figure out the correct inverted color. I'll mess with the scaling stuff though, it would be nice to have an atmosphere that does what I tell it :sticktongue:

Did a few more relocations. Dres is now first moon of Tylo, Eeloo now has its first friend, ever - vall. It only makes sense to put the second iciest moon in the game right next to the... most iciest. To make this not make no sense, vall has been shrunk to 99.8 km radius, and Eeloo fattened to almost 500.

Edited by NovaSilisko
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I have to say I'm really looking forward to your mod, Nova. And I have a question: Would it be possible to make Jool's lower atmosphere hot as it used to be on Moho? So all the stuff that falls there doesn't get Kraken'd and just explodes?

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I have to say I'm really looking forward to your mod, Nova. And I have a question: Would it be possible to make Jool's lower atmosphere hot as it used to be on Moho? So all the stuff that falls there doesn't get Kraken'd and just explodes?

Yeah, I've been meaning to do that. Just need to figure out how to change the atmosphere temperature properly.

Edit: Oh no wonder I didn't find it. It's the skillfully-named "atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier" parameter.

Edit2: I have now renovated warp limits. All limits up to 10000x are allowed below 200,000 meters, and once above that, you can use 100,000x.


IJpIRAM.png what

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The atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier does weird things. It seems to scale around 0 degrees Celsius, so increasing the temperature multiplier decreases the temperature in the upper atmosphere. Which is why Jool's upper atmosphere is made of unphysical temperature.

Also, the name makes more sense if you imagine Sean Connery saying it.

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The atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier does weird things. It seems to scale around 0 degrees Celsius, so increasing the temperature multiplier decreases the temperature in the upper atmosphere. Which is why Jool's upper atmosphere is made of unphysical temperature.

Also, the name makes more sense if you imagine Sean Connery saying it.

Decided not to use shpere for the temperature, going to try altering the first key in temperatureCurve instead.

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Right I've accidentally turned Jool into a small star, things overheat and detonate several million kilometers away.

... time to do this to the sun (assuming it doesn't require an atmosphere, and not IMMIEDIATELY since I do want to try to get v0.Trout out today)


1QTjMcP.png please why

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I don't mind at all.

Are they major or minor bugs?

Well when I launch I've occasionally ended up on the opposite side of the sun... but mostly it's stuff like, the sun shines through Jool still, there's texture artifacts, scaled space doesn't match up with local in many places, etc.

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