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The Venturer Program: Resurgence


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Firespitter station: “Director Miting, General Haddred, welcome to the station.â€Â

Miting: “Thank you, Lieutenant, it’s good to be here. I must say, I’m impressed with the place.â€Â

Haddred: “It certainly is something to behold.â€Â

Miting: “And three other ships docked, too.â€Â

Dean: “Actually, sirs, I’ll be heading off on patrol now that you’re here. We don’t want anybody taking advantage of this. Notify me if something slips by, Lieutenant.â€Â

Firespitter station: “Will do, pilot. Good luck out there.â€Â




Dean: “Oh man, the others are not gonna believe this…â€Â

Several orbits later…


Buzz: “Dean?â€Â

Dean: “That’s me.â€Â

Buzz: “You’ve been gone a little while longer than I thought you would be.â€Â

Dean: “It would have looked weird if I’d just docked at their station and then headed out again after 10 minutes, but that doesn’t matter, I’ve got something we can’t pass up.â€Â

Buzz: “Kenhat, patch us through to control. This sounds interesting.â€Â

Kenhat: “On it… there. Control, can you hear us?â€Â

KSC: “We read you guys loud and clear. What’s happening?â€Â


Dean: “Alright, control, you might want to scramble a frigate ASAP; the head honcho of Firespitter is visiting their station along with one of their top generals right now. They’ll be there for a week. I say we capture them both and take that station out in the process.â€Â

KSC: “Holy hell.â€Â

Buzz: “Miting himself is on that station?? Who’s the general?â€Â

Dean: “Some guy called Haddred.â€Â

Buzz: “Haddred… I know who he is. He was the one responsible for shutting down that uprising a few years ago on the surface.â€Â

Kenhat: “The Valiance Uprising?â€Â

Buzz: “Yeah, that one. Haddred got put in charge and he ended the whole thing almost by himself. His tactical prowess is good. Now is a really good time to get him, seeing as he’s somewhat vulnerable.â€Â

Dean: “I wouldn’t say vulnerable; they’ve got another Elite at the station as well as a fighter-bomber.â€Â

Kenhat: “A fighter-bomber?!â€Â

KSC: “That thing will blitz the frigate you’ve just told us to scramble!â€Â

Dean: “Get an Atlantis class. They have their own torpedoes, do they not?â€Â

KSC: “Hmm… alright, I guess an Atlantis can fly. We’ll mount some target jammers and we should be fine.â€Â

Dean: “Good to hear.â€Â

A few hours later…


Macrey: “This is Valkyrie, I’ve made orbit. I’m moving on to disable the station now.â€Â

KSC: “Copy that, but be careful. Fighter support is available if you require it.â€Â

Macrey: “I’ll cope.â€Â

A few more hours later…


Macrey: “Alright, let’s get this show on the road.â€Â

Firespitter station: “Oh hell, recall that other fighter! Scimitar One, get to it!â€Â

Scimitar pilot: “I’m on it!â€Â

Macrey: “Ooh, scary.â€Â



The torpedo impacts the station, destroying one of the fuel tanks and solar arrays while also conveniently (or inconveniently) knocking the Scimitar from its docking port.

Macrey: “Oh, I just helped them as well as hurt them. Crap.â€Â

Scimitar pilot: “I don’t… never mind, that was a pretty damn good shot. A shame you aren’t gonna be around much longer to know about it!â€Â

Macrey: “I doubt that.â€Â






Macrey: “Oh bother.â€Â


Scimitar pilot: “Torpedoes are away!â€Â


Macrey: “OOF!â€Â



Macrey: “Oh no… guys, I’m dead in the water!â€Â

Buzz: “We’re scrambling. Can you hold on??â€Â

Macrey: “I’m powering my lasers up now.â€Â

Scimitar pilot: “You won’t get far enough to use them.â€Â

Macrey: “What the? OH FRAK!â€Â




Buzz: “Damn it!â€Â


Scimitar pilot: “Your foolish friend here died in vain, Buzz Kerman, just as you will when you confront us.â€Â

Buzz: “In your dreams, man. In your dreams.â€Â

Scimitar pilot: “Hahaha…â€Â

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The next chapter will be picture heavy, by the way, but it should be pretty cool :cool:

Also, I've been noticing a lot of the pictures in this story have been rather... dark. I've somehow managed to do almost everything just as the sun was setting over Kerbin or was completely blocked out by the planet. It can be frustrating to try and pick out details in such pictures, so I'm sorry if anyone's had any trouble with that :rolleyes:

On another note, I have one more story idea lined up for some time in the future, and it's a big one; a lot of effort has gone into it already and I haven't even started the mission proper yet. You can probably guess what it is, but I'm not saying anything more until I'm ready to present it :wink:

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It is indeed. But your new Atlantis pilot aren't exactly up to the level of your antiKraken forces, or he would've wasted that fighter-bomber. However, DRAMATIC TENSION PLOT DEVICES may be in use by Firespitter, so...

Regardless. Cool chapter, and sexy spaceships!

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There's a reason the Atlantis class has been around since 0.17 :)

Unfortunately, Macrey didn't call in the available fighter support, instead saying that he would cope. When you have torpedo bombers around capital ships, it pays to have fighter support!

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  RogueMason said:
There's a reason the Atlantis class has been around since 0.17 :)

Unfortunately, Macrey didn't call in the available fighter support, instead saying that he would cope. When you have torpedo bombers around capital ships, it pays to have fighter support!

Indeed. Time to blitz the hell out of that station, methinks. Do you have any laser frigates?

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Scimitar pilot: “Your foolish friend here died in vain, Buzz Kerman, just as you will when you confront us.â€Â

Buzz: “In your dreams, man. In your dreams.â€Â

Scimitar pilot: “Hahaha…â€Â

Buzz: “Ugh... right listen up guys. Dean, you’re with me; we’re tackling that station.â€Â

Dean: “On it, Buzz.â€Â

Buzz: “Kenhat, you go after that fighter-bomber, if it hasn’t made its way home.â€Â

Kenhat: “Roger that.â€Â

Buzz: “Alright guys, let’s move out!â€Â

Dean: “Yeah!â€Â

Kenhat: “Awww yeah!â€Â



One hour later…


Hawk computer: [ENEMY DETECTED]

Kenhat: “Aha, there you are…â€Â

Scimitar pilot: “You won’t get away from me!â€Â

Kenhat: “I was hunting you down; why would I fly off now? Fool.â€Â

Scimitar pilot: “Semantics. It won’t matter in a few moments.â€Â

Kenhat: “I’m afraid not.â€Â




Scimitar pilot: “No…â€Â

Kenhat: “Yep. Laser cannons, motherfrakker!â€Â



Kenhat: “Scratch one bad guy! Buzz, the Scimitar is down. How is it over with you guys?â€Â

On the other side of Kerbin…


Buzz: “We’re about to make our run, Kenhat. I suggest you return to base, you’ll never make it here in time.â€Â

Kenhat: “Copy that.â€Â

Buzz: “Dean, keep an eye on that other Elite.â€Â

Dean: “Aye, Buzz.â€Â



Firespitter station: “What the hell? You traitorous b******, over there!â€Â

Dean: “I was never with you, you fools.â€Â

Firespitter station: “Director, General, get out of here, go!â€Â



Pilot: “We’re undocked, moving away now.â€Â

Buzz: “Dean, disable that ship!â€Â

Dean: “With pleasure.â€Â




Miting: “OOF!â€Â

Haddred: “Mother of Kerbin! Pilot, report!â€Â

Pilot: “I’m trying… DAMN IT, that guy took out our propulsion! We’re dead in the water!â€Â


Haddred: “No!â€Â

Dean: “Hell yeah, they’re not going anywhere!â€Â

Buzz: “Good job, Dean!â€Â


Elite pilot: “You won’t get away with this insolence!â€Â

Dean: “On the contrary, my good man, I think we will.â€Â

Elite pilot: “Fool!â€Â


Dean: “OW! I’m hit!â€Â

Buzz: “Take him out, then! Just watch it, I’m tagging the station!â€Â




Dean: “I lost some armour. Time to return the favour.â€Â



Elite pilot: “WHOA, FRAK!â€Â



Buzz: “Nice shooting, Dean! Leave his escape pod, and I’ll deal with what’s left of his ship.â€Â



Elite pilot: “Director Miting, General Haddred… I don’t suppose you have room for one more on board, do you?â€Â

Miting: “Yeah, yeah, bring yourself in… damn it.â€Â

Haddred: “How did this happen? How could we let someone infiltrate us?â€Â

Miting: “I don’t know, but it would have been impossible to know until something like this did happen. I’ll tell you what, though, I’m having no more of this idiotic nonsense; we’re cutting ties with Krumer.â€Â

Haddred: “Is.. is that really a good idea, sir? He has provided us with a lot of funding.â€Â

Miting: “It's the best idea I've had for a while. We damn near lost our lives today because of his shenanigans and attitude. He’s gonna pay.â€Â



Elite pilot: “Don’t shoot, please.â€Â

Buzz: “As if I was going to do that.â€Â


Buzz: “Control, get a recovery ship up here; we’ve captured Miting and Haddred, along with a few other members of Firespitter.â€Â

KSC: “You have? Nice work, guys, we’ll get that ship prepared immediately. Just guard the Firespitter guys until we’re up there.â€Â

Buzz: “Roger that, control. Buzz out. Dean, get over here, would you?â€Â

Dean: “On it, Buzz.â€Â






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One day later…



Buzz: “So, what are your plans now, Dean?â€Â

Dean: “I don’t know. I was looking at some of these further exploration and expansion missions that are being planned. Duna looks good, I must say.â€Â

Buzz: “Yeah, it does. I may go for that myself, but I’m not sure; I like the idea of going back to testing new ships.â€Â

Dean: “Test pilot? Well, you did start off there.â€Â

Buzz: “It’s such a good job. You never know when something’s going to blink out on you or fall to pieces, but when you get a ship that just starts working after all the tweaks and adjustments… that’s a good feeling.â€Â


Dean: “Hmm, I’ll bet. Anyway, I’d best be off; control wants me to dump this crate in the middle of the ocean, which is a shame really; I’m starting to like the little ship.â€Â

Buzz: “Firespitter definitely knew what they were doing when they built those things, I’ll give them that. It still can’t beat the quality of one of these MSI ships, though.â€Â

Dean: “I doubt Firespitter ever will top MSI. Right, I’ll see you around Buzz, and good luck.â€Â

Buzz: “You too, Dean.â€Â


Dean: “Oh, to hell with it, I’m keeping this ship. Control can complain all they want, but I like it too much.â€Â

Buzz: “Hahaha, good call. They can’t exactly do much, but they’ll probably want the weapons gone.â€Â

Dean: “I’ll get rid of those myself.â€Â

Buzz: “Nice to know; I wouldn’t want to hear about you tearing up the new spacedock.â€Â

Dean: “That would be embarrassing. Anyway, later Buzz.â€Â

Buzz: “See you around.â€Â



The situation surrounding KSC and Firespitter has finally been resolved. With Krumer left behind, the former-president and criminal is locked behind bars while Firespitter attempts to heal its shattered reputation. KSC and MSI have big plans for the future, and one is shaping up that looks to involve all of the Kerbol System in one immense mission of exploration.


Duna, several months earlier…






"Oh no."


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  • 1 month later...
  wasmic said:
You kinda like your building skillz, don't you?

Well, what can I say? I'm brilliant, obviously :sticktongue:

No boast intended. If you feel that this has been an act of boasting, please contact our complaints department who will quickly brush you aside for more important matters such as spacecraft exploding due to a lack of building skillz. If you have a complaint about the complaints department, well, we all do; not much we can do about it. Life and its lemons, I'm afraid.

Also, thanks for reading :)

Seriously, no boast intended.

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  RogueMason said:
Well, what can I say? I'm brilliant, obviously :sticktongue:

No boast intended. If you feel that this has been an act of boasting, please contact our complaints department who will quickly brush you aside for more important matters such as spacecraft exploding due to a lack of building skillz. If you have a complaint about the complaints department, well, we all do; not much we can do about it. Life and its lemons, I'm afraid.

Also, thanks for reading :)

Seriously, no boast intended.

Heh, well, you do build some quite pretty spacecrafts. I think some of my vehicles might be subconsciously inspired by your stuff.

EDIT: Oh, and have you seen this?

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  wasmic said:
Heh, well, you do build some quite pretty spacecrafts. I think some of my vehicles might be subconsciously inspired by your stuff.

EDIT: Oh, and have you seen this?

The infamous Kraken Drive? I have indeed seen it and it's abilities, but I have not yet meddled with my own. I'll try to build one as proof of concept at some point, maybe later today. It might be handy for something I'm thinking of doing at a later date, but right now, my focus in KSP is the grand tour mission I'm so close to launching in full. I just need to test my Eve Lander and I'll be on my way.

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  Space_Kraken said:
Ooo, I knew Franklin wasn't gone yet! I've been silently reading your stories for a while, and finally got to present day.:P

I didn't think the Space Kraken liked literature. Glad you enjoyed it :)

My next story is... taking baby steps. I've still got to start the mission, but I can probably do that very soon. However, with the ARM update imminent, things could get even more held up. I have a pretty big break coming up, though, so maybe then I'll get some headway.

I'll post when ready, as per usual. It will happen, folks.

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  The Error said:
Your systematic assassins are back, I was just chased over half a city by the Illuminati. Page 1 and 2 of this thread, if you remember.

Also, I think you're on the hit list :0.0:

What?? Do they know where I am?? :0.0:

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  Space_Kraken said:
I'll call my assassins of if your next story is absolutely amazing, oh and I recommend switching from universe replacer to texture replacer, and I can ask Green Skull to make some custom suits for you.

Wha... you... you monster! Well, I guess there's nothing for it but another interplanetary war against the Kraken!

Anyway, I've never had a problem with Universe Replacer, so I personally don't have much reason to switch to Texture Replacer just now. Maybe in the future, I'll see a need for it. As for the custom spacesuits, I appreciate the offer, but if I want my own, I'll look up how to do it :)

"Hey, uh, maybe just make a good story instead of going to war with the Kraken again..."

"What? Oh, right, yeah... I'll just do that instead..."

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