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[1.8-1.9] Modular Fuel Tanks v5.13.1


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My install did not work either and it was just a clean test with very few mods installed. So... I did some poking around and noticed that the recent release of MFT(5.3.0) does not include the KSPAPIExtensions.dll in the plugin folder. I downloaded the current KAE file and voila.[h=1][/h]

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My install did not work either and it was just a clean test with very few mods installed. So... I did some poking around and noticed that the recent release of MFT(5.3.0) does not include the KSPAPIExtensions.dll in the plugin folder. I downloaded the current KAE file and voila.[h=1][/h]

This was also the case for me thanks Hupherius :)

It actually broke my TAC Life Support, I installed both MFT and Tac at the same time and none of the modules had any life support in them.

Edited by Donziboy2
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My install did not work either and it was just a clean test with very few mods installed. So... I did some poking around and noticed that the recent release of MFT(5.3.0) does not include the KSPAPIExtensions.dll in the plugin folder. I downloaded the current KAE file and voila.[h=1][/h]

Oh, d'oh. Sorry, build error. I'll fix that soon.

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taniwha, I added your Modular Fuel Tanks to CKAN database, I hope you do not mind.

I marked it as supporting 0.90 and as "stable" because it works fine for me. I'm subscribing to this thread and will try to update the metadata when you release a new version. Thank you for your efforts!

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Ah sorry Thought there was a problem must have been opening 64bit version... I swear I was opening the 32bit version though... Only problem I had was MFT just being completely abcent though so must just be wrong.

Edited by etheoma
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I've released version 5.4.0 of MFT. Links in the first post, changes (summary) in the second.

- - - Updated - - -

Darn it, already found a show-stopper bug. It worked fine in testing :(

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, things are not quite as bad as I feared (and more importantly, I know why my testing worked, and there's now a workaround): Placing parts does not work properly (you do not get a right-click menu and the action group editor window is broken). Loading parts (subassembly or craft) does work properly: you get the menu and the action group editor window seems to work properly.

I now have a likely path for nailing this bug (and thus the bogus resources seen in earlier versions).

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Reporting a bug with V5.4.0 you wonderful mod developer... :D

Queery; incomparability with MechJeb?

Any info I've missed please let me know.

Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer) BETA

OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 250 Processor (2)
RAM: 4096
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4770 (1400MB)
SM: 30 (OpenGL 3.3 [3.3.11672 Compatibility Profile Context])
RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8

Mods installed:

Deadly Reentry V6.4.0

MechJeb2 V2.4.2.0

Errors from log file (i have the full logfile saved):

[LOG 00:07:26.344] Load(Assembly): DeadlyReentry/Plugins/DeadlyReentry
[LOG 00:07:26.346] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at F:\Games\KSP 0.90 modded\GameData\DeadlyReentry\Plugins\DeadlyReentry.dll
[LOG 00:07:26.375] Load(Assembly): MechJeb2/Plugins/MechJeb2
[LOG 00:07:26.375] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at F:\Games\KSP 0.90 modded\GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\MechJeb2.dll
[LOG 00:07:26.415] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'MechJeb2' V2.4
[LOG 00:07:26.416] Load(Assembly): ModularFuelTanks/Plugins/KSPAPIExtensions
[LOG 00:07:26.417] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at F:\Games\KSP 0.90 modded\GameData\ModularFuelTanks\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll
[LOG 00:07:26.419] Load(Assembly): ModularFuelTanks/Plugins/modularFuelTanks
[LOG 00:07:26.419] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at F:\Games\KSP 0.90 modded\GameData\ModularFuelTanks\Plugins\modularFuelTanks.dll
[LOG 00:07:26.421] Load(Assembly): TweakScale/TweakScaleInteraction/TweakScale_ModularFuelTanks
[LOG 00:07:26.422] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at F:\Games\KSP 0.90 modded\GameData\TweakScale\TweakScaleInteraction\TweakScale_ModularFuelTanks.dll
[LOG 00:07:26.425] AssemblyLoader: Loading assemblies
[ERR 00:07:26.459] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'TweakScale_ModularFuelTanks': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Scale_Redist, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'Scale_Redist, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

[LOG 00:07:26.470] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CompatibilityChecker' from assembly 'DeadlyReentry'
[LOG 00:07:26.473] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'DRToolbar' from assembly 'DeadlyReentry'
[LOG 00:07:26.478] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CompatibilityChecker' from assembly 'MechJeb2'
[LOG 00:07:26.480] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'UIPartActionsExtendedRegistration_1_7_2_0' from assembly 'KSPAPIExtensions'
[LOG 00:07:26.481] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CompatibilityChecker_1_7_2_0' from assembly 'KSPAPIExtensions'
[LOG 00:07:26.482] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'PartMessageServiceInitializer_1_7_2_0' from assembly 'KSPAPIExtensions'
[LOG 00:07:26.489] [PartMessageService] Elected unopposed version= at F:\Games\KSP 0.90 modded\GameData\ModularFuelTanks\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll
[LOG 00:07:26.492] [VersionTaggedType] found KSPAPIExtensions.PartMessage.ServiceImpl_1_7_2_0 for KSPAPIExtensions.PartMessage.ServiceImpl
[LOG 00:07:26.496] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CompatibilityChecker' from assembly 'modularFuelTanks'
[LOG 00:07:26.497] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'MFSVersionReport' from assembly 'modularFuelTanks'
[LOG 00:07:27.642] Load(Audio): DeadlyReentry/Sounds/fire_damage
[LOG 00:07:27.820] [CompatibilityChecker] Running checker version 4 from 'DeadlyReentry'
[LOG 00:07:27.836] [UIPartActionsExtendedRegistration] Elected unopposed version= at F:\Games\KSP 0.90 modded\GameData\ModularFuelTanks\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll
[LOG 00:07:27.857] ModularFuelTanks 5.4.0

[ERR 00:08:31.671] MechJeb moduleRegistry creation threw an exception in LoadComputerModules loading TweakScale_ModularFuelTanks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at MuMech.MechJebCore.LoadComputerModules () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


Mechjeb temp removed... First error still comes up and MFT not avaliable in editor.

Edited by Comwarrior
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Would it be possible to have a description of what this mod does in the thread, and maybe a screenshot? I'd like to try it but I don't know what it is. Something fuel tanks? :)

Question:- Is this compatible with Karbonite and Karbonite + (Karborundum)?

Edited by Master Tao
merge double post
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Quick question - I'm trying to figure out what mod has deleted all the electric charge from my command pods, and I *think* it might be the combination of MFT and TAC, my working theory being that TAC, by adding its own LifeSupport TANK type (which has no ElectricCharge) to all command pods, is somehow doing this. In the current version of MFT, if you add a tank type to a part, will it delete all the RESOURCE{} bits in the part when it does this? Or somehow overwrite them?

When TAC is adding these tank types, it does NOT MFT-ize command pods that already have the Food resource present - and, *maybe* not coincidentally, the DERP lifeboat module (which does already have Food) is the only command module I can find that retains its AblativeShielding and ElectricCharge resources.

Actually, come to think of it, the AblativeShielding resource that DRE usually adds seems to be gone, too...

EDIT: OK, I think I figured it out. Removing the config TAC uses to add MFT to command pods solved the missing ElectricCharge and AblativeShielding mystery. Here's what I believe is happening:

1. Multiple command pods' configs, which originally contain a given resource (like ElectricCharge or MonoPropellant) are first modified by something like DRE.

2. DRE adds to them AblativeShielding in a RESOURCE{} thing, I think.

3. TAC life support later comes along (I'm assuming this is because the MM patch happens after DRE's MM patch) and applies an MFT TANK type to those same parts, overwriting the ElectricCharge and AblativeShielding (and everything else inside RESOURCE{}) in those parts, and adds in the resouces defined in the TAC MFT TANK type.

Is there any way to have MFT not overwrite certain resources contained within a part - maybe specific exceptions for ElectricCharge and AblativeShielding?

Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
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Quick question - I'm trying to figure out what mod has deleted all the electric charge from my command pods, and I *think* it might be the combination of MFT and TAC, my working theory being that TAC, by adding its own LifeSupport TANK type (which has no ElectricCharge) to all command pods, is somehow doing this. In the current version of MFT, if you add a tank type to a part, will it delete all the RESOURCE{} bits in the part when it does this? Or somehow overwrite them?

When TAC is adding these tank types, it does NOT MFT-ize command pods that already have the Food resource present - and, *maybe* not coincidentally, the DERP lifeboat module (which does already have Food) is the only command module I can find that retains its AblativeShielding and ElectricCharge resources.

Actually, come to think of it, the AblativeShielding resource that DRE usually adds seems to be gone, too...

EDIT: OK, I think I figured it out. Removing the config TAC uses to add MFT to command pods solved the missing ElectricCharge and AblativeShielding mystery. Here's what I believe is happening:

1. Multiple command pods' configs, which originally contain a given resource (like ElectricCharge or MonoPropellant) are first modified by something like DRE.

2. DRE adds to them AblativeShielding in a RESOURCE{} thing, I think.

3. TAC life support later comes along (I'm assuming this is because the MM patch happens after DRE's MM patch) and applies an MFT TANK type to those same parts, overwriting the ElectricCharge and AblativeShielding (and everything else inside RESOURCE{}) in those parts, and adds in the resouces defined in the TAC MFT TANK type.

Is there any way to have MFT not overwrite certain resources contained within a part - maybe specific exceptions for ElectricCharge and AblativeShielding?

Yeah I'm having the exact same problem, but hadn't had a chance to investigate it as well as you have. So far all I've thought of is to remove the MM_AddResources.cfg file from the TAC Life Support mod. I've yet to try it, as I'm hoping that the problem can be fixed, instead of removing MFT from command pods.

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Yeah I'm having the exact same problem, but hadn't had a chance to investigate it as well as you have. So far all I've thought of is to remove the MM_AddResources.cfg file from the TAC Life Support mod. I've yet to try it, as I'm hoping that the problem can be fixed, instead of removing MFT from command pods.

MM_AddResources (one of them) is what adds MFT to the command pods - have to edit the other resource adding config and remove the check for NOT having MFT, then you can get the resources in the pods.

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MM_AddResources (one of them) is what adds MFT to the command pods - have to edit the other resource adding config and remove the check for NOT having MFT, then you can get the resources in the pods.

I was referring to the file in the MFT folder of TACLS. I was just going to abandon use of MFT in command pods instead of trying to fix the problem.

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Ah, that will be because TACLS is no longer compatible with MFT's behavior. The fix is really quite simple: put EC into the TACLS tank type. The problem is that earlier versions of MFT were not deleting resources like they should have been.

It looks like there was the intent of locking certain resources (such that they can't be edited). I guess I should implement that code.

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Ah, that will be because TACLS is no longer compatible with MFT's behavior. The fix is really quite simple: put EC into the TACLS tank type. The problem is that earlier versions of MFT were not deleting resources like they should have been.

It looks like there was the intent of locking certain resources (such that they can't be edited). I guess I should implement that code.

Would be nice especially for AblativeShielding (possibly others that I can't think of) - since a different amount is added by DRE for each pod (ish), you'd have to create a bunch of tank types to retain those same amounts (I think)...

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Actually, here's a crazy idea - maybe this can't work, but what if MFT had two behaviors for tank types: additive and replace? Normally, adding an MFT tank would remove all other resources; with the additive option, MFT wouldn't delete existing resources and would just add to them instead (based on the TANK definition being applied)?



name = ModuleFuelTanks

removeOtherTanks = true/false


keepExistingResources {

resourceToKeep1 = AblativeShielding



... or something.

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No, MFT will continue to remove unlisted resources. What I was proposing was making it so that tanks could have resources that cannot be edited.

It really is quite feasible to add every possible resource a command pod might have: stock pods have only ElectricCharge and MonoPropellant. Non-stock pods that add other resources can accept their responsibility and add those resources to the relevant tank definition. The same goes for mods like TAC-LS that add other resources.

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