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0.23 Waiting Room!


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Quote from my wife: "Are there sitting over 1000 Nerds awaiting the new KSP update?!?"

My answer: "Öhm yes!!!"

I am not sitting at all!! I am packing my suitcase and hitting refresh every time I pass the keyboard...

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Well those on steam will prolly get it ealier

It always hits same time on Steam on official site. Although servers may crash on official site and that may affect downloading, but both options will get update in same time

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Look at the bright side, you can still dock moar elements together in the meantime !

I recently found a new love for docking maneuvers, and in fact it will make me sad when 0.23 comes and sends my space station in carrer mode to oblivion ^^

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Unless I'm mistaken, Steam handles the distribution entirely from their servers (for people who get KSP via Steam, at least). So there shouldn't be anything for Squad to do as far as Steam goes, just provide the updated install and let Steam do its thing. KSP is relatively small compared to some of the things that Steam deals with, so I'd expect Steam to cope just fine.

Steam should cope with it, but Squad might not, so the valuable data from both servers should be used to extrapolate future bandwidth strains for Squad.

By the way, when I open Steam client, I no longer see any news. Interesting.

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Yes,but which place on Earth would you call center

One of the developers of the Google Earth app is a graduate of the University of Kansas. If you load Google Earth and just zoom in, the default center is Lawrence, KS. Thus, Kansas is the center place on Earth. As a Kansan I approve of this conclusion. :D And in case you are unaware, Kansas is in the Central Time Zone (same as Squad).


Edited by Sethnizzle
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I'm starting fresh, totally. Screw my old sandbox save with Kerbals spread out all over the Kerbol system, even landed a ship with Kerbals named after me and my wife and daughter on Duna, Screw my Career mode save, it got dull anyway grinding science. I'll have a clean slate when the update hits.

And I have 3 hours left of work today, so they have plenty of time to get the update out :D

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