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InfiniteDice -=Skillful=- Combat Damage & Weapons Mod


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Found an easier way to do dogfighting...

MechJeb autopilot - initiate hold on direction and altitude - keeps working when you switch away from the craft. I just chased another airplane about 1/4 way around the world before I got a gun kill, but it worked. MJ has a sort of altitude bounce as well, so there is some "dodging" on the part of the target craft. If your target aircraft is balanced well for take-off, you just set the altitude, heading, and throttle and let it go.

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Ok so I deleted the other file but there were still doubles so then I got rid of that download and redownloaded the mod fresh and it worked! However I still don't seem to have your stock craft available to use sadly. Ok another problem now the ordnance wont load onto the hardpoints and has disappeared from the other craft and your new stock vessels are still not there.

Edited by Frostbenjamin
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Uhhhh I've got an issue where the hardpoint for the rocket pod isn't visible in my parts and when I try and place a rocket pod down without it, the weapon does not work in game.

The missiles are not parts by themselves despite being in the part folder

To make the hard points appear go into the game data folder and find the parts in the config under the line saying "editor perameters" add the lines "TechRequired= start" and below that add "Entrycost= 0"

For any other problems after that just post again

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Hey ID figured out you need a IFF tag to explode/damage a vessel. I could blow up the APC with my 50.cals so easily and some weird "fuel rover". I don't know what it is but it seems like it consider me the opposite IFF even though im sure I don't have one. I guess that was it, but thanks for trying!:)

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Dice, The torpedo sinks to low and completely misses. Is it the float coding. :)

Likely the colliders on the boat parts. The torpedo is the least tested... therefore potentially has the most issues. I'll be taking a look at it shortly.

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Wait so does the IFF tag enable damge? or is it a bug (please don't be a bug)

And, everthing "works now" I was confused because every missile I fired "missed", now its on target 90 percent of the time! Cant wait to see what the Tall bot does...hehhehe

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I'm having a slight problem with the Machine guns. Sometimes they will make the firing noise and light but no projectile comes out. Other times it works fine till i go to cockpit view and start firing. They seem to shoot themselves and blow up. Once it even destroyed my entire plane.

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I'm having a slight problem with the Machine guns. Sometimes they will make the firing noise and light but no projectile comes out. Other times it works fine till i go to cockpit view and start firing. They seem to shoot themselves and blow up. Once it even destroyed my entire plane.

Yeah, when I go to cockpit view, it also seems to blow up the whole craft. It seems like the bullet is clipping the gun and destroying it? Or just its overheating, firing too much and the barrel gets to warm and KA BOOM, down she goes...Just a opinion!

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Im having a crapton of problems with the guns and missiles not firning at all and not even appearing at times! I messed around with the files and that seemed to make it worse! Ive decided to delete ksp and reinstall then redownload the mod. Any helpful advice why it would do that?

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Im having a crapton of problems with the guns and missiles not firning at all and not even appearing at times! I messed around with the files and that seemed to make it worse! Ive decided to delete ksp and reinstall then redownload the mod. Any helpful advice why it would do that?

Mod is conflicting with some other plugin-heavy packs (lazor, ExP Launchpads, etc)

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As KAPbl4 mentions, could be a conflict. I can't foresee every possible combination and control how these would work together. Skillful was made alongside Firespitter, Infernal Robotics and B9 parts mod. Lazor might have a conflict on the range, wherein skillful will override any distance setting lazor sets.

Best thing to do if you want to try Skillful, make a separate game folder with just Skillful and the stock game, then start adding your favorite mods one at a time testing as you go. If you identify a specific mod that is conflicting, take note and post it here with examples of how it's breaking and/or PM me the errors that are spammed. Don't dump 5k of debug log in the post... just the error. If it's a mod I feel should work with Skillful and the fix proves to be not too involving, I'll do what I can to make it work.

In some cases some mods will never work with Skillful.

Another thing I can't control is using Skillful with very high system lag. If your timer in KSP is flashing red... everything will be so slow that nothing works as intended. Be sure to keep all debris off in the game settings, try not to clutter up the KSC area with loads of vessels, this might cause launching issues. Perhaps set up some stuff on the island airport, that is 30+km away. Faster computers won't need to do this.

Edited by InfiniteDice
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I've been using the mod for the past few days and just wanted to say a few things.

As a couple of other people have been saying, there seems to be some kind of issue with the machineguns with shooting themselves and other parts of the craft, causing damage or total destruction of parts. I've tried putting them in multiple positions but it seems to happen nearly every time, usually when the aircraft maneuvers slightly.

Another issue I've found is one with the Procedural Wings mod. The damage system seems to fairly consistently label the procedural parts as damaged immediately upon loading in the aircraft. This happens most but not all of the time and I wasn't really able to figure out what the conditions were. The procedural control surfaces that are also part of the Procedural Wings mod might somehow be involved. As far as I can tell it doesn't actually affect the functionality of the wings except in using the procedural control surfaces as flaps.

Finally, a suggestion I have for an improvement is expanding the action group functionality of the parts. The feature I would most like to see is the ability to toggle the "Control This" of particular weapon parts using an action group rather than needing to individually click them on the craft, simply to make it easier and quicker.

Thanks for the awesome work you've done so far on the mod. :)

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Having a peek at 0.23.5 now... Hopefully not too much is different.


Doesn't look good guys. Multiple errors after the update. I'll see what can be done but I expect Skillful will be broken for a little while. If you want to use the mod keep your old install of 0.23 active for the time being.

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is there a ratio or something to be able to predict the approximate location of the bomb's landing spot? I know that the bombs have more drag, which makes it hard to aim bombs. I'm sure there is some way to find it out with math, and compensate for the drag, air resistance, and the arc of the falling bomb. So far my only hits with bombs have been in dive bombers :P

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Its why Moses came down from the mountain and gave us the Norden bombsite...someone really should make one for RPM integration. Skip bombing might also be a fun thing to play with...in game logic, the bomb would bounce on the ground until a set number of bounces or its in proximity of a bad guy...then boom!

Edited by PolecatEZ
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