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Chaka Monkey - Closed Development Thread


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This may sound crazy, but you could test it yourself. I will say this, if it uses the old node system it won't work unless you use the cheat to ignore node direction. Also, with the changes to atmosphere, the DV and TWR values are going to be far too high. They will all need to be adjusted.

Well from a response like that it sounds as though it won't be very helpful in regards to leaving Kerbin anytime soon...

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1.0 Status Bulletin

Mr Nick is correct, and it's in the works.

A peek into the lab and you would see monkey technicians hard at work fixing every node in the pack, updating plugins, and testing every system to achieve the proper TWR and DV.

All of this is being conducted in parallel with the other exciting additions, polishings, improvements and increased efficiencies to Chaka that we have been planning. Welding sparks and shouting can be heard some distance away from the Monkey Rocket Factory.

The pack will be split as well into three parts: Full Chaka, Launchers Only + Orion, and Optional Extras (Parts and craft that are cool but not really necessary).

I cant give you an exact release date before you ask, but we do want to present a new version of Chaka that is of the highest quality, and one that is easier for the user to live with, so thank you for hanging around while we finish that up.

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With the need of a drastic numerical tuning induced by 1.0, are you considering bringing some of the values (dV, Thrust, and solar power come to mind immediately) to a more "Kerbal-ized" level? I understand that Chaka has always been an entirely stand-alone set of parts, but for the most part none of your hardware really mix-n-matches well with stock parts.

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With the need of a drastic numerical tuning induced by 1.0, are you considering bringing some of the values (dV, Thrust, and solar power come to mind immediately) to a more "Kerbal-ized" level? I understand that Chaka has always been an entirely stand-alone set of parts, but for the most part none of your hardware really mix-n-matches well with stock parts.

No, the benchmark for Chaka vehicle performance works like this. Take a rocket, Delta, SLS, whatever, and launch it to 200KM or 600KM for some applications. The vehicle should be able to lift a payload visually similar to the real system to those orbits, although the real example would lift them to a higher number of "KM", the distance from Kerbin should be similar. What I mean by that is that Half way to the Moon is half way to the Mun

So if A Delta IV heavy can send the real Orion to x% distance to the moon, the chaka equivalent should * ROUGHLY * do the same at kerbal scale, relative to kerbal scale.

We then expand this scale to future systems, so the "Monkey Launch System" is a vision for SLS without white paint and with new high performance SRBs... and it can lift more.

I realize since Kerbin is so much smaller it's kindof a strange way of looking at things, and you could also make the argument that we should be focusing on RSS/RO with this pack instead (which we have always promised and never done), but that's the guiding principle we use.

If this seems like it's not the answer you were looking for, I would like to emphasize that many of the contributing authors to this pack have parts that are more stock scale oriented. Blackheart612 for example has a comprehensive suite of packs that can take you anywhere in the solar system with stock like performance.

Edited by YANFRET
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1.0 Status Bulletin

Mr Nick is correct, and it's in the works... snip ...

The pack will be split as well into three parts: Full Chaka, Launchers Only + Orion, and Optional Extras (Parts and craft that are cool but not really necessary).

I cant give you an exact release date before you ask, but we do want to present a new version of Chaka that is of the highest quality, and one that is easier for the user to live with, so thank you for hanging around while we finish that up.

Looking forward to what your monkey technicians and engineers wheel out to the launch pad. ::thumbs up::

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Looking forward to what your monkey technicians and engineers wheel out to the launch pad. ::thumbs up::

This week we're asking visitors to stay back 10KM from the pad because there have already been some "informative" launch tests :)

I have a question: What will happen to the BobCat-derived Orion? Can someone (like myself) take up maitenance? It's quite stockalike.

Actually, with it's small memory footprint and simple dynamics, I was thinking that we will continue to support Bobcat Orion in parallel with the new one.

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Do NOT let augustus anywhere NEAR the parts YANFRET, he doesn't know what he is doing and it's going to end up a broken mess in a locked thread like everything else he tried to "maintain".

And before you get any ideas augustus the original american pack parts are still under maintenance here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81754-Release-BobCat-Ind-Space-Planet-products

They are under an all rights reserved license.

Edited by raidernick
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1.0 Status Bulletin

• EMLV systems have been updated to 1.0 spec with nodes and TWR/DV fixes applied

• New Orion Spacecraft Adapter between service module and ICPS

• New Aerojet Kerbodyne engine basket







In other news, by request Kartoffelkuchen has graciously modeled the Vulcan engine mount and we should have pictures of that for you soon!

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Looking forward to the update. This is always such a pleasing mod to play with. One request - possibly already addressed - would be a little more guidance into what each ship can be used for. Sometimes the nuances between them aren't apparent to newbies. Admittedly, it's fun figuring it out yourself, though.

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Looking forward to the update. This is always such a pleasing mod to play with. One request - possibly already addressed - would be a little more guidance into what each ship can be used for. Sometimes the nuances between them aren't apparent to newbies. Admittedly, it's fun figuring it out yourself, though.


SLS core stage now 1.0.2 certified:



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@YANFRET you definitely make the most gorgeous stuff out there :) Your parts are truly a thing to behold and admire.

It would be awesome if your parts will also have realistic temperature attributes. There's a guide we've compiled just in case.

Love what you're doing ♫

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hey any news on 1.0 or 1.0.2 release? thanks

1.0.2 Status Bulletin IV

We took a moment to make sure we fully understand the aerodynamics of the SLS / MLS launch vehicles with various payload masses. Presently we have a strong understanding of the SLS Block IB vehicle dynamics and a good set of successful test flights with a variety of payloads.

It should be noted that since many changes are being made, the opportunity to improve and refine is being explored at every junction.

Next we will certify the SLS Block I Orion system and then move on to MLS / Talisar Large Upper Stage ( EUS or Exploration Upper Stage ) systems.


By the way SLS is flying absolutely beautifully in 1.0.2 now

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Thanks sir, i really appreciate your efforts and constantly posting news on the process, i think you are one of the few developer (/teams) doing it and that is really nice of you.

At your service :)

Status Bulletin V

• After numerous tweaks, SLS Block 1 - Orion is 1.0.2 certified with a magnificent test flight





Testing of remaining Block IB payloads, such as Munar Rover accessories, are in progress:



Note new fairing, new upper stage config and textures, new interstage

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2nd picture of the SLS looks like it was getting alittle hot or is that just the way the light was hitting it ?

Yep, That's it's max thermal point...It gets a little hot but it cools down shortly after.

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Just wondering, where can I get the old checkered fairing? It looked awesome, and I've been looking for one for a long time! Also, waiting patiently for the update, found out about this mod a few days ago and it will be the first time i'll try it :)

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Just wondering, where can I get the old checkered fairing? It looked awesome, and I've been looking for one for a long time! Also, waiting patiently for the update, found out about this mod a few days ago and it will be the first time i'll try it :)

There some here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68892-0-23-StretchySRB-Texture-Pack-KW-Procedural-Fairings-March18

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Status Bulletin VI

1.0.2 Monkey Launch System (and it's beloved checker pattern) ready for certification flight with Munar 2x Rover payload






Talisar Large Upper Stage supports flight sporting fresh new texture details and it's all new bespoke interstage.

By the way, thought I'd show you this; Our new Chaka Illumination Strategy TM Is for all lights to be red and small except for the one light on the hatch side. This way you can easily find your way back inside for all lander products.

Also all landers will have an obvious hatch, instead of the "kerbal in a cannon" situation that has sometimes occurred with the hatchless SDHI observation module.





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