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InfiniteDice -=Skillful=- Combat Damage & Weapons Mod


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I would like to know if there are any plans to make the armor plates for 1.25m parts, the ones made to put on the underside of a plane, compatable with FAR. Right now they kill the Lift/Drag ratio with just one of them and they don't weigh THAT much!

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No you don't have to move it. Just select the new size and click the load ordinance button again.

I mean that doesn't work. not that i haven't done it. i click it and nothing happens. I read the manual. I do have some sense of smarts. :P The load ordinance button does nothing after i've already loaded an ordinance.

Sorry. Should've made that clear in my first post.

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I would like to know if there are any plans to make the armor plates for 1.25m parts, the ones made to put on the underside of a plane, compatable with FAR. Right now they kill the Lift/Drag ratio with just one of them and they don't weigh THAT much!

I'm uncertain how FAR determines drag... if it looks at the ksp drag values, or the mesh. If it is calculated by the mesh there isn't much I can do.

There could be cfg stuff for FAR you can add to the part until I address this. As you can imagine I don't have much time to tune for other mods, I'd never get anything else done. :)

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She's space worthy!

Just barely though, got up to 93,000m on my launch stage, full fuel and monoprop. By the time I got both ends of my orbit above 67,000m I was down to 73,000m. =P

But she's in space, here's some stats:

Hospitaller Escort Carrier

Part Count: 146

Total Mass by orbit and without escort fighters: 86t

Armament: x6 7.62mm auto turrets


3.5cm Armoured plating around command tower

2.5cm Armour reinforcement on an exposed belly seam

Powerplant: x4 LV-N Atomic Rocket Motors


x4 Medium internal docking ports

x2 Medium external docking ports

x1 Large docking port (the cool looking helipad in the back!)

Electricity: x4 PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators

Fuel: 5406

Monoprop: 1500

Ammunition Reserves:

x4 boxes of 7.62mm

x2 boxes of 30mm

Crew: 4


- So, she barely made it up with full fuel, but flying backwards took a try to adjust my muscle memory. =P

- The most trouble I had was that I built her in the Airplane Assembly Hangar, so when I tried to bring the rocket stages for the launch over the piping and taping messed up.

Once that was resolved I got her in orbit.

- The escort fighters will come soon enough, I will make them very small and low on part count, they will use much more of the skillful mod. =]

- I manged to do some pretty cool clipping which can be noticed on the rear two platforms (com tower and large docking port). I did not have to use the Debug to clip.

- As for performance, escort carriers are not designed for speed. They specialized historically in anti-sub warfare but they had very little to defend themselves with if bigger ships showed up. However, there is a pretty famouse pacific battle where escort carriers and their destroyer screen fended off a large Japanese fleet which included the Yamato.

- The Hospitaller's role is kind of like its name, hospitaller knights found a role in escorting and protecting trade routes and pilgrims.

- No repair system, that piece is massive and would take up the entire cargo bay. =P

Time for the fighters! =]


Whoops, just realized some of my fuel tanks are pure fuel, no oxidizer. =P

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No repair system, that piece is massive and would take up the entire cargo bay. =P

Just a note... with the upcoming patch there will be much more catastrophic explosions from fuel and ammo hits. It will become even more beneficial to place heavy armour in strategic areas to prevent such nightmarish damage!

When ordnance reload resource is implemented (and it will be) EVA kerbals will need a source of this resource within 40m to reload anything. Carriers will likely use most of their available capacity to store ordnance and at least one repair facility as well as the craft they transport.

Awesome stuff I love seeing what people manage to slap together with all the parts :)

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I'm uncertain how FAR determines drag... if it looks at the ksp drag values, or the mesh. If it is calculated by the mesh there isn't much I can do.

There could be cfg stuff for FAR you can add to the part until I address this. As you can imagine I don't have much time to tune for other mods, I'd never get anything else done. :)

I am not sure myself however I noticed that most of the bombs and guns do not show this issue. I will ask further about it over on the FAR thread. Just as soon as I build myself an Airship Artillery.

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Coming in at 31 parts and 6.6t is the Vermin Carrier Space Fighter.



x1 30mm Cannon

x2 Hellfire Rockets

RCS powered

x4 2.5cm armoured skirts

x2 PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators

x1 Medium Docking Port


I did try to put bombs on it to see if I could fly at the target and let my momentum on release send the bomb into the enemy. Didn't work, the bomb ejects with a lot of force.

So I've gotta use missiles, no space dive bombing. ='[

More parts than what I intended, I will send one up to my carrier and see how well it scales.


He's too long. Cannon sticks up to far. =P

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Awesome work on the fighter! Yeah, small ones are a lot better as it adds maneuverablility and acceleration being lighter; one tip though: those RCS thrusters you've used on top are fairly underpowered, they only have 0.75kN of thrust, there is a different one that has 3kN that I'd recommend using.

For my fighters, I actually use Ion/Argon thrusters from the Near Future Engines pack; they also have a small nuclear fission generator that produces 40e/s, which will happily power an ion thruster or 3 without needing those fragile (and vulnerable) solar panels! Not to mention there is done bigger nuclear gens too... :D

I'm gonna give my fighters missile pods I think...

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The fine RCS control is pretty strong on that fighter, making docking pretty difficult.

I am making a better Carrier Support Craft for it, one that will fit. =P


I've just drummed up a Mk II version which can run on Ion power. Not sure how well it will fit since it is wider.


The Can would be pretty scary to fight in, no armour at all.

It has:

x1 30mm Cannon


x1 Hellfire AP Rocket

It is basically a floating weapon platform. =P

Reminds me of the Gundam Ball!




And she's loaded, pretty tight, two of the 'can' fighters clip out of the canopy. I would have to reduce the number of docking ports if I were to fit larger fighters inside; either that or modify the ship to have a larger cargo hold. =\

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Robbaz made a space battleship using the cannons from this mod, it should increase downloads

One of my first experiments with mod - nameless SOTS-style battlecruiser


Btw, LLL tugs can be easily turned into short range fighters


And yes, I`m back on the forums. Hi, Dice. Great mod, as always.

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That battle-cruiser has some pretty... exposed nuclear generators. =P

Also, I've encountered the massive power consumption of the auto turrets, or at least it seems to be them.

Oddly enough, I would switch over to my escort carrier to find its batteries completely depleted. The turrets were shooting at no one, there were no hostile IFFs anywhere, does the auto turret consume power when something comes close? or does it consume power when firing only?

That carrier has a ton of battery capacity, when I did send something at the carrier to see if the turrets would fire, it depleted less than half of my carrier's power during a 5sec test.

So it is quite strange that it would deplete all power reserves only when I am not looking.

I manually turned the turrets off and have not found it to persist. =\

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That battle-cruiser has some pretty... exposed nuclear generators. =P

As tests showed - they are practically impossible to get hit. Anyway, upgraded version have single fusion reactor covered by armor plating.

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That battle-cruiser has some pretty... exposed nuclear generators. =P

Also, I've encountered the massive power consumption of the auto turrets, or at least it seems to be them.

Oddly enough, I would switch over to my escort carrier to find its batteries completely depleted. The turrets were shooting at no one, there were no hostile IFFs anywhere, does the auto turret consume power when something comes close? or does it consume power when firing only?

That carrier has a ton of battery capacity, when I did send something at the carrier to see if the turrets would fire, it depleted less than half of my carrier's power during a 5sec test.

So it is quite strange that it would deplete all power reserves only when I am not looking.

I manually turned the turrets off and have not found it to persist. =\

Thanks for the details I'll look into it.

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QUICK push him to the other thread! XD

i wasn't trying to be rude or anything. Just letting him know in case he wants to talk more about the boat parts mod. I can see why it could be a little confusing considering the mod similarities and both of them being infinite's mods

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i wasn't trying to be rude or anything. Just letting him know in case he wants to talk more about the boat parts mod. I can see why it could be a little confusing considering the mod similarities and both of them being infinte's mods

Currently he is working on integrating Skillful's damage system into the boat mod and preparing for the R5 release in the coming days to weeks

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I have problems that might be a bugs,

1. when I fire my guns/rockets/drop bombs they don't seem to do any damage (When I shoot my guns/rockets at a building they will just fly through) and my all the bombs explode at the same size

2. the buttons to move the turret NUMLOCK 1235 don't move my turret (and yes I have turned on the button so I can control the turret)

I already tried my game without mods except this one and it didn't wokr,

I hope you can help

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Currently he is working on integrating Skillful's damage system into the boat mod and preparing for the R5 release in the coming days to weeks

Yeah i Know. But that will make them compatible and complementary. not the same mod. i was just trying to make sure i didn't come across as rude. I was just trying to help.

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Hey ID as far as i could tell i couldn't see this idea anywhere on the thread yet.

But i think it would be really nice if we could get maybe an auto-tracking 88mm flak gun or something along those lines that would explode at the altitude of the enemy IFF (maybe they could do more of a splash damage then having to directly hit the plane).

If the mods complications are too much for this that's, fine i understand.

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