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[WIP] MSI's Infernal Robotics - Model Rework (v02 Pre-Release Beta)


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Excellent, looks like I'll definitely be adding in IR & RW.  I already have TweakScale, and I use KAS quite a bit when working with my USI/MKS/OKS builds -- so those are already taken care of.  

I did see that EV3 part, and will likely toss that in as well.  I remember seeing warnings about ships with docking ports and having IR parts between them and the root part -- is that still a major issue?  If I dock a ship with IR parts to a large space station, will that suddenly summon the Krakken since it'll put docking ports between the IR parts and the station's root part when things dock?

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Docking is still an issue yes. The problem stems from KSP changing the craft hierarchy whenever it docks and undocks craft, causing IR parts to suddenly be placed on backwards relative to the new root part.

The easiest thing to do is make sure you never have any IR parts between your docking port and the root node of any craft. That way the hierarchy changes will never affect those parts. Alternatively, if you're willing to learn the rules surrounding docking and undocking you can do some pretty amazing stuff! http://www.twitch.tv/dasvaldez/v/29085765

Edited by ZodiusInfuser
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In other words, if you have craft with root part -> some fuel_tanks -> IR part ->dock port conected to  dock_port<-IR part <- fueltank <-root part of other craft you will be fine without bugs ?

That would explain why I didn't encountered this bug as most of robotic arms created with IR on my crafts are looks similar to described schema.

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  On 1/14/2016 at 4:26 PM, kcs123 said:

In other words, if you have craft with root part -> some fuel_tanks -> IR part ->dock port conected to  dock_port<-IR part <- fueltank <-root part of other craft you will be fine without bugs ?

That would explain why I didn't encountered this bug as most of robotic arms created with IR on my crafts are looks similar to described schema.


No, that setup should cause problems because when they dock together one of those roots will become the new root of the craft and the other just a part. This means that one of the IR parts will be on backwards relative to the new root. The best you can do is.

root part -> some fuel_tanks -> IR part ->dock port connected to dock_port <- fueltank <- root part . As long as the left root part is on the larger of the two craft things will behave fine.

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  On 1/14/2016 at 4:26 PM, kcs123 said:

In other words, if you have craft with root part -> some fuel_tanks -> IR part ->dock port conected to  dock_port<-IR part <- fueltank <-root part of other craft you will be fine without bugs ?

That would explain why I didn't encountered this bug as most of robotic arms created with IR on my crafts are looks similar to described schema.


Basically imagine that in order to function properly all IR parts need to have power flow through there base. For instance all Of the Rework parts have yellow marks around there base to indicate which end to mount, and which end other parts can mount to. Imagine the electricity starting from the command pod and then ultimately ending at the end of whatever IR contraption you built.

So if you built a fuel tank with docking ports top and bottom attached to the tank nodes. And an IR Rotatron surface attached to the side of the fuel tank. The power can flow from either port directly into the IR Rotatron. But if you put a port at the end of a piston. As soon as you dock to that port, the power would be scrambled. Thus causing all the issues with IR. So surface attaching and using the offset tool can really help in strange situation with docking ports. For instance, I built Dextre from the ISS. It can be grappled from the top, or Dextre can grapple with it's own base. (RKE Grapples are docking ports) But the entire IR mechanical structure is all on a rotating gantry surface attached to the backbone using an IR Rework Rotatron. It's the tube behind the KW battery in between the lights. This way everything will rotate around the docking ports and will function from either direction / port.




Now you can dock to parts at the end of IR parts. Just don't try to move them after you do. This isn't the best picture to illustrate but.... I like this one :)

The mechanics of the fuel boom are built from an IR Pivitron, two IR Rotatrons and two IR Extendatrons. So the boom can deploy, but once the two planes are docked, forget about moving it. After they undock everything reverts to normal (as long as you don't move anything for the boom)


Edited by V8jester
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  On 1/14/2016 at 4:46 PM, ZodiusInfuser said:

No, that setup should cause problems because when they dock together one of those roots will become the new root of the craft and the other just a part. This means that one of the IR parts will be on backwards relative to the new root. The best you can do is.

root part -> some fuel_tanks -> IR part ->dock port connected to dock_port <- fueltank <- root part . As long as the left root part is on the larger of the two craft things will behave fine.


Actually, that was more correct combo I was have on crafts. Left craft is usually bigger space plane/rocket with robotic arm and craft on right is some space probe without any of IR parts.
So, some combination, that you have craft with IR parts and that craft undock some piece of space station and you have already placed space station with other set of IR parts, you should be able to "grab" that just released piece and dock it on proper place with large space station.

You just need to be careful and not dock directly such spaceplane with IR parts and space station and you will be fine, right ?

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To be precise some simple cases of a reverted joints on parts are handled by IR code, but not all. That is a most likely reason to have at least some people who did not encounter any problems with IR and docking ports. I'm delving deep into the depths of IR code tight now in hopes of fixing most issues, but man, Unity's  joint system is really hard to tame if you want to do something complex. 

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  On 1/14/2016 at 5:49 PM, Ziw said:

To be precise some simple cases of a reverted joints on parts are handled by IR code, but not all. That is a most likely reason to have at least some people who did not encounter any problems with IR and docking ports. I'm delving deep into the depths of IR code tight now in hopes of fixing most issues, but man, Unity's  joint system is really hard to tame if you want to do something complex. 


Thanks for all you're doing Ziw!

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  On 1/14/2016 at 5:49 PM, Ziw said:

To be precise some simple cases of a reverted joints on parts are handled by IR code, but not all. That is a most likely reason to have at least some people who did not encounter any problems with IR and docking ports. I'm delving deep into the depths of IR code tight now in hopes of fixing most issues, but man, Unity's  joint system is really hard to tame if you want to do something complex. 


Sounds like love-hate relationship most of moders have towards game engines and tools :)

Anyway, thanks for all time and effort invested to maintain this "must to have" mod.

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  On 1/19/2016 at 6:31 PM, prelog15 said:

will this mod ever be compatible with ksp 1.0.5?


It does indeed work with KSP 1.0.5 witout causeing bugs (or I don't noticed them)... at least it did till I got myself CKan to manage the mods, which does not download it for it is 1.0.4... @ZodiusInfuser You should update the CKAN file....

Edited by Friethjoph
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  On 1/19/2016 at 6:31 PM, prelog15 said:

will this mod ever be compatible with ksp 1.0.5?


Try this post - Latest Release

  On 12/8/2015 at 12:40 PM, ZodiusInfuser said:

Hi All,

I had a fair bit of time today to revisit this mod and see what's left to be done. There are a few things left but overall it's looking in pretty good shape. As such I thought I would put a v02 pre-release out for you all to play with :D

v02 Pre-Release - Alpha

This download contains all the updated parts and the new ones I recently pre-released. Note that foldatrons and active struts are absent as I need to spend a few more days on them. It would be great if you could try this out in a fresh KSP install (along with the latest IR) and see if there's any major problems I need to address that I've probably missed.

Thanks and Enjoy!

P.S I totally didn't rush this out because Das Valdez is doing an IR stream later today :P





  On 1/19/2016 at 6:54 PM, Friethjoph said:

... @ZodiusInfuser You should update the CKAN file....


Here is what Zodius had said a page back -

  On 1/11/2016 at 2:46 PM, ZodiusInfuser said:

There was a custom CKAN definition a few pages back if you wish to use it. However, since the 1.0.5 version is still in pre-release form I would prefer it if people didn't upload it to the public CKAN, especially as the file is all 3 packs combined.

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Is there a reason the new mechanical grasper doesn't grab an asteroid surface? I have a ship that connects to an asteroid  with a Nasa Klaw, and it has four legs with graspers for feet, to connect and stabilize the mine and refine vessel. Is there a limit on the connections allow from a single vessel to a surface, i have connected it with structs, but wanted to do it unmanned.

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If by graspers we're talking about that claw-like device that requires KAS, then I have a problem with it too: since it has an "auto-on" funcion, it becomes virtually impossible to detach from something. The only time I tried it, against the wall of the ATC tower in KSC, I couldn't detach it because it would stay too close to the wall and then attach again, leaving no time to get away from the wall. Is there a way to create a kind of on/off option, so it attaches/dettaches when we want?

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  On 1/25/2016 at 3:22 PM, PCanas said:

If by graspers we're talking about that claw-like device that requires KAS, then I have a problem with it too: since it has an "auto-on" funcion, it becomes virtually impossible to detach from something. The only time I tried it, against the wall of the ATC tower in KSC, I couldn't detach it because it would stay too close to the wall and then attach again, leaving no time to get away from the wall. Is there a way to create a kind of on/off option, so it attaches/dettaches when we want?


I believe you just assign it to an action group and (hold) that button until you are fully detached and away. Not the best solution but the last time I used the grasper I think that's what worked for me.

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  On 1/25/2016 at 5:18 PM, flipperstar3745 said:

can someone help. am i supposed to have robotic arm parts and stuff, because all i have are the grappeling hook struts, graspers and robotrusses. help


Welcome to the forum. What have you installed? Have you installed the Infernal robotics Core Mod as well as all 3 of the Rework packs listed in the OP? Sounds like you just installed the "Utility" pack from the OP.

There is also a Beta Release of the new Rework pack Here

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  On 1/25/2016 at 3:15 PM, ollydoyle said:

Is there a reason the new mechanical grasper doesn't grab an asteroid surface? I have a ship that connects to an asteroid  with a Nasa Klaw, and it has four legs with graspers for feet, to connect and stabilize the mine and refine vessel. Is there a limit on the connections allow from a single vessel to a surface, i have connected it with structs, but wanted to do it unmanned.


I have honestly never tried, but I suspect you problem is the NASA Klaw. When you use that the ship and asteroid become the same vessel. Graspers only connect between different vessels. You could try using the RoboStrut Grapplers to achieve similar stablisation, since they can be triggered without a Kerbal.

  On 1/25/2016 at 6:55 PM, flipperstar3745 said:

i installed the core pack ( i have all the stuff from that ) and the beta pack that includes all 3 rework packs, but i only get a few of the utillitrons and robotrusses


Do you see the Robotics tab? If not then double check your install of Infernal Robotics, as that's where all actuating parts appear.

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Is there anyway I can tweak the config files to adjust the uncontrolled joint pivotrons? I'm working on some complex designs and it would be infinitely easier if I was able to adjust their starting angle in the Editor.

Also as a suggestion, a rotation-angle-converter (I totally made that up, since I can't catch the words) . Essentially, a pivotron of sorts that changes the direction of rotation. A much more understandable example is the demo you gave : http://gfycat.com/LateNaturalFantail

Similarly, instead of using those uncontrolled joints and extendatrons to change the angle of the horizontal rotation, that whole mechanic is placed into a single part that acts as a pivotron that receives the rotation force from the base and uses inlaid gears to change the angle of the direction. Like a drive shaft, changing the rotation to 90 degrees.

If that is still not clear, I'll post an image and what I'm up to right now.

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