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[1.12.x] Ship Manifest (Crew, Science, & Resources) - v - 28 Apr 23


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  parrots said:
For those who might have the same issue, after upgrading I was having a problem recovering craft. Couldn't exit back to the space center or revert at all. Reloading it with KSP Mod Admin didn't seem to do any good.

I deleted the mod folder out of the Gamedata folder, manually installed the mod, and when I saw "No Target" pop up after going to a craft I had previously launched, I hit M and selected Kerbin as the target. I was then able to play as normal.

No idea what caused it, probably just a glitch from how I upgraded and targeting Kerbin fixed it, but I wanted to share in case others have the same problem.

If you are running Procedural Parts, you may well experience that. The culprit is KSPAPIExtensions, which is used by Procedural parts and a couple of other mods. Make sure you have the latest version of this dll (1.7.4 iirc)

Depending on your mod installations, you may have more than one copy of this dll.

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New version.

Version - Release 04 May, 2015 - Transfers Expansion Edition bug fixes.

- Fixed: When realism is off and override Stock crew Xfers is on, transfers cause a flickering portrait and do not complete.

- Fixed: In Roster, Gender is correctly displayed, but changing a Kerbal's Gender results in the opposite gender being saved.

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I can't transfer science at all any more after the 4.2 and updates, regardless of whether realism mode is on or not. At first I thought it might be because of some other mod, but I removed all the likely culprits (DMagic Orbital Science, ScienceAlert, Ven's Stock Part Revamp, Crowd-Sourced Science Logs) and started a new game and I still can't. Has the method to do so just changed, or is something wrong?

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  ZalgoWaits said:
I can't transfer science at all any more after the 4.2 and updates, regardless of whether realism mode is on or not. At first I thought it might be because of some other mod, but I removed all the likely culprits (DMagic Orbital Science, ScienceAlert, Ven's Stock Part Revamp, Crowd-Sourced Science Logs) and started a new game and I still can't. Has the method to do so just changed, or is something wrong?

I did make changes to that part of the code. Let me see what I "screwed up"...

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  Papa_Joe said:
I did make changes to that part of the code. Let me see what I "screwed up"...

Sigh :) Yes I broke it... Yes I fixed it. update imminent.


New version.

Version - Release 05 May, 2015 - Transfers Expansion Edtion bug fixes.

- Fixed: Science Transfer broken. Bug introduced with version

Wiki now added to all download locations, and link added to OP. Still in work, but fleshing out quickly.

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  darqen27 said:
Wonderful mod, I went for a long time without it. Love the realism mode.

Thanks! A lot of people "resisted" using my mod, as it was based on Crew Manifest, and that is truly a lightweight mod for crew only, so they still use Crew Manifest. Ship manifest does a lot more now, and really is not even close to the same mod at all.

I think that mindset is changing now, as SM has matured, Realism Mode seems to be making the Realistic game play folks happy, and my download numbers are reflecting a larger user base. Hence I've been more focused on timely support.

I also started on the Wiki recently. SM does so much and is so flexible now that even I had to have something to "keep it straight", and keep the questions down (that's NOT a bug, its a feature!) :D

  ZalgoWaits said:
Rock on, thanks, that was nice and fast; less than 8 hours from bug reported to fixed version released. Thanks for keeping on top of things.

Thanks! if it had been a "typo" or some such annoyance, I likely would have let it go till the next normal update, but that was a pretty glaring bug in my part :P. it simply HAD to get fixed fast. :D

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Love this mod! Haven't tried the newest versions as I am waiting to update to 1.0.x until a few other mods get finished/updated so if this has been added then please disregard :)

Do you think you could show a Kerbals profession on the crew transfer window? I don't know how many times I have been trying to move my crew around to get good production numbers for things like EPL and MKS and I couldn't remember who was an engineer or scientist.


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  Akira_R said:
Love this mod! Haven't tried the newest versions as I am waiting to update to 1.0.x until a few other mods get finished/updated so if this has been added then please disregard :)

Do you think you could show a Kerbals profession on the crew transfer window? I don't know how many times I have been trying to move my crew around to get good production numbers for things like EPL and MKS and I couldn't remember who was an engineer or scientist.


Hmm. You may be using an outdated version of my mod. I do have the profession listed. Link to my Wiki: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki/2.1---Crew-Transfers. I believe I added that feature in version 4.0 or 4.1

SM version works from KSP version 0.25 to 1.0.2, so it should have that feature.

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  Gunslinger1 said:
Do we not get to rename crew members anymore?

Turned off by default. Go to settings, Config to turn on. Wiki entry here: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki/1.4.5-Config-Tab

To edit a Kerbal, go to the Roster Window : https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki/1.5---Roster-Window

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KSP v1.0.2

SM v4.2.0.2

Ship manifest with (100% default settings) caused a bug in the launch scene: Cannot launch, abort, recover, revert or change scene to the space center. It threw a red error in the debug menu whenever any of those buttons were clicked on the launch pad. The game had to be killed from task manager and restarted to get out of the launch scene which then allowed me to recover the vessel from the tracking station. This happened with Jeb and an all stock pod as well as an unmanned Sounding Rocket from USI

[Exception]: IsolatedStorageException: Could not find a part of the path "C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ShipManifest\Plugins\PluginData\SMSettings.dat".

Looking in the directory shows that "SMSettings.dat" does not exist in the zip or GameData for KSP

Removing SM fixed the problem. Re-installing caused the bug to come back exactly as before.

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Interesting. Where did you get your copy of the plugin? Github, Curse, or Kerbalstuff?

Alternatively did you download it using CKAN? If so, then that is the Kerbalstuff version.

Do you have any other mods installed? I did note USI, btu not sure that would cause issues...

Also, what OS are your running?

I tested the download from github (which should be the same as the other 2 locations, with no issues...

Install the mod, and without running the game, immediately check to see if the PluginData folder is there... if it is, then something is causing the folder to be deleted.... not sure how that would be possible.

The archive I downloaded from GitHub contains the folder... the SMSettings.dat file is automatically generated on load of the Space center scene.

Edit: (yay! 100 pages.)

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I believe the Wiki is pretty much done. Let me know if there is anything that needs further clarification, or if I missed anything.

I'm looking at creating a Resource Vent part for Realism Resource Dumps in Flight for SM now. Final Item I'm going to try to tackle is External Crew seat transfers... Not sure if I can pull that one off tho...

Then on to Roster manager full time to get that out. Once that is done and released. I'll be removing the roster feature from SM, as it really doesn't belong. SM is really for Vessel in flight management. Roster manager will allow you to manage all your vessel crews, and modify all kerbals in your roster.

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  Papa_Joe said:
Interesting. Where did you get your copy of the plugin? Github, Curse, or Kerbalstuff?

Alternatively did you download it using CKAN? If so, then that is the Kerbalstuff version.

Do you have any other mods installed? I did note USI, btu not sure that would cause issues...

Also, what OS are your running?

I tested the download from github (which should be the same as the other 2 locations, with no issues...

Install the mod, and without running the game, immediately check to see if the PluginData folder is there... if it is, then something is causing the folder to be deleted.... not sure how that would be possible.

The archive I downloaded from GitHub contains the folder... the SMSettings.dat file is automatically generated on load of the Space center scene.

Edit: (yay! 100 pages.)

Actually, I found the problem and it not technically your fault...I am using Module Admin to load mods, it appears that since the "PluginData" folder in the zip archive is empty (because SMSettings.dat has not been created yet)

MA thinks the empty folder is not necessary and omits that folder when it loads the module.

Because the folder does not exist, when the game goes into the launch scene Ship Manifest cannot create the SMSettings.dat file at that address, which causes the bug because it will not let you leave the launch scene as it tries to create the file over and over again.

To test this I went in and manually added that "PluginData" folder and launched the game, everything worked perfectly.

I filed a bug report with the MA dev so he could look at the problem with not loading "empty" folders.

I suspect if you put a dummy file of SMSetttings.dat that could be overwritten at first launch it would prevent that folder from being dropped and solve the problem from your end as well.

I hope this is thorough enough to help. If you still want answers to your other troubleshooting questions I will be happy to supply them.

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  Smurfalot said:
Actually, I found the problem and it not technically your fault...I am using Module Admin to load mods, it appears that since the "PluginData" folder in the zip archive is empty (because SMSettings.dat has not been created yet)

MA thinks the empty folder is not necessary and omits that folder when it loads the module.

Because the folder does not exist, when the game goes into the launch scene Ship Manifest cannot create the SMSettings.dat file at that address, which causes the bug because it will not let you leave the launch scene as it tries to create the file over and over again.

To test this I went in and manually added that "PluginData" folder and launched the game, everything worked perfectly.

I filed a bug report with the MA dev so he could look at the problem with not loading "empty" folders.

I suspect if you put a dummy file of SMSetttings.dat that could be overwritten at first launch it would prevent that folder from being dropped and solve the problem from your end as well.

I hope this is thorough enough to help. If you still want answers to your other troubleshooting questions I will be happy to supply them.

Funny. I've included a ShipManifest Subfolder and a config.xml under Plugindata for every version of Ship manifest UNTIL the most recent couple of versions. Since I now have the ability to create the default Settings file "on the fly", I've been deleting the existing one, to ensure I don't leave stupid things like window positions off the screen or incorrect default settings from my test builds.

Guess I'll have to add a step to delete the file and run the game once to build the correct default. Alternatively I can check for the existence of the folder and add it on the fly if needed...

One of those things that pops up you never knew about until....

I'll correct it on the next release.

Thanks for tracking it down!


Added code to check for folder and recreate if needed.

Works great!

Will include in next release.

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  Papa_Joe said:

One of those things that pops up you never knew about until....

I'll correct it on the next release.

Thanks for tracking it down!

Not a problem, I am glad to help. I actually found it while testing the MA 2.0 beta by loading up like 40 mods at the same time to see what would break. On the average my entire KSP "play" time is spent testing, tweaking and writing feedback/bug reports. I only flew one actual mission in 8 hours tonight and that was to try out some parts for USI Sounding Rockets.

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  Smurfalot said:
Not a problem, I am glad to help. I actually found it while testing the MA 2.0 beta by loading up like 40 mods at the same time to see what would break. On the average my entire KSP "play" time is spent testing, tweaking and writing feedback/bug reports. I only flew one actual mission in 8 hours tonight and that was to try out some parts for USI Sounding Rockets.


I know just how you feel. I find that I have very little time to play as well... I spend most of my time adding features, and fixing bugs as they come up. I really only get to play when I'm testing the Mod before release... :D

But, with 1.0, I have to build a whole new Space station network, bases, and such. I'm hoping to get to play some more now that SM is nearing maturation. I'm pretty happy with how the Wiki turned out and hope that will help the users a lot. I know it will save me a lot of typing to answer questions that continuously come up as new users discover SM.

Alas, with Roster manager now in my sights, I may be speaking too soon :D

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  Smurfalot said:
Tell me more about your Roster idea maybe there is something I can help with on features/concept?

Take a look at the link in my signature line for Roster Manager. I have a WIP thread going there.

I'm planning on removing the Roster window features contained in SM, and expanding them to include the entire roster and fleet of ships. I will have a realism mode for it as well, but I expect that the god features are going to be very popular.

Ideas / suggestions are most welcome.

I do know there are other mods doing parts of what I plan, so I'll be looking over those mods as well, and attempting to ensure compatibility with them.

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  Papa_Joe said:

I believe the Wiki is pretty much done. Let me know if there is anything that needs further clarification, or if I missed anything.

Great work, good overview :)

Maybe you could clearify remotetech compability at the antenna page.

  Papa_Joe said:
I'm looking at creating a Resource Vent part for Realism Resource Dumps in Flight for SM now.

Smart Parts has a valve :)

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  acc said:
Great work, good overview :)

Maybe you could clearify remotetech compability at the antenna page.

Smart Parts has a valve :)

Awesome! Thanks for the feedback. I'll put some effort into that. I'll also check out the smart parts.


Changes made to Antenna page and added RemoteTech to home page of wiki

Antenna Tab wiki page: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest/wiki/1.6.3-Antennas-Tab

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