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[SHOWCASE] dems muddahships!


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You want dems muddahships? I'LL GIVE YOU DEMS MUDDAHSHIPS!

Well, pictures of dems muddahships, anyway...

MSV Enterprise CST-031-A:



Enterprise is a Constellation class cruiser. Initially, the Constellation class was equipped with a warp drive and had less liquid fuel and habitable space, but major design revisions saw the decommissioning of the MSV Constellation CST-052 and the commissioning of the Enterprise. The new design has no warp drive, but it has more liquid fuel, and can carry 12 crew, although 9 is the norm. The ship is currently standing by for its mission while I position vehicles around Laythe and Tylo, as well as test out an Eve lander.


Can anyone tell me where that engine in the back is from? It looks pretty badass.

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Can anyone tell me where that engine in the back is from? It looks pretty badass.

That's the Z Pinch Fusion Rocket. RogueMason's original showcase lists it here.

I can't verify whether the mod works in 0.23, but maybe RogueMason or Bengsch85 can for you. Also, the engine looks like it might have been re-skinned since (orange vs blue?)

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That's the Z Pinch Fusion Rocket. RogueMason's original showcase lists it here.

I can't verify whether the mod works in 0.23, but maybe RogueMason or Bengsch85 can for you. Also, the engine looks like it might have been re-skinned since (orange vs blue?)

It needs a little cfg work to make the tweakables work properly (electric charge issue locks up Engineer) and it must be installed in the old parts directory. I believe the 3m version in mine has the orange and the larger ones may have the blue? I'm not certain on that one though.

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I built this a couple of months ago but haven't gotten around to posting it. Project Auburn is a modular interplanetary vessel that was designed to land and return from nearly any planet in the Kerbol system. The fuel budget was scary on the Project Auburn's first visit to Duna (less than 1% of fuel was left in the propulsion stage, descent stage, and ascent stage).



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I built this a couple of months ago but haven't gotten around to posting it. Project Auburn is a modular interplanetary vessel that was designed to land and return from nearly any planet in the Kerbol system. The fuel budget was scary on the Project Auburn's first visit to Duna (less than 1% of fuel was left in the propulsion stage, descent stage, and ascent stage).


Oh my God. That looks amazing. How many parts are there and how much FPS do you get with that thing?

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I built this a couple of months ago but haven't gotten around to posting it. Project Auburn is a modular interplanetary vessel that was designed to land and return from nearly any planet in the Kerbol system. The fuel budget was scary on the Project Auburn's first visit to Duna (less than 1% of fuel was left in the propulsion stage, descent stage, and ascent stage).

Hmm... that's like... pizza, but with a whole lot of awesomesauce instead of tomato sauce. Or a burrito filled with awesomeness. Both would work.

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I built this a couple of months ago but haven't gotten around to posting it. Project Auburn is a modular interplanetary vessel that was designed to land and return from nearly any planet in the Kerbol system. The fuel budget was scary on the Project Auburn's first visit to Duna (less than 1% of fuel was left in the propulsion stage, descent stage, and ascent stage).

That looks incredible, great job!

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I built this a couple of months ago but haven't gotten around to posting it.

This is beautiful and clean. Wow.

Nearly the exact opposite is the Jool / Laythe mission ship I am working on.



Really it is just a reason to play with Infernal Robotics and Procedural wing. The bays are currently holding 2 "tiny Tot" SSTOs (forward) as well as a Laythe "Base" SSTO (starbord), and a Kerbin return vehicle (port). The forward bay will be full of little probes and landers for all the moons of Jool.

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(All images clickable for fullsize)

So first I started building big. Pack the largest size of everything because who knows what you might need :D

This was my first mostly stock (only kethane) mothership. Lander had over half the capacity of the orbiting section. Was a dream to fly. 4x Physwarp with no problems whatsoever. Puller design made it extremely stable. The lander was Tylo-capable, heavily inspired by the lander Scott Manley designed for his Tylo voyage.


The ship carried 4 small probes that I brought all the way out to Jool and further to drop off and hang around long after the ship had left.


Then I came up with this - essentially the same as the first one, but more mod heavy. You can see it here arrived at Moho with over half its fuel left.



After that came this - My attempt at making something more compact. You can see a reusable two-person (seats) rover at the bottom of the lander.


The reason that ship failed was that the lander would spend 3/4 of its fuel to get to orbit from the mun, which meant very little if anything would be transferred back to the orbiter for the next part of the voyage.

Most recently, I wanted to see how compact a craft I could make, capable of doing a grand tour. So I present my Tylo-capable lander and orbiter. It's equipped to go to any body, has something like 9k of delta-V, and can land on atmospheric/non-atmospheric bodies. Also, even at 4x Phys-warp, it's completely stable with that little port pushing it along.


Here is its launch vehicle:



I'm sure I can do smaller.




All I can say.

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I built this a couple of months ago but haven't gotten around to posting it. Project Auburn is a modular interplanetary vessel that was designed to land and return from nearly any planet in the Kerbol system. The fuel budget was scary on the Project Auburn's first visit to Duna (less than 1% of fuel was left in the propulsion stage, descent stage, and ascent stage).


*sheepishly, nine days later than I should have* You wouldn't happen to have craft files for that awesomeness would you? specifically the lander but really, just all of it. Too much awesomesauce to decide.

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I´m building something similar to what NASA would have done. in my case i´m using 3 Nuclear Engines. Everyone of them producing 12 KN´s of thrust and the Vehicle do have a Delta V of ~ 3940 ms. But well i didn't tested it yet.

Maybe i will change the Engines later but well almost 4000 ms are OK =D

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Here's mine




It has working cargo doors, Kerbals can access to the conning tower, 30 seats, it carries 2 small reconnaissance rovers, docking port in the underbelly hangar as well as 3 Kethane/Ore scanning probes attached to a rail system.

With 1063 parts, it's not exactly FPS friendly, lol

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And that, everybody, is what happens when people with hyperedit get bored. :P

Wrong! No hyperedit. I don't even have it. Just some tweaked RCS and Engines .cfgs to make it possible. :D

It's almost unplayable, though. Framerate is at 11 FPS and controlling it is really hard. That ship is testing KSP to its limit. I planned to add tractor beams to make that monster hover. Upon reaching about 1160 parts the game crashed every minute so I gave up on the idea.

I can't wait for the devs to upgrade the RAM though. I'll make a squadron of these

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This is my first mothership to have ever passed prototyping stages.


All of my other ones were limited by my previous inability to lift payloads greater than 65 tons to LKO, and the consequential use of large numbers of sections made them highly unstable. Now, however, I have this behemoth, with more than 10000m/s of delta v when fully fueled and unloaded, ready for almost any voyage. I am still crap at designing landers as of the moment, so the one on the front only has 3500m/s of delta v.

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Wow. So many awesome ships.

My little Big Red Car feels a little intimidated.


The drive segment is replaceable, I might replace it and the landers for a longer trip some day.



I also have this probe mothership thing from a while ago, from a one way Jool moon tour.


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Motherships are cool. I made like dozens of them. Although I don't have the pics, cause they went to the bin right with my old game versions :(

I sent at least 3 to Duna, 2 to Eve, 1 to Laythe and 1 to the Mun.

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Always put the engines in the front.

Will probably update this post with some other pictures if I find any.

EDIT: Here are two more:

Stratus orbiting Laythe

and my favourite - Kilmeister orbiting Mun

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You can clearly see those two have more fuel tanks, that's because they were intended to be long range/explorer ships. Just added an adapter in the front for more fuel tanks.

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