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I am stuck in a rut.


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What you should do is legitimately colonize the other planets.

Don't just make simple bases. Make actual cities with infrastructure and all that jazz. Get Kerbal Attachment System and you can make roads with fuel lines. Land large habitats and other utilities and connect them via fuel roads. There's no limit to what you can do except your computer refusing to render the thing. But the fun is in seeing how far you can go ;)

Good example is the game Moon Tycoon. If you've ever played it (and if you can both find and get it to work, play it. Its one of the better Tycoon games out there, as its basically a less involved version of Sim City, but in space) then you'll see all kind of things you can build on a Moon that are all mostly possibly with the parts you can find in mods, especially when it comes to things like utilities (Get a life support mod and make huge resource plants. Great fields of solar arrays) and industry (Kethane and Interstellar), as well as simple habitats and what not.

While you likely won't have all the glamorous super futuristic buildings of Moon Tycoon, you can still pull off the lower tech stuff.

This is what I've been doing for my first AAR. Legitimately colonizing the Mun. While I don't want to show my screenies just yet, I've thus far been able to create a fairly large colony (25 kerbal capacity with the capability of 6 months life support without resupply. I'm maintaining a skeleton crew until I have my orbital refinery set up and work out a reusable transport system*) in one of the larger craters on the Equator. Its been fun and it keeps you focused. Unlike the rest of the game where you either need science and a limitation in parts or pure fascination (which can wear off if you play the game a lot) to keep you going, doing something like this gives you a solid goal and schedule to work with.

* My idea is a four stop system between Munar surface, my orbital command station (which was constructed out of an old Kerbin space station that was moved to Munar orbit and retrofitted), my Kerbin gateway station (which I use as a pit stop for interplanetary flights) and then Kerbin's surface. I'd use a basic lander for Munar-Orbit transport, a shuttle for inter-station travel (larger payloads and pre-fabricated colony components would use their own transportation tailored to their requirements) and then a reusable (technically) drop pod system for returning to Kerbin's surface.

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I had a little burnout myself recently and I enjoy Mount&Blade Warband for a bit. But RSS + FAR + DRE works too.

What about an Eve escape vehicle that lifts off from Eve's oceans? You would have to build your own swimming launch pad, deliver it to Eve and get it down in one piece.

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What you should do is legitimately colonize the other planets.


I colonized worlds with a single launch. Each lander had eight rovers, room for tons of crew, and each living space was also a bugout rocket when you wanted to space in a hurry.

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  plainawesome said:
Can you put up a link for that?

That file is long, long, long gone. Several saves and months ago. That's very early in my Kerbal career. As you can see, I still had very little idea what I was doing.

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What you should do is legitimately colonize the other planets.

Don't just make simple bases. Make actual cities with infrastructure and all that jazz. Get Kerbal Attachment System and you can make roads with fuel lines. Land large habitats and other utilities and connect them via fuel roads. There's no limit to what you can do except your computer refusing to render the thing. But the fun is in seeing how far you can go ;)

This is pretty much what I have already tried.. But it is sadly impossible due to it not supporting multicore for physics. It did not take me long at all to reach the limit where framerate got to the point where the game was literally unplayable.

Same thing with space station.. Just after a short while i reached such low frame rates that the frame rates would drop so low and would glitch out so badly that it was impossible to even dock with it.

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  Whackjob said:
I currently have one mod: Kethane. That's it. I refuse to add the mods that add bigger tanks and engines.

Not familiar with FAR and real solar system. I'll look into those maybe.

#EDIT: Apparently FAR makes rockets "four times easier to get into orbit". That's a big no-no for me.

#EDIT2: Real solar system has a bug where "parts are wobbly" and the recommended fix is "get the joint reinforcement mod". Another big no-no for me.

Easier in that it takes less fuel, assuming your rocket looks like a rocket. I promise, if you install FAR, you'll have a whole lot harder time getting your typical creations into orbit. Give it a shot if you don't believe me.

If the lower dV to orbit bothers you, ferram made a companion mod for FAR called Kerbal ISP difficulty scaler-- it makes the game harder by making your engines less efficient. You can scale it anywhere from "FAR-> Stock KSP" (A rocket that barely makes orbit in stock should barely make orbit with FAR) to "FAR->Real life" (Which is one way to play KSP on hard mode.)

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  I_Killed_Jeb said:
Isn't the physics calculated by PhysX?

It is sadly all cpu.... Unless you have a low end integrated GPU like intel there is little to no difference between GPU's.

The only thing that helps is having a cpu that can clock high.

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  boxman said:
It is sadly all cpu.... Unless you have a low end integrated GPU like intel there is little to no difference between GPU's.

The only thing that helps is having a cpu that can clock high.

That's very interesting. I usually play on my 6-year old 2.4GHz Core Duo with 4gb of DDR2 RAM, and it BLOWS my Core i7 laptop with 8gb dual-channel DDR3 RAM out of the water. The thing is that I have a moderately decent graphics card on the desktop and I always figure that was the difference

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If I could do it, I'd play Dwarf Fortress again. My machine stinks so bad, it crashes out when I play it.

Every. Single. Time.

Hate it. Was hoping on a nice Christmas bonus that'd let the Whack get a new machine, but nope. Maybe next year.

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  Whackjob said:
If I could do it, I'd play Dwarf Fortress again. My machine stinks so bad, it crashes out when I play it.

Every. Single. Time.

Hate it. Was hoping on a nice Christmas bonus that'd let the Whack get a new machine, but nope. Maybe next year.


You can play KSP with your machine and build what you build, but not Dwarf Fortress? That's... unusual. Or have I missed a computer disaster?

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  NovaSilisko said:

You can play KSP with your machine and build what you build, but not Dwarf Fortress? That's... unusual. Or have I missed a computer disaster?

My machine is terribad. It's an alienware m17x. Loved it while it was brand new. Then found out over time that Dell never, ever, ever, ever updates their graphics drivers.

Ever. The drivers listed for my machine are from 2010. And I can't use NVidia's because I've got an onboard low power graphics chip. NVidia don't support those.

Result: Some things will run amazingly well, others won't cooperate at all. I know DF is straight ASCII output, but for whatever reason, if I run it, after a few minutes, the graphics cards stop responding, the video shuts off, and I gotta reboot.

Every single time. Bloody shame... I think above all games, DF has my heart the most. Freakin' love that game.

I had a dragoon dwarf once. You know... spear and shield. He had this quirk where he'd fell an enemy, then put out the left eye. Every single time. So one day he drops a cyclops. And then stands there. For three days he looked at this crippled cyclops. Just looking. Finally, he put the eye out and went in for beer.

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  Whackjob said:
And I can't use NVidia's because I've got an onboard low power graphics chip. NVidia don't support those.

Is it the first gen m17x with the integrated 9400M? If so, then:


Disable Hybrid SLI as well as the integrated graphics in the BIOS beforehand. If they're enabled, your 280's won't SLI and you're gonna have a bad time. Also disabling PCI-E Gen 2 is worth a shot before trying to update the drivers.

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  Whackjob said:
I had a dragoon dwarf once. You know... spear and shield. He had this quirk where he'd fell an enemy, then put out the left eye. Every single time. So one day he drops a cyclops. And then stands there. For three days he looked at this crippled cyclops. Just looking. Finally, he put the eye out and went in for beer.

Christ, I need to start playing DF again. I hope I can escape it in a timely fashion though, otherwise I might be stuck there for years...

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