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Ideas for Multiplayer now that it will likely be included

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It was suggested in another thread I put these ideas in the suggestion section so the devs could see it, and I'm going to do just that, because I would like to see these ideas implemented. The following is a edited quote from that other thread.

A quick idea I had of my ideal multiplayer for this game would be a coopetition kind of mode, place 4-5 KSC's around Kerbin, each would be part of their own "country". At the beginning of the game the players either choose they’re location or are given one randomly from the 4-5 preexisting KSC's. Give each player the ability to trade with the other players if they chose to, or compete in a kind of "Space race" scenario, but make it so other player can only see other players creations but not touch them unless some sort of permission is given.

I really like the idea of a "Kommand & Kontrol" mode too, one person teams up with another. One is the "Pilot" and the other is "Kommand". The pilot is stuck in IVA, make it so hes stuck in a first person space suit as well, and all he has is his instruments and those tiny windows to guide his craft. And then you have "Kontrol" who’s stuck with maps and telemetry from the craft in question and the two players have to kommunicate to get things done. You could add this to the coopetition mode and allow a total of 8-10 players as 4-5 teams of 2. A little thing I just thought of that would keep things interesting, make it so the "Pilot" and "Kontrol" could switch places if they wished. Let "Kontrol" have some support rolls, like they control the rovers and probes, unless the pilot is given equipment to do so. "Kontrol" can control things that take two different craft like a X-15 test craft type scenario, "Kontrol" flies the drop craft while the pilot flies the X-15 analog, that way the drop craft doesn’t just crash ruining all the K-bucks you spent on it.

Multiplayer could be an awesome experience, as long as they cater to both the PvP and cooperation crowds, hopefully providing tools to keep them separate. I can see the appeal of a space war with another player, as long as iv agreed to it or am aware it could happen and can prepare myself for the eventual conflict. Maybe give players some political tools, trade agreements, declarations of war, etc.. and these things would be needed to be agreed on by both players for there to be any effect.

P.S. I am aware the devs have said they will not put weapons of war into KSP, but now with MP announced it will be inevitable there will be player conflicts. Please don't put weapons of war into the game but allow players to "invent" there own weapons with the provided pieces and allow some sort of war like scenario, for those players that wish to have it. But please make it separate from the rest of MP so as to keep the griefers at bay.

Edit: The "Kommand & Kontrol" idea is not wholly mine, there have been several threads around the forums that have stated this idea in one way or another, I just added a K instead of a C and squished it all into one paragraph, and added my own enthusiasm for such an idea.

Edited by Savage117
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Why the hell would conflict be inevitable? The multiplayer would probably be just a server with a few friends, so if you want to go blow eachother out the sky, go ahead and have all the fun you want.

Or if you don't want that, than don't.

PS: Is your C broken? It's Control and Command

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One thing: no weapons of any sort.

You can already make your own using decouplers and separatrons.

You don't need to put K on everything either, but i like the idea

One drives, one guides.

But not switchable, that would make it easy to switch, take a look and switch back.

It would be also good to add cameras the IVA player can see.

And for a mode like that to work we will need an overhaul on most command pods.

By the way, how would probes be controlled then?

Only cameras for "IVA" player? Seems legit to me.

About griefers, i belive you thinking about minecraft-like multiplayer here.

Sure ships can collide and that can destroy the other's ships, but on a carreer multiplayer you won't ever waste your money crashing into other people.

I like the "more than one KSC" idea, it would give you a private launchpad.

It was discussed about buying buildings and expanding the KSC, and that would give a nice RPG feeling to the multiplayer game.

But again, this is not minecraft, and i would probably not like to be on a server with more than 3 or 4 people at once.

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I think that griefers would have a lot of difficulty in KSP due to the complexity of the game. especially once you are out of kerbin orbit. Also if you play with friends or ppl you know from the forums then I doubt ppl will destroy each others stuff.

How to grief in minecraft:

-Be an asshole

-Get a pickaxe/axe/shovel/whatever

-Dig the heck out of it

How to "grief" in KSP:


-Be experienced


-"Dock" hard

Land base:

-Be a pro

-Land nearby

-Crash with a rover

Basically it requires way too much experience to "grief" in KSP for a random troll to mess up your stuff.

That decreases the griefer-like rate to a very low vaule.

And if a server is meant to be taken pacefully, a simple IP ban and rollback would fix things for good.

It would probably take very long to someone not that experienced be successful.

Griefers aren't that persistent either, they are just idiots.

So we won't be facing that issue often, thus no need to avoid it.

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Idk, a noob with mechjeb and a downloaded craft file could be a serious threat.

You talking about mod support here.

Just not allow MJ on the server and you good to go.

Or even easier, whitelist.

Even that way, it requires more than just wandering and breaking blocks.

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Weapons of war... if a troll got a hold of a UKSC or Zokesian craft file and used a ship armed with mechjeb, we could see the start of "Reavers" in KSP.

I can already see these future scenes happening multiple times:



Heck, players who are known trolls should get a tag in front of their name declaring their "Reaver" status. The Alliance would certainly approve. :):0.0:

PS: Will they allow mods in KSP multiplayer, and will it be a dlc?

Edited by andrew123
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It will not be a DLC.

Not sure about mods, but it would be cool if you could set your game to download needed mods directly from SpacePort², and set which mods you want to have on the singleplayer from ingame (so it would first show the main page then load the game for real, be it MP or SP?).

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Why the hell would conflict be inevitable? The multiplayer would probably be just a server with a few friends, so if you want to go blow each other out the sky, go ahead and have all the fun you want.

Or if you don't want that, than don't.

PS: Is your C broken? It's Control and Command

Conflict is still conflict even if it is agreed upon by both parties and played in a friendly manner. I meant it literally, not as a personal conflict between people, and I can guarantee PvP is inevitable in a multiplayer game if it is allowed by game mechanics.

I was using K as a naming convention to separate the game from real life, I know it wasn't necessary but I thought it was funny and I like the names.

One thing: no weapons of any sort.

You can already make your own using decouplers and separatrons.

This is what I meant, I don't want the devs adding things like prebuilt missiles and guns, I’d want the players to create their own with the pieces currently provided, should they decide to make war with each other. Which someone will do at some point, I know I’d like to try it. :)

But not switchable, that would make it easy to switch, take a look and switch back.

It would be also good to add cameras the IVA player can see.

And for a mode like that to work we will need an overhaul on most command pods.

I meant switchable at certain times like when the players aren't on a mission, that way the player wouldn't feel stuck in their current role if they didn't like it. For example: The pilot and "Kontrol" :P would remain in his/her role until the pilot had returned to the KSC or planet and the craft recovered, then the players could choose if they wanted to be "Kontrol" or the pilot for the next mission. I felt the idea of some sort of sensor for the current command pods to navigate was a given and would have to be added. Docking is difficult for some without trying it in IVA, iv tried it in IVA only without mods and its extremely hard and requires a lot of guesswork. Add something like the Docking assistant mod, or the Navball docking assistant mod, and possibly some other required tools as well, before trying this game mode. I think these things should be stock anyway and I hope they will be made so in future updates.

By the way, how would probes be controlled then?

Only cameras for "IVA" player? Seems legit to me.

I like the idea of needing certain equipment for the pilot or "Kontrol" to control the probes, for instance a remote control part would have to be added to the pilot craft for the pilot to be able to control any rovers that have gone with the mission or were sent later. And if it were to be controlled by "Kontrol" or pilot then it would need some sort of sensors to tell "Kontrol" or pilot about the environment around it, aka cameras, laser mapping, or inertial/satellite gps system, or all of the above, it would be up to the player.

I think that griefers would have a lot of difficulty in KSP due to the complexity of the game. especially once you are out of kerbin orbit. Also if you play with friends or ppl you know from the forums then I doubt ppl will destroy each others stuff.
How to grief in minecraft:

-Be an asshole

-Get a pickaxe/axe/shovel/whatever

-Dig the heck out of it

How to "grief" in KSP:


-Be experienced


-"Dock" hard

Land base:

-Be a pro

-Land nearby

-Crash with a rover

Basically it requires way too much experience to "grief" in KSP for a random troll to mess up your stuff.

That decreases the griefer-like rate to a very low vaule.

And if a server is meant to be taken pacefully, a simple IP ban and rollback would fix things for good.

It would probably take very long to someone not that experienced be successful.

Griefers aren't that persistent either, they are just idiots.

So we won't be facing that issue often, thus no need to avoid it.

From my experience, and I admit I may be a bit jaded here, griefers go to some great lengths just to annoy/enrage other players and they somehow get enjoyment out of it. Take "Eve" for example, griefing is not against the rules in Eve and is sometimes encouraged. Some people will wait at a Warpgate for real world days just to gank that one trader that doesn't really know what hes doing, and they get crap out of it, and yet they stay to do it again to another unfortunate soul. They call it "Piracy" but a real pirate would select their prey dependent on the worth of what they are carrying, these people attack all that come through the gate, even if its a fresh player with starting gear, that's griefing. Do not underestimate griefers, it only ends in grief.

I agree though that KSP may not see much griefing, especially if the devs take steps to prevent it, but any game that allows non-private servers will have griefers, I just hope tools are provided to deal with them.

I didn't want this to become a discussion on griefing though, what do you guys think of the other ideas? And thank you to those that have already provided their input. I'm actually encouraged by the idealism i'v seen. :D

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or how about the pilot isn't stuck in IVA, but rather no instruments (nav ball, Height indicator, current stage, e.c.t) so the kontrol (kerbal control) has to relay them information VIA text chat, or skype. The pilot should be able to pause the game, and on the 'Kontrol' guy's screen, it would say "Game Paused." The 'Pilot' should be able to hand over SOME control to the 'kontrol' like maneuver nodes, or something. also, 'kontrol' should get a 3rd person view of the craft at all times. in case of trolling, the pilot can deny any control 'kontrol' is issuing. Co-op worlds should be 2 people only ('pilot' and 'kontrol',) reducing lag and such.

Edited by Sackboy338
(forgot to add a few things)
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How to grief in minecraft:

-Be an asshole

-Get a pickaxe/axe/shovel/whatever

-Dig the heck out of it

How to "grief" in KSP:


-Be experienced


-"Dock" hard

Land base:

-Be a pro

-Land nearby

-Crash with a rover

Basically it requires way too much experience to "grief" in KSP for a random troll to mess up your stuff.

That decreases the griefer-like rate to a very low vaule.

And if a server is meant to be taken pacefully, a simple IP ban and rollback would fix things for good.

It would probably take very long to someone not that experienced be successful.

Griefers aren't that persistent either, they are just idiots.

So we won't be facing that issue often, thus no need to avoid it.

I could easily imagine someone griefing other people's KSC's, though. If buildings can take damage, simply crash a rocket into a building. Or land a manned pod on someone else's launch pad so they won't be able to launch rockets at all. It doesn't take much skill and it could be done on the lowest branches of the tech tree.

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SQUAD has announced that they are developing a total of 4 final 'GameModes' for KSP: Sandbox, Career, and multiplayer versions of both. There is (almost certainly) not going to be any other multiplayer GameModes as this tread suggests, and SQUAD has already said on multiple occasions that military functions are not going to be included in the stock game. If you want to battle your friends (which would be awesome) I guess you are gonna have to find a way of doing it within the existing constraints of Sandbox or Career, or using mods. The same goes for your proposed 'Kommand and Kontrol' thing, which sounds kinda fun as an option but probably wont be an actual GameMode. (You could do it just by not leaving IVA, there doesn't have to be an actual built in feature)

Edited by TimMartland
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Funny how people are warming up to the idea of wars.

no, just the same old screaming they want it. Let's hope Squad realises that and doesn't start thinking "wow, people really want fighting, let's make KSP into a combat game and sell a lot of copies".

and yes, with the current parts you can already make weapons, turning any multiplayer version into an instant griefer fest.

Edited by jwenting
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no, just the same old screaming they want it. Let's hope Squad realises that and doesn't start thinking "wow, people really want fighting, let's make KSP into a combat game and sell a lot of copies".

and yes, with the current parts you can already make weapons, turning any multiplayer version into an instant griefer fest.

That would be bad, but fits like a glove for a DLC (I would get it for sure).

Ok, appart from griefing, what was mentioned about the MP carreer mode?

Will it be coop or versus?

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Basically it requires way too much experience to "grief" in KSP for a random troll to mess up your stuff.

That decreases the griefer-like rate to a very low vaule.

I have no experience with the multi-player mod but I'm under the impression that griefing was a problem. People would dock with a space station, take control and put it in a suborbital trajectory. To the extend that features as "locking" and "bubbles" are needed to prevent griefers from ruining it for other people.

What people tend to forget is that what makes multi-player hard in a sandbox game is not the technical aspect of synchronizing. That can be dealt with by technology. It's the social high wire-trick of letting people who are essentially anonymous interact with each other in a civil way. You won't have that when you're playing with three or four friends but invariably there will be "public" servers that will attract griefers like a light bulb attracts moths.

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I wouldn't mind combat as DLC but I really don't want it in the stock game. As for servers with ppl shooting each other, that should be kept on certain 'free for all' servers so everyone else doesn't have to put up with their space stations being blown up. I'm guessing that KSP multiplayer will only have small amounts of players per server so you would know who you were playing with better. :)

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Id say allow mods, so one can be made to protect your stuff from griefers, such as disabling docking ports, and if they do land a pod on your launchpad, simply.build a dozer or something in the hangar, and push it off. Equally, you can then build an ICBM and obliterate the griefer stations

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no, just the same old screaming they want it.

quite demeaning

Let's hope Squad realises that and doesn't start thinking "wow, people really want fighting, let's make KSP into a combat game and sell a lot of copies".

I think the Squad devs think more about KSP than you or me.

and yes, with the current parts you can already make weapons, turning any multiplayer version into an instant griefer fest.

there are some pretty easy ways to deal with griefers, and i'm not even talking about admins.

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I think that griefers would have a lot of difficulty in KSP due to the complexity of the game. especially once you are out of kerbin orbit. Also if you play with friends or ppl you know from the forums then I doubt ppl will destroy each others stuff.

Kessler Bombs. Easy, annoying, destructive.

Example from MalfunctionM1Ke

Never tried this but if you want Space Debris to take you down, you should go for Kessler Bombs. Instead of going 90° at Launch, you should take them 270° so the debris Comes right at you in Orbit ;)

BTW. This is not my Album, just saw this on Reddit.

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