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[1.12.x] Ship Manifest (Crew, Science, & Resources) - v - 28 Apr 23


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1 minute ago, Deimos Rast said:

Then I have a new bug to report...Frozen Kerbals are appearing as normal (even under the Frozen tab)!:D

Unless you mean something different?


It's the AntiBug!

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1 minute ago, JPLRepo said:

hmmm... ok... Thanks. I'll re-test it. It didn't show them for me.

If it matters, the craft is a Mk1 Pod + Battery + Cryo300. Pod and Chamber are both Kerballed (that may matter). This is with the builds Papa_Joe linked above.


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6 minutes ago, Papa_Joe said:

It's the AntiBug!

Well that's got me flummoxed. I just tested it again, and yes it's working.. but that other screenshot proves I wasn't dreaming.
I guess we leave it working then. :sticktongue:

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Update: I think I found the source of my problem.


Situation: I launch a rocket consisting largely of boosters. The rocket tips to the side and breaks apart.


Main difference: I wasn't using the Unity-style GUI. The window disappeared, but only for a very short moment. This leads me to believe my problem was caused by a bug in Unity or the Unity GUI. However, this was only after one try so I'm going to need to look into this more.

Edited by roun1
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22 hours ago, roun1 said:

Update: I think I found the source of my problem.


Situation: I launch a rocket consisting largely of boosters. The rocket tips to the side and breaks apart.


Main difference: I wasn't using the Unity-style GUI. The window disappeared, but only for a very short moment. This leads me to believe my problem was caused by a bug in Unity or the Unity GUI. However, this was only after one try so I'm going to need to look into this more.

This actually could be a tell tale for a possible state issue in my display code.   I disable the windows under certain conditions.   I may have a state that causes the window to disappear after a vessel modification.  This does give me something to work with on hunting it down.



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Hi papa,

i found a serious bug in the latest version:
i was launching my rocket and transferring fuel (LFO) whil still burning. everything fine so far. (little thing would be, that the slider always moves since the amount changes.. it should stay at 100% if i set it there- just move if i set it to a lower amount and stay on that amount. => FIX at 100%, fix for amount (i.e.4000) when i set it to 4000 manually.

but back to topic:

I found that the plugin crashes when i decouple my(in my case) solid rock booster and they explode (crash into another).
It does not crash when they stay intact and just vanish after some time - just when it "booms"

Worst part: when u r transferring fuel WHILE this is happening, the gui disappears but the "transferring sound" continues infinite.

after some minutes (cant tell which event) the gui reappears but sound is still running - even if the tanks used to transfer arent present anymore. need to switch scene to get rid of it.

Can u try to fix that, please!?

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3 hours ago, Speadge said:

Hi papa,

i found a serious bug in the latest version:
i was launching my rocket and transferring fuel (LFO) whil still burning. everything fine so far. (little thing would be, that the slider always moves since the amount changes.. it should stay at 100% if i set it there- just move if i set it to a lower amount and stay on that amount. => FIX at 100%, fix for amount (i.e.4000) when i set it to 4000 manually.

but back to topic:

I found that the plugin crashes when i decouple my(in my case) solid rock booster and they explode (crash into another).
It does not crash when they stay intact and just vanish after some time - just when it "booms"

Worst part: when u r transferring fuel WHILE this is happening, the gui disappears but the "transferring sound" continues infinite.

after some minutes (cant tell which event) the gui reappears but sound is still running - even if the tanks used to transfer arent present anymore. need to switch scene to get rid of it.

Can u try to fix that, please!?

Thanks for the feedback.  This issue has been manifesting itself in various ways, and is a know bug.   I'm investigating the root cause and will report any progress towards a solution.  As close as I can tell, it relates my visibility settings when vessel changes occur and when debris is in close proximity.  I'm going through my conditional display code...


Just a question... are you using SM to perform fuel transfers in an effort to alter center of mass (fuel balancing) during ascent?

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5 hours ago, Speadge said:

yop, its for mass balancing..

i think i can reproduce it... if u have a fix.

Sounds like a plan.  I actually wrote SM without mass balancing in mind.  So the fact that parts are dropping off the vessel may cause "issues" with SM... I originally wrote resource transfers as a means for moving things prior to jettison or for serving in a fuel depot kind of arrangement.  mass balancing will involve different factors, so I will examine and address this in the next release.  This would be related to the issues that are appearing with the window disappearing as well.


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havent seen a reason why there is a difference for WHY i am transfering the ressources...
Anyhow, as i said - the issues are just appearing in the moment the dropped stage is exploding - not changed by the fact if i do a transfer meanwhile or not.

So my thought was just that the srb that was dropped may still be cached or registered and - while it can handle the decoupling - it just cant handle its disappearance...

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7 hours ago, Speadge said:

havent seen a reason why there is a difference for WHY i am transfering the ressources...
Anyhow, as i said - the issues are just appearing in the moment the dropped stage is exploding - not changed by the fact if i do a transfer meanwhile or not.

So my thought was just that the srb that was dropped may still be cached or registered and - while it can handle the decoupling - it just cant handle its disappearance...

It actually has to do with how I manage multiple vessels and vessel change events inside the code. When a part falls off your ship, in code it actually becomes a separate vessel.  If you look at your save file, you will see vessels for all your debris. 

I will have to "rethink" my methods to account for currently unhandled conditions.  SM is now being used in ways that I originally did not anticipate.  Time for the code to catch up to the users :)

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Ok, before anybody asks, I have not yet tested SM to see if it works in KSP 1.1.3. If someone would please give it a whirl and let me know?

I"m frantically working with the new version to make some needed changes in stock Transfer support.  The existing should still work, but the changes made to support modders in Stock Crew transfers are compelling and I want to take advantage of them.   

More to follow soon!

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I just tested it in my Windows Steam install, running 1.1.3

tested only from the runway,

resource transfers are all working, LOX, EC, Ore, Xenon, MonoProp. Dumping and enable/disable Flow work.

Science transfer (1 crew report) between crew cabins worked (needed to disable realism mode)

Crew transfer worked

Deploying&Retracting each of the antenna's worked

Deploying&Retracting of solar panels worked, the non-retractable panels do not retract.

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Tested on my main save game Win10, 1.1.3, 70 mods, 25 flights.

No problem found so far. (Crew transfer on a 5 seats mk1 rescue rocket between mk1 pod and mk1 cabin, Fuel monoprop dump before reentry, refuel vessel...)

Thanks for the mod.


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59 minutes ago, Vive_moi said:


Tested on my main save game Win10, 1.1.3, 70 mods, 25 flights.

No problem found so far. (Crew transfer on a 5 seats mk1 rescue rocket between mk1 pod and mk1 cabin, Fuel monoprop dump before reentry, refuel vessel...)

Thanks for the mod.


Thanks so much for the report!

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This mod is a big and constant part of my game. I don't know how I lived without it before. :)


One question, though... at least on my (admittedly, slow) system, crew transfer takes forever, and blocks other transfers, making moving large crews around REALLY tedious. I just timed it, and from clicking the "xfer" button, to being able to click the next one was 18 seconds, which doesn't sound like much, but after a while...

So basically, I was wondering if there could be a way to still have realism mode on but make crew transfers instant, or to allow multiple transfers to be going at a time.

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8 hours ago, Tokamak said:

This mod is a big and constant part of my game. I don't know how I lived without it before. :)


One question, though... at least on my (admittedly, slow) system, crew transfer takes forever, and blocks other transfers, making moving large crews around REALLY tedious. I just timed it, and from clicking the "xfer" button, to being able to click the next one was 18 seconds, which doesn't sound like much, but after a while...

So basically, I was wondering if there could be a way to still have realism mode on but make crew transfers instant, or to allow multiple transfers to be going at a time.

there is a way to shorten the transfer delay.  There is a hidden setting in the config file.  Look at the wiki in my signature for details


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2 minutes ago, Papa_Joe said:

there is a way to shorten the transfer delay.  There is a hidden setting in the config file.  Look at the wiki in my signature for details


Ah, I see it. I had looked at the config file, but somehow missed that option. Thanks!

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2 minutes ago, Tokamak said:

Ah, I see it. I had looked at the config file, but somehow missed that option. Thanks!

If you set to 0 it should be instant.

Working on a new release. I should be releasing it within a couple of days

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There is a need for a group EVA.  With the MK3 passenger module holding sixteen kerbals to EVA start to becomes tedious.  I built a train with ten MK3 passenger modules and became so desperate I started clicking the EVA button repeatedly.  Sometimes two or three kerbals would fly up and out the door and made me think of kernbal popcorn.

The issues for a group EVA can be tricky and I read that @Papa_Joe is working on the issue.

Some solutions to the group EVA issue:

  • have the crew auto EVA and populate the selected door once it is clear
  • populate all or selected doors with kerbals
  • popcorn kerbals out the door
  • have kerbals follow the leader (Let's go and Oh No!)


Edited by MoeslyArmlis
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1 hour ago, blu3wolf said:

Applying a potential difference across a conveniently located resistor grid.

From a realism point of view, that would be exactly right.  You can't just short the batteries to ground, you would burn them up and your vessel too.   Discharging across a resistor grid will generate heat, so you have to discharge at some rate to prevent overheating.  So, electric charge follows the same "rules" as other resources, and is dumped at a flow rate.

Turn off realism and Electric Charge is instantly dumped.

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