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My Rant: The Cultural Holocaust


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We need a Martin Luther King Jr. impersonator to read this... =P

'I have a dream, that one day, cats can live peacefully without worry over the internet, that rage faces can continue to represent humanity without fatigue, and that youtube will remain standing strong with the opposition of nothing'

by-- 'I just made that shit up'

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The healthy human mind doesn\'t wake up in the morning thinking this is it\'s last day on the internet. But I think that\'s a luxury, not a curse. To know you\'re close to the end is a kind of freedom. Good time to take... inventory. Outgunned. Outnumbered. Out of our minds on a suicide mission, but the websites and people here stained with years of posts and internet activity... they will remember us for this. Because out of all our vast array of nightmares, this is the one we choose for ourselves. We go forward like a breath exhaled from Jeb. With vigor in our rockets and one goal in sight: We will kill SOPA

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The healthy human mind doesn\'t wake up in the morning thinking this is it\'s last day on the internet. But I think that\'s a luxury, not a curse. To know you\'re close to the end is a kind of freedom. Good time to take... inventory. Outgunned. Outnumbered. Out of our minds on a suicide mission, but the websites and people here stained with years of posts and internet activity... they will remember us for this. Because out of all our vast array of nightmares, this is the one we choose for ourselves. We go forward like a breath exhaled from Jeb. With vigor in our rockets and one goal in sight: We will kill SOPA



You know you just used Cpt. Price\'s voice to read it.

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I was gonna post an apropriate picture... But then I took an arrow- Wait no... Then I realised the site could be taken down for copyright infringment if the picture was copyrighted or claimed to be copyrighted.

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World War 3 - starts with cyber warfare.

The group 'Anonymous' has taken down many government websites in retaliation in an operation named 'Payback', targeting major anti-piracy organisations.



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  • 3 years later...
[quote name='HarvesteR']We are the absolute, undeniable masters of our culture. We are the internet. We will prevail.[/QUOTE]

I'd like to pontificate, if I may be granted the courtesy, and add to what you have said. I'm nothing special, I am 45 years old, U.S. Army veteran of eight years, and medically discharged for wounds acquired while in the line of duty (I will just leave it at that). I have a Ph.D. in American History and have taught at the college/university level for 13 years and have seen a lot of social changes on the college campus. One of the things I study is social trends and what I've seen totally scares me and at the same time, I have seen some things that gives me hope about Western civilization.

First, there is nothing wrong with having national pride. I love cruising the forum and look at the various flags on the vessels of those who share the images. Some, like mine, are of a fictitious nation we've created. Others will use their nation's banner with great pride. I've seen flags and variations of flags from the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Russia (and the old Soviet Union), China, etc. I have also witnessed those who criticize those who have exceeded the "politically correct" limits the ehem, "intellectual" has deemed as being the upper limit of healthy patriotism. Let me interject some common sense - no one cheers for their team to be number 2, 3, 4, or last place. Everyone desires, hopes, and believes their nation is NUMBER 1! And there is nothing wrong with that at all. So... keep those flags flying high! Sing your national anthem as you launch your craft!

Secondly, on topics it has become nearly impossible to have an opinion other than the widely accepted view. With the exception of the science threads (for the most part), we do not have this problem here - and often joke about it. Every day I deal with students and other faculty members that become threatened when anyone presents a differing view on anything ranging from traditional gender roles, religion, global climate change, evolution, to space exploration, and everything in between. I have heard of faculty dismissing students from classes for not agreeing with various theories (and remember a theory is something that is believed to be true but cannot be proven) or social viewpoints. Within the United States, and in my personal opinion, higher education is more like indoctrination than really teaching and allowing the students to learn, to have freedom of thought, and to be able to express themselves without fear of reprisal, of censorship, or of belittlement. Right now, political correctness has again begun to demand we change our language, we change our understanding of certain concepts, and in some cases, suspend our deepest held convictions so that our worldview is more acceptable to the masses; the rights and personal liberties of the individual be darned, it has now become about the social rights of the masses. This always leads to mental stagnation, cultural deterioration, and academics driven by social whim.

In the classes I teach, I personally do not care what the student believes, as it is not my responsibility to be the "thought police" but it is my responsibility to challenge them - show me the facts that support your world view - and don't give me an emotional or "justice" argument. Those arguments not only show weakness but indicate an irrational thought process. Life was never meant to be fair, if it were, certain things would never have existed (I will be happy to expound on this in a private message). The best we can do, as a species, is to accommodate one another with all the similarities and differences as they are.

For the most part, it is what I have seen here - people accommodating one another. For me, this forum has become an Internet home. I am here more than I am on Facebook for this simple reason. I've seen users helping one another, encouraging one another, and in some cases, literally supporting one another in very real ways. There have been fundraisers for those who have seen personal loss. For the most part (with the exception of the various science based threads and a few bad forum users) there has always been an effort to make the forum an enjoyable experience and to accept, without prejudice, most all viewpoints, even on social issues. This is where the hope lies for me - that there are enough of us who are more than willing, in spite of our differences, our nationalities, our religious viewpoints, etc, to accommodate one another to the extent that lifelong friendships are developing.

If any of you are ever in the Evansville, Indiana area, drop me a line, and I would be more than happy to meet you for a cup of coffee and conversation...
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way to break your own forum rules by bringing up politics harv, but i always did have a soft spot for rebels. :D

anyway now that the flood gates are open: one thing i dont like about the whole situation is that in order to protect freedom of information you need to support the party who wants to poison us with co2 emissions and take away the civil rights of certain groups of people. two party system sucks.
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[quote name='cantab']This is a [I]very[/I] old thread. It's possible the rules have changed since it was made. In any case I can't see how Harvester's post can be discussed now without breaking the current forum rules.[/QUOTE]
Well said. This thread is from a different time with different rules. Locked.
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