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Chaka Monkey - Closed Development Thread


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I am a firm dis believer in the Aries 1 as a concept and I agree that SLS is overkill for Orion to anywhere because the distance it could send it you would need a hab anyway so that's why I show Orion on the Delta IV system and SLS with cargo most of the time.

Altair Descent Stage is Back!

With all new textures, working gear and snaxx




I love your retextures, I wanna say they are a corporate or even Hollywood style that just look wonderful in game. Ever consider putting corporate sponsor logos on the rockets. I know that sounds weird but like Pepsi logo or xbox. I only say this because you got the BMW logo on the monkey rover.

I agree with the Aries 1 I never really trusted that as a concept. Strapping astronauts on top of an SRB doesn't seem very safe. However the delta seems like overkill too. What if you came up with your own variant to launch just Orion? A Hybrid Aries? Idk just an idea.

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I love your retextures, I wanna say they are a corporate or even Hollywood style that just look wonderful in game. Ever consider putting corporate sponsor logos on the rockets. I know that sounds weird but like Pepsi logo or xbox. I only say this because you got the BMW logo on the monkey rover.

I agree with the Aries 1 I never really trusted that as a concept. Strapping astronauts on top of an SRB doesn't seem very safe. However the delta seems like overkill too. What if you came up with your own variant to launch just Orion? A Hybrid Aries? Idk just an idea.

Why thankya! Every time before I've put a logo on a part it's never worked out, but hey we'l see.

There is a version of the Delta IV + Orion combo ready for the new pack which has only two small solids and a single CBC core so that's the bare bones LEO version you're looking for. I completley agree with you that's all we really need because then it can dock with whatever big thing the SLS block II put up there for going places and having a place to eat.

Altair Descent Stage New Textures, Again!

Even better





Before you ask, yes that is bubble wrap, and it's actually a roll of bubble wrap that is for sale on amazon right now and they have a giant resolution product picture so that's where the texture comes from.

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Looks great, I want to pop some hehe and top part looks like something, I have seen somewhere.

EDIT- Can we see it with alittle ReflectiveShader ?





name = ReflectiveShaderModule

// Lower values for performance, higher values for aesthetics (you shouldn't ever need to go higher than 1024).

CubeMapSize = 128

// How deep the reflection will be ("how far the reflection camera will view")

FarClipPlane = 500000000

// How far away must something be before it is reflected

//NearClipPlane = 1

// Set to false to render all 6 faces of the CubeMap at once (six times slower~)

OneFacePerFrame = true

// The shader to find. The reflective shaders are:

// Reflective/Diffuse

// Reflective/Specular

// Reflective/VertexLit

// Reflective/Bumped Diffuse

// Reflective/Bumped Specular

// Reflective/Bumped Unlit

// Reflective/Bumped VertexLit

// Reflective/Parallax Diffuse

// Reflective/Parallax Specular

ShaderName = Reflective/Bumped

realTimeReflection = False

updateRate = 300

// The height of the parallax map. Values are accepted between 0.005 and 0.08.

ParallaxHeight = 0.005

// How reflective the reflection will be (Weakest 0.0 - 1.0 Strongest).

ReflectionStrength = 1.0

//ReflectionColor = 0, 0, 0, 0

// Use this variable to specify which meshes to apply the shader to.

// Not using this variable will default to the first found mesh.

// Use the actual mesh name for the value. Or you could use:

// all - to replace the shader on all meshes in the model.

//MeshesToChange = polymsh,polymsh_detached,polymsh_detached1

// How shiny the specularity will be (if specular).

// This value will be automatically set if it already exists on the previous shader and is not defined here.

Shininess = 1.0

// These variables should be used together only.

// These values will be automatically set if they already exist on the previous shader and are not defined here

//SpecColorR = 0.5

//SpecColorG = 0.5

//SpecColorB = 0.5

//SpecColorA = 0.5





//Reflection shader plugin



name = ReflectiveShaderModule

// Lower values for performance, higher values for aesthetics (you shouldn't ever need to go higher than 1024).

CubeMapSize = 8

// How deep the reflection will be ("how far the reflection camera will view")

FarClipPlane = 500000000

// How far away must something be before it is reflected

NearClipPlane = 2

// Set to false to render all 6 faces of the CubeMap at once (six times slower~)

OneFacePerFrame = true

// The shader to find. The reflective shaders are:

// Reflective/Diffuse

// Reflective/VertexLit

// Reflective/Bumped Diffuse

//Reflective/Bumped Specular

ShaderName = Reflective/Bumped Specular

realTimeReflection = False

// The height of the parallax map. Values are accepted between 0.005 and 0.08.

ParallaxHeight = 0.01

// How reflective the reflection will be (Weakest 0.0 - 1.0 Strongest).

ReflectionStrength = 0.55

//ReflectionColor = 0, 0, 0, 0

// Use this variable to specify which meshes to apply the shader to.

// Not using this variable will default to the first found mesh.

// Use the actual mesh name for the value. Or you could use:

// all - to replace the shader on all meshes in the model.

MeshesToChange = all

// How shiny the specularity will be (if specular).

// This value will be automatically set if it already exists on the previous shader and is not defined here.

Shininess = 1.0

updateRate = 420

// These variables should be used together only.

// These values will be automatically set if they already exist on the previous shader and are not defined here

SpecColorR = 0.8

SpecColorG = 0.8

SpecColorB = 0.8

SpecColorA = 0.8

rimFalloff = 5.0

rimColor = 0.8242, 0.6445, 0.1914, 1.0

ReflectionColor = 0.6242, 0.6445, 0.69, 1.0



Edited by Mecripp2
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Looks great, I want to pop some hehe and top part looks like something, I have seen somewhere.

EDIT- Can we see it with alittle ReflectiveShader ? or

So far I think (subject to change) that we're better off not using the reflection plugin until somehow the night side blue issue is resolved, but I'l take a look at it ☺

Monkey Engineering Lander

Contains Oxygen and Snax



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A few days ago after painting the SLS Core Stage white, we amused ourselves by putting Orion on it with a makeshift fairing to approximate the SLS Block I config. However, the interstage and upper stage were wanting and in need of improvement.

Chaka the Monkey made a special request to several of our prime contractors, and LandeTLS Aerospace Engineering responded in force by producing this amazing model



The part is ready and has been delivered to the Monkey Assembly Building. Texturing and vehicle integration will begin immediately. An added plus is that the upper stage model will be very nice with the 3.75 Chaka launch systems as well.

Edited by YANFRET
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Wow, that new SLS-style MLS looks great. However, I have to admit that I liked the old, orange MLS with the KW boosters better. Will both versions be available?

Yes absolutely in fact they will both be sub assemblies so you can just click and pop.

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Yanfret have you seen Blackheart's mod KerbalStockLauncherOverhaul he as a ProceduralKXFairing that using Firespitter plugin to change the texture on the flair so you can have a plain white or 1 with something on it like the Monkey Logo ?

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Yanfret have you seen Blackheart's mod KerbalStockLauncherOverhaul he as a ProceduralKXFairing that using Firespitter plugin to change the texture on the flair so you can have a plain white or 1 with something on it like the Monkey Logo ?

I really like Blackheart's products, he has worked with us on several parts already that I am super happy with. However, I'm trying to move away from procedurals and plugins in general. Ultimately I would much rather have a bespoke and fixed set of fairing parts that are set to the maximum size constraints I've already established for the booster perhaps in three sizes, pretty much along the lines the shapes you see now. Actually I spent a lot of time trying to shape the keramzit settings to get that shape, and in practice i don't re make the fairing for each payload, I have an established set of them and I fit each payload to a specific constraint. The only reason we're using the procedural fairings presently is we haven't gotten around to replacing them with fixed parts. I'm also trying to avoid texture swapping on parts to avoid plugin dependency. I'd rather make multiple versions, and if the user doesnt need one or chooses to spend the ram elsewhere, they can be removed.

Hey MeCripp, in the future when we get to the beta stage, would you like to help with a career mode version? If we go there I'd like it to be high quality and not just compatible, for there to be some meaning and purpose to the economic and scientific ladders, however I'm 100% focused on the sandbox game style so it would be nice to have outside input on that.

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Are you spying on me some how hehe just made a fresh .24 install with this mod will play around with it but really, I think Squad did the whole scientific tree wrong some of the first thing in space we can't do because we don't get them to the end of the tree, I think they should have done something like Buzz Aldrin’s Space Program show us all the part and we research what we want to use but sure will play around with it.

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Are you spying on me some how hehe just made a fresh .24 install with this mod will play around with it but really, I think Squad did the whole scientific tree wrong some of the first thing in space we can't do because we don't get them to the end of the tree, I think they should have done something like Buzz Aldrin’s Space Program show us all the part and we research what we want to use but sure will play around with it.

haha Well I know you're the one for the job. You can be our Executive Vice President in charge of Science and Economics :)

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Yanfret is Alexustas going to give you a up to date ALCOR capsule that can use the new RPM ver .18 ? And lol on post # 670 but, I'll try to help.

Oh yes Alexustas even made a special IVA for the chaka version of the pod. He's great.

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Yanfret, if you want you could use Aerojet Kerbodyne's two-part Launch Abort System. I think it has the capability to be as accurate as how it works in real life. (Abort and Jettison). I'm not sure about your original LAS. I think you just need to resize it to fit it with your current set-up. Though it is a scaled to fit 3.75m size with proportion to the real life measurements.

Anyway, I think you would have messaged me, I haven't deleted messages that time so my inbox is full, I see somebody got the special part already. I'm sorry I could have not made earlier.

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Yanfret, if you want you could use Aerojet Kerbodyne's two-part Launch Abort System. I think it has the capability to be as accurate as how it works in real life. (Abort and Jettison). I'm not sure about your original LAS. I think you just need to resize it to fit it with your current set-up. Though it is a scaled to fit 3.75m size with proportion to the real life measurements.

Anyway, I think you would have messaged me, I haven't deleted messages that time so my inbox is full, I see somebody got the special part already. I'm sorry I could have not made earlier.

Why thankya! I'l check it out. The current Bobcat LAS works great but you'rs is very good and I'm curious :)

Oh yes the full inbox kraken, I'm guilty of that constantly myself. I'l try to remember what I was gonna say!

Various Updated Items






EDIT: Oh yeah, this too:



I Like that

Edited by YANFRET
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