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stop being an entitled prat


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Squad is making a fun game, working steadily to mold it into their vision. At the end, it will look like they want it to and maybe that is not how you imagine it should be. deal with it :cool: Merry Christmas to all. Or whatever else you celebrate. or Happy Wednesday.

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RIGHT ON! !!!.I have seen many a players on this forum complain about their "rights" and how squad is not delivering what they "the community" wants. Ignoring the fact that squad has any and all rights to do what ever they want with this game as per the TOS as displayed on their website. it also amazes me at how little people understand about the development cycle with regards to content delivered over time. I saw a good graph about ita little while back, basically it described an exponential curve that said that over time the amount of "content" delivered decreases per the amount of time spent on it. Example when the game such as ksp is first released the first updates seems like a huge amount of core gameplay content delivered. If you look at the version history you can see this. however what they don't realize is that this is what happens with all video games during development. It is simply impossible to continue adding large amounts of core gameplay elements without Ignoring the features already in the game and making them unpolished.

And in response to the comment with regards to deadlines and being finished when it's done. GTAVs multiplayer is a perfect example of where sticking to a deadline is detrimental to the game. Also have you ever driven on a half finished bridge? I would hope everyone remains civil in this discussion and not contribute to the negative stereotype of online communities and forums.


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...Wow. Flamebait much?

In before the lock. Let me just rebutt with there being a difference between 'entitled prat' and 'wondering what the dickens is going on in their heads.'

And its the feeling of entitlement that makes someone think they have any right to 'know what is going on in their heads'

Its crossing the line from giving feedback and making requests to making personal statements about the devs themselves or how they are doing their jobs.

They do not work for us, we are not stockholders. It is not our job to give performance reviews or critique their work habits. (unless prompted for them)

I haven't seen any "How is my devving?" bumperstickers or any of those little feedback cards, so you should stick to game feedback and not try to 'fix' or 'change' the devs, how they think, or what they do.

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Jolly good point old chap. I love this game, and can't wait to see where Squad takes it. Never mind the complainers, as far as I am concerned if they want a feature so bad they can either a) write a mod or B) write their own game, and then put up with complainers :). Happy Sir Isaac Newton Day for yesterday!



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Jolly good point old chap. I love this game, and can't wait to see where Squad takes it. Never mind the complainers, as far as I am concerned if they want a feature so bad they can either a) write a mod or B) write their own game, and then put up with complainers :). Happy Sir Isaac Newton Day for yesterday!



I can understand how you can say "Ignore the complainers", but I think in the way you are using it you are also dismissing people's opinions on whether something was a good or bad idea, and to roll with the developers opinions unhindered. This is toxic to everyone involved as it shuts one group out, and shelters the ones that are making the mistake.

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I think a lot of the angst in the community stems from the fact Squad has not communicated a clear vision of what the final product will be. I'm not sure they know themselves at this point. This leads to people saying "it's gotta have feature x, otherwise it's rubbish".

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I don't think this game will ever be ready.

Squads vision is simple.

Keep the game alpha forever to counter any critic and keep pumping up money to make a living.

Current playerbase is saturated and no more sales happen.

Multiplayer is simple to expand playerbase and in some time we will see also combat mode.

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I can understand how you can say "Ignore the complainers", but I think in the way you are using it you are also dismissing people's opinions on whether something was a good or bad idea, and to roll with the developers opinions unhindered. This is toxic to everyone involved as it shuts one group out, and shelters the ones that are making the mistake.

With all due respect, I said "never mind the complainers" rather than "ignore the complainers". My point was that complainers will always complain. I am attempting to use that phrase in the sense that if Squad doesn't perform as expected, users will leave the game for something else, others will stick through it.

I don't believe that I am sheltering the ones that are "making the mistake", I believe Squad are on the right track, if not I wouldn't play this game. IMHO no mistake has been made.

I realise this game is in an alpha state and subject to change. I believe that Squad will produce a finished product I will find fun to play. If not, I will play something else.

My two cents.



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It's funny how drama filled things seem after a trip to the forums of late. When I ignore the place for awhile and just enjoy the game it seems fantastic and moving forward at a steady pace. I come here and the sky is always falling.

I think some people shouldn't get into early access games. Some seem to think the discounted rate they've paid thus far entitles them to design the game instead of simply test and enjoy it.

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Just the fact that people do not always share Squad's vision does not make them entitled, and dismissing them like that is not something I support. Entitlement refers to the notion that you have a right to something when you don't, which isn't necessarily the case here. This thread is therefore unnecessarily generalising.

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