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A long awaited homecoming!


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Warning, kinda gonna be picture heavy and wordy, hope you guys enjoy this mission that was 11 years 100 days 22 hours and 45 minutes in the making since the crew this story centers on got involved.

Back about a 11 years ago <game time :) > the fine folks at Kerbal Space Center decided they wanted to build a space station and so they did. With the help of Jebedia, Bill and Bob Kerman, they built the Kerbin International Space Station.


Jeb, Bill and Bob along with 4 other brave Kerbals crewed the station for a mere 20 days while the stations first long term crew made ready. Enter Mission Commander Gregfen Kerman, Mission Specialist 1 Neldas Kerman, Mission Specialist 2 Algel Kerman, Mission Specialist 3 Kelsen Kerman, Mission Specialist 4 Luddan Kerman, Payload Specialist 1 Randall Kerman and Payload Specialist 2 Aldfry Kerman. These 7 brave souls signed up for a long duration mission of an unknown length. Little did they know that once their rocket started up off the launch pad it would be 11 years 100 days 22 hours and 45 minutes before they would step foot back on Kerbins lush surface again.

During their 11 years on the KISS they advanced science for Kerman kind doing medical experiments and other assorted experiments both on board the external bays and inside the station itself. The main objective of their mission was to discover the long term effects of a microgravity environment on a Kerbals body and mind. Many missions came and went through that station bringing with them words and supplies from home. Some of their favorite missions included the return of Jebediah, Bill and Bob as they went to and returned from Duna bringing a fun picture for the Stations crew:


Another favorite mission for the Stations crew to visit them was a pair of missions to Kerbins Mun and Minmus as well as a team that went to Moho:




But finally in their tenth year on the station, they watched as the first of 2 new missions to Eeloo was sent on its way. A simple refueling barge to arrive ahead of the Eeloo manned mission.


As not only KSC received telemetry from that refueling barge that it was in orbit and entering hibernation to await the arrival in the next 1.5-2 years of a manned mission, KSC informed the KISS crew that they were finally coming home. They were given a special bonus during re-entry of being on target to land right at the KSC.




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