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0.23 Waiting Room!


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GUYS! According to HarvesteR, KSP 0.23 is being postponed for 14 hours more as ther servers got an error and bummed out while trying to upload it due to overuse of both the main website and the forum. EVERYONE LEAVE so they can fix it sooner!

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*sits patiently playing Rome 2 Total War while waiting for the update*

Gotta hate SEGA for the way they released something incomplete and cut it in pieces for profit. Will stick to Napoleon for a long time...

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GUYS! According to HarvesteR, KSP 0.23 is being postponed for 14 hours more as ther servers got an error and bummed out while trying to upload it due to overuse of both the main website and the forum. EVERYONE LEAVE so they can fix it sooner!

lol... server crashes prove our love

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All that time waiting... Only to discover that as usual the update breaks the most essential mods. After screaming "Nooooooooooh!" for half an hour there is the waiting for a few weeks for the mod devs to update their mods.

But the tension before the release is always fun to remember.

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GUYS! According to HarvesteR, KSP 0.23 is being postponed for 14 hours more as ther servers got an error and bummed out while trying to upload it due to overuse of both the main website and the forum. EVERYONE LEAVE so they can fix it sooner!

Source, or MORE SPAM WILL COME! PS Your signature fits very well.

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Gotta hate SEGA for the way they released something incomplete and cut it in pieces for profit. Will stick to Napoleon for a long time...

Well its not so bad now, I also alternate between it and Star Wars The Old Republic. KSP will always be my favorite game though.

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All that time waiting... Only to discover that as usual the update breaks the most essential mods. After screaming "Nooooooooooh!" for half an hour there is the waiting for a few weeks for the mod devs to update their mods.

But the tension before the release is always fun to remember.

You use Mods?



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