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What mods would be good for spicing up a carreer game at present?

Ryu Gemini

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Since career mode is still being tweaked, but I still want to have fun with it anyway, I thought I'd try going full throttle into a whole bunch of mods for it. After all, it would let me learn about the mods I haven't experienced gradually via science unlocks and experimentation, while providing some interesting new fun in general.

Just one problem. I haven't actually messed with too many mods outside of a couple basic ones like Mechjeb. So I humbly request the expertise of this board to come up with a good list of them for me to go for.

Requirements are basically:

-Properly compatible with career mode, which is to say that they can be unlocked in the tech tree and are done so in a suitable manner (so not everything unlocked in the first node).

-Compatible with each other too. So that it works with other mods on the list.

-Nothing TOO broken. Unless unlocking it is equally anti-broken. So I wouldn't mind getting parts that eventually let me get around anywhere with relative ease if said parts basically require me to have gone everywhere already and sucked up all the science to unlock. But basically, relatively balanced mods.

I've heard good things about Kethane and that B9 pack (and saw comments indicating they are set up to work with career mode properly), so those two probably are a good start to the list. Also, would FAR be a good idea to test out along with whatever list I end up with, or would it potentially upset some of the balance a bit?

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FAR doesn't really alter the pieces with which you play or the progression of the tech tree. It is more akin to changing the board you play on. While it does make some things easier (it takes less delta-V to get to orbit), it forces you to consider build aspects and flight paths. It tandems well with Deadly Re-entry; FAR makes you think on the way up; DRE makes you think on the way down.

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KSP Interstellar is great for lengthening any career game. If you don't know, KSPI adds a bunch of speculative technologies to the game, starting out with nuclear reactors and science labs (they produce a steady amount of science per day), and leading up to the incredibly efficient DT Vista Fusion engine, thermal and plasma rockets, antimatter collectors and reactors, and finally, the Alcubierre Warp Drive. Sure, these techs may sound a bit OP, but keep in mind it takes thousands of science points to unlock these nodes on the tree. It can be found here.

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I probably don't want to deal with kerbals being able to die without me doing anything. They have things hard enough as it is when I AM doing things. I may try deadly re-entry at some point, but will probably start with FAR alone.

Interstellar seems like it might be a fun end-game sort of thing in career mode.

What are some good parts mods for career mode, aside from Interstellar?

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  Ryu Gemini said:
I probably don't want to deal with kerbals being able to die without me doing anything. They have things hard enough as it is when I AM doing things. I may try deadly re-entry at some point, but will probably start with FAR alone.

Interstellar seems like it might be a fun end-game sort of thing in career mode.

What are some good parts mods for career mode, aside from Interstellar?

TBH, almost all of the major part packs support career progression. KW, Novapunch, and others. KW Rocketry and NovaPunch will give you a lot of options...

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Kerbal Interstellar is a great mod for career mode. It adds futuristic components that really lenghten and lets you ease into using the futuristic parts.

I'd also recommend RemoteTech 2 for more difficulty. You'll need to set up communication networks for unmanned flight and science transmissions.

Some other mods that you might want to check out:

-Station Science: Make space stations and do SCIENCE! Lots of it.

-L-Tech: Want even more ways to do science? Check this out for new experiments.

-Tarsier Space Tech: Adds a powerful telescope and science containers.

As for parts, I like to stick to stock-alike mods like the remainder of KSPX, as well as RLA stockalike.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SimplePartOrganizer: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62466-0-23-SimplePartOrganizer-v1-0

KerbPaint: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50008-0-23-KerbPaint-Paint-layering-for-parts-(September-23rd)-(Same-Old-Still-Works!)

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55657-0-23-Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement-v1-6-Properly-Rigid-Part-Connections-12-29

Editor Extensions: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38768-0-23-Editor-Extensions-v0-6-5-Aug-(EdTools-Editor-Tools-replacement)

Achievements: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52535-0-23-0-Achievements-1-5-4-Earn-132-achievements-while-playing

Orbital Construction Re-Redux: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56140-0-22-Orbital-Construction-Re-Redux

Modular Fuel Tanks: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64117-0-23-Modular-Fuel-Tanks

Real Fuels: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64118-0-23-Real-Fuels-v4-12-30-13

Infernal Robotics: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-23-Techtree-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Parts-Infernal-Robotics-0-11-(12-26-2013)

Kerbal Attachment System: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53134-Kerbal-Attachment-System-(KAS)-0-4-5-Struts-pipes-part-containers-and-more-(0-23)

KW Rocketry: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51037-0-22-KW-Rocketry-v2-5-5-Avaliable-New-Sounds-New-Parts-11-11-2013

NovaPunch: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/3870-0-22-NovaPunch-2-03-Oct-16th-2013-Career-Mode-Integration-Inline-NERVAS!

Procedural Fairings: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39512-0-23-Procedural-Fairings-2-4-3-tech-tree-and-minor-improvements-(Dec-18)

Spherical & Tordial Tank Pack: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/30673-0-23-Spherical-and-Toridal-Tank-Pack-(Updated-12-30-13)

Among others.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  Ryu Gemini said:
Put it off a while as B9 parts hasn't updated to 0.23 yet.

Does it usually take this long?


Mod updates are COMPLETELY at the mercy of the Modder. When a modder goes MIA for awhile, another Modder MAY pick it up, but with Parts, the models and such are proprietary (generally), so you are really at the mercy of the Original Modder.

However, B9 works fine with .23. a few of my ship designs have depended on it since .19...

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If you're looking to add challenge, Deadly Reentry et al as previously mentioned will do that. If you don't want to kill Kerbals then don't go with a life support mod, but try remotetech since you will only be losing probes. RT will give you a reason to establish a satellite network, which can be a challenge In itself. And because of the progression of communications gear being integrated into the tech tree, it does give you more to think about when spending those science points. It will however limit your expansion - you can't go to Duna with probes for instance until you have comm dishes that will reach that far. You can still send K erbals but you won't be able to transmit the science home.

I'll throw out another possibility for a different type of challenge. In vanilla KSP, there is no downside to failure other than your time spent or losing a favourite Kerbonaut. But take a look at the Kerbal Economy mod. It provides a mecanism where you have to pay for your rockets. This means there is a cost associated with vastly over engineered rockets - you need to be economical and efficient with your designs, and a crashed rocket is actually a set back. It does this by deducting 1 science point from your total for every X dollars (Kerbucks?) you spend on a vessel. "X" being a variable you can set, default is $1000. It maintains a running total in a ledger, and when you recover vessels or parts, it refunds you the value of recovered components. So it also gives you an in-game incentive for considering reuseable vessels. SSTOs are harder to design than classic rockets, but they are 100% reusable so this mod gives you a reason to try them.

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I can't even play anymore without these core mods:


- Deadly Reentry

- RemoteTech

These just change the game so much and make it more interesting to me.

To go along with FAR, you'll need some mod that provides fairings

I also use:

- TAC Life Support

- Kethane

- Kerbal Attachment System

- A few odd parts snagged from B9, KW Rocketry and other random mods

I'm not a huge fan of gigantic part packs that don't jive well with stock parts.

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