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What do you think is next (.24)

Tidus Klein

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  Vrana said:
What i would really love to see is some flight/craft history.

Kinda like this....

Say I launch an Atlas rocket. Game names it Atlas I.

Game records time of launch, crew, SOIs visited/experminets ran/landings, time of recovery if any, causlties if any.

Game stores this information in "space museum" and i can review it at any time by visiting the museum. Dont need to see the whole flight path (tough it would be nice) just some info so recovered flights dont disapper from history.

Add a small building for the museum. Just like it was done in BARIS.

Sorry, need to repost this...again, because it really is a great idea. I would love to flick through an album as well, seeing the trajectories we took from the map, screenshots etc. As this kind of thing is in the do not suggest list they either have no plans to make this ever or have had plans to make something like this from the start so please stop asking us to...WE KNOW.

I hope for the latter :)

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  Eji1700 said:
What i'd like in order of personal importance-

1. OBSERVATION. A huge part of space exploration comes from looking at and mapping things FIRST and then you start blowing stuff up to try and get there. Having a "fog of war" for the solar system that you can uncover with various methods would be great. I'd love the idea that you only start with knowledge of the sun, kerbal, and the mun, but can either send out exploratory probes, use telescopes, and maybe even other methods(from realistic stuff like enough science + knowledge of orbits ='s figuring out a possible location, to more kerbal things like chain launching suicide 900 suicide probes in every possible direction) to figure out where other planets are. Further upon discovering you don't have any idea what they look like in detail until you actually GO there(or high enough tech could be very powerful telescopes). There's so much you could do with this(especially if you could then randomize the solar system each game) that i'd love to see it implemented. Hell even MORE you could do with it + multiplayer Sadly i'm doubting it's even on the list let alone being worked on.

This. Very much this. Perhaps a two level fog of war. At the beginning of the game you're aware of the main planets (Eve, Duna, Jool), possibly the smaller ones and almost certainly not Eeloo and the smaller moons. But you only know them as a coloured blob, apart from the Mun which you have a reasonable map of from telescope observations.

Put a probe in orbit, launch a space telescope or whatever and you peel back the first fog of war layer and get a low res image of the planet. To see the full resolution version either needs an advanced satellite in a low orbit or actually going down there and driving around.

Going to the Map screen, zooming in on the Mun and seeing these little snail trails of high resolution image where your kerbals have landed and explored - that would be cool!

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  Vrana said:
What i would really love to see is some flight/craft history.

Kinda like this....

Say I launch an Atlas rocket. Game names it Atlas I.

Game records time of launch, crew, SOIs visited/experminets ran/landings, time of recovery if any, causlties if any.

Game stores this information in "space museum" and i can review it at any time by visiting the museum. Dont need to see the whole flight path (tough it would be nice) just some info so recovered flights dont disapper from history.

Add a small building for the museum. Just like it was done in BARIS.

Another vote for this. Not an essential feature by any means but a very nice piece of polish. I do this already to some extent using the notes for each vessel but that doesn't really work when you launch the same design more than once.

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  Vrana said:
What i would really love to see is some flight/craft history.

Kinda like this....

Say I launch an Atlas rocket. Game names it Atlas I.

Game records time of launch, crew, SOIs visited/experminets ran/landings, time of recovery if any, causlties if any.

Game stores this information in "space museum" and i can review it at any time by visiting the museum. Dont need to see the whole flight path (tough it would be nice) just some info so recovered flights dont disapper from history.

Add a small building for the museum. Just like it was done in BARIS.

Yeah i was thinking a spore type idea, where say you had the Atlas 1,the game would make a separate area for the atlas rocket, in the "Atlas" subdivision, then if you tweaked it in career mode with some new boosters and 4 solids round the side and called it atlas 2 it would be saved in the same atlas area, and the history would be like spores, as in, it would show the progression and evolution of the rocket into the current atlas you would be using, and all the science it collected in between ans stat about its most successful mission (how much science collected or how many bodies landed on or how little kerbals died or got stranded e.c.t.)

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  GarageBay9 said:
I'd like to see suborbital / atmospheric research included.

The X-1, X-15 and later transonic / supersonic / hypersonic and high-altitude research programs were crucial to NASA's progression from the pre-Mercury era to the success of the Apollo program.

Plus, it'd be a really cool way to do science. And watching Jeb grin like an idiot at the equivalent of Mach 3 is awesome.

This, but at the same time it would require a crucial revisal of the research tree, to allow access to aerodynamic stuff first.

I want the screenshots that you take to account for some of your research points. Kind of like the mechanic that was going to be included in the FPS XCOM before it got canned.

Any news on the planetary resource overlays? Will it be enhanced to identify regions (biomes) that could be explored?

Edited by Animal Mother
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My wish list would include:

-> More worlds. Not anything much - but I like the way WoT gets updated, with one map added per update. Even if it was supposed to be something minor - like adding a lone asteroid, some comet or stuff. I don't - and can't expect a Jool-style system being added anytime soon, but a small, relatively featurless body to reach would be a blast.

-> Parts like aerodynamic brakes, more types of ion engines and (most wanted) kind of stack bi- or tricoupler for the smallest modules. It is kinda frustrating to use the 1,25m-sized tricoupler to mount more than one ion engine on my stack :P

-> Revised solar panel mechanics. You know, the "square distance" thing ;)

EDIT: After ~10 unsuccessful probe landings... RADAR altimeter...

Edited by Astraph
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  • 2 weeks later...


How about:

1. COCKPIT for mk2 and mk3

2. A museum thingy

3. Cameras/telescopes that when an image is captured or a video, it gives science points. Like on Bioshock 2, you pulled out your camera and attacked something, you got science points. So maybe if you get the science level of telescopes, you launch one, as a probe, into orbit. Look around, and discover that Jool is mroe than a star. It's a GAS DWARF! (yeah, I know, but it has less gravity than Earth and is about the size of Earth.......) And then you get 150 science points after discovering that Jool is a planet. Than you get 50 to 75 for each moon of Jool. And if you figure out Jool's orbit (IE: prolonged observation of planet) than you get 100 science. It would be pretty cool. And up close images would bring in 150 as well, of Jool, I mean.

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I'm really looking forward to this new update. If squad can get reputation, economy etc. into the game along with even a few of the ideas here, it may be one of the best updates yet!

Personally, I am loving the idea of the museum building and I really think that squad should get on that. As for more planets and better aerodynamics, I can wait :)

As a side note:

I think that it must be really hard to find a balance between satisfying experienced players and keeping new ones hooked. The problem with resources, realistic aerodynamics and tonnes of planets is that it could easily scare away potential players. Don't get me wrong, lots of new players would like these things, but I think squad wants to make this game easy to pick up and play for everyone.

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I'm so sick and tired of people saying realistic aerodynamics scaring away potential players. There's like 0 chance of this, the same way there's 0 chance a more realistic aerodynamic model is going to be highly realistic. For anyone picking up the game for the first time, the aerodynamic system will just be there, like the current placeholder has just been there for the older players. The only thing it'll do is tick off the vocal minority player group that want the old model because they find it to be easier/better for whatever reason.

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  SpaceSphereOfDeath said:
I want MOAR PLANETS (like every update)

What I want that might have a chance to get in the update, contracts and/or Money

A working economy would be extremely nice for those of us who enjoy career mode. Me personally, I second the notion of more celestial bodies, though not limited to solely planets. What I think would make a great addition to the game, in addition to the economy, is a asteroid belt located between Duna and Dres, with Dres being on the outer edge. I would also love to see a second gas giant system located out further beyond Jool. And maybe, for the sake of eye candy, have the gas giant be a mimic of Saturn with actual planetary rings. This would give the end gamers additional challenges and content to play through.

Unfortunately though, I don't expect this to happen for a while. The software developer in me says that while I want more planets, Squad needs to add the biome system to other planets such as Laythe before adding additional content, such as the economy system.

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regarding the OP: I'd like to see more biomes. I remember when I landed with a science probe on duna. I thought... well, let's go for those nice white polar caps. and then, when I basically crash-landed the probe (it ripped apart when the parachutes fully deployed), I just got the information "duna surface".

currently I play 0.23 with a few mods, the one with the largest impact is the alternis mod. honestly, minmus is quite hard to reach, because it is so close to jool, so better ways to mod that stuff (modding biomes, modding planets and modding the techtree) would be nice aswell.

on the other hand, I was really surprised how convenient the tweakable parts inside the VAB are. basically it's one of the features I use most. so I'm confident that they know what they are doing...

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I would be surprised if Duna biomes weren't in 0.24. Seems to me like they're doing one body per update.

I do get the feeling that Squad want a finished product out ASAP now. I'm only expecting 2 or 3 more updates before they call Beta on KSP.

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Actually it just dawned on me we could use some kind of automatic surface sample gatherer. I'd love to perform a couple of unmanned surface sample return missions on Duna and Moho, but just sending a lander and launching it back is kinda... Meh. I've tried this with Kethane mod and Minimus - but mining equipment is quite heavy and (IMHO) requires a totally different lander setup...

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  Vrana said:
What i would really love to see is some flight/craft history.

Kinda like this....

Say I launch an Atlas rocket. Game names it Atlas I.

Game records time of launch, crew, SOIs visited/experminets ran/landings, time of recovery if any, causlties if any.

Game stores this information in "space museum" and i can review it at any time by visiting the museum. Dont need to see the whole flight path (tough it would be nice) just some info so recovered flights dont disapper from history.

Add a small building for the museum. Just like it was done in BARIS.

So much this. I love this idea a ton.

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