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Moon structures


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I really do not understand that some people want to believe that there are 'alien' structures on the Moon.

It would be different if the Soviets had ever got their LK projects to land on moon but after 4x N-1 failed attempts, there is no evidence of any "conspiracy".

It is actually psychosocially unpleasant to watch any of the youtube vids, as the level of stoopidity is atrocious.

Edited by Lohan2008
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The N-1(rocket) failed 4 launches, the LK (lander) was launched on a Soyuz and tested in LEO 3 times. There was even a time when one of the LK's was about to re-enter over Australia and they were worried because it had nuclear materials on it, but the Soviet Union assured them it was an "experimental lunar cabin". I'm not an expert on this so i may very well be wrong though.

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{Wikipedia} ahhh, there is a Soyuz rocket (platform) as well as the Soyuz spacecraft program.

You are old, when you can remember the Skylab crashing (1979) ...

Back to my question, why would people believe that there are structures on the moon ??

Edited by Lohan2008
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I am not asking about pics on the web, which is a (2.2. f) banned topic. So please don't put up speculation/images.

My question is: what opinion do ksp members have as to why people would want to believe in lunar structures ?

Edited by Lohan2008
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people were just raised on star wars and star trek and want to believe that those fantasies are possible in real life. you give them a fuzzy image of a strange shaped rock and it validates the ideas they already had about extra terrestrials. problem with the alien dude constantly saying some ancient engineering feat of humans was actually done by aliens, kinda belittles us as a species. or saying that some awesome looking natural structure was made by aliens, belittles nature. i dont think its good for anyone, and i for one want the aliens off of my history channel. i was happier when all they used to show was documentaries about hitler or some brittish guy talking about russian cold war era planes.

not to say aliens dont exist. but if they do they are either like us, primitive and still trapped on their planet, or are so advanced we wouldn't recognize their technology as technology at all. if they do come here they are either going to directly start shooting at us, or are going to stay hidden and observe (for scientific or strategic purposes), or are just going to flat out ignore us (we might see a fast object streak through our solar system, or stop at the outer fringes to refuel, blink and you will miss it).

Edited by Nuke
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  astropapi1 said:
Guys, we're not supposed to talk about conspiracies.

That's exactly what someone involved in the conspiracy would say! You must be in on it!

  Lohan2008 said:
why people would want to believe in lunar structures ?

A. Some people just really hate saying "I don't know", so they make up an answer.

B. Some people suck at evaluating evidence.

C. Some people like to feel special. As part of the group that "knows the truth about x", they get to feel like they're involved in something.

D. Some people like to feel superior to the unbelieving sheeple that just can't understand what's so obvious.

E. Some people are dumb.

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