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My first mission to the Mun. Let's just say it was...successful. Sort of.


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I just did my first attempt at a Mun landing...the result was interesting.

Everything was fine until I looked at the amount of fuel I had left. Only enough for a 2 second burn, and I was travelling at 100 m/s . I saved it up and used it but it only reduced my m/s to 80. I knew I wouldn't survive, so in my panic, I made Jebediah EVA, and let go of the ladder, in a desperate attempt for the mission to succeed. The very same instant, the lander crashed into the surface and exploded, pinging poor Jeb off into space. Initially, I was happy; he had survived. The I looked at his trajectory: Up for about 280,000 m, then down back to the lunar surface. I quickly looked up the jetpack controls. I tried to bring Jeb back to the surface of the mun but after wasting 50% of my jetpack fuel I gave up. With no other option left, I waited until apoapsis and began to burn, in a desperate attempt to create an orbit. I watched the percentage of fuel go down, quickly. I stopped at 10% left, and checked to see if I had achieved an orbit. I was nowhere near. I shut my eyes and held down shift until I heard it run out. I checked the map. I got Jeb in an orbit!

And this is where he lies today, in worryingly fluctuating orbit around the Mun.

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Those are the best! However, shift was likely an inefficient way to reach orbit. You should have been facing prograde (not super easy to do while EVA, you have to watch the horizon to see which way you're orbiting) and thrust forward.

AS Mustanger said, though, your path is clear now. Rescue him!

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