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[WIP][0.90?] PlanetFactory CE


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i know it's not in the pack i downloaded it and it didn't appear but i took care of that i have a new problem now when i load up ksp the planet's from the default version of this mod apear fine and but the custom planet's (joker Slade etc) appear as red and white but a certain few are fine barney being the only one i have found so far i can send some screen shot's if necessary i am using version 0.24 if that is useful information

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i know it's not in the pack i downloaded it and it didn't appear but i took care of that i have a new problem now when i load up ksp the planet's from the default version of this mod apear fine and but the custom planet's (joker Slade etc) appear as red and white but a certain few are fine barney being the only one i have found so far i can send some screen shot's if necessary i am using version 0.24 if that is useful information

It might be caused by 24. As I am not sure some screen shots would be nice.

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Hi all! I am afraid I have moved on to other projects and I don't know if I will be able to get back to working on PlanetFactory any time soon. So I have changed the license to straight GPL. That should make it easier for other plugins to make use of the code and even the textures and planets.

PlanetFactory source at Source with new License

The Kopernicus team has already expressed interest in porting over the stock PlanetFactory planets. I think that would be really cool since I spent about as much time on making those as the plugin itself. :)



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Hi all! I am afraid I have moved on to other projects and I don't know if I will be able to get back to working on PlanetFactory any time soon. So I have changed the license to straight GPL. That should make it easier for other plugins to make use of the code and even the textures and planets.

PlanetFactory source at Source with new License

The Kopernicus team has already expressed interest in porting over the stock PlanetFactory planets. I think that would be really cool since I spent about as much time on making those as the plugin itself. :)



Glad to know, Good luck with the other projects.

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Hi all! I am afraid I have moved on to other projects and I don't know if I will be able to get back to working on PlanetFactory any time soon. So I have changed the license to straight GPL. That should make it easier for other plugins to make use of the code and even the textures and planets.

PlanetFactory source at Source with new License

The Kopernicus team has already expressed interest in porting over the stock PlanetFactory planets. I think that would be really cool since I spent about as much time on making those as the plugin itself. :)



Great to know Kragrathea. Best of luck with your projects! :)

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Hi all! I am afraid I have moved on to other projects and I don't know if I will be able to get back to working on PlanetFactory any time soon. So I have changed the license to straight GPL. That should make it easier for other plugins to make use of the code and even the textures and planets.

PlanetFactory source at Source with new License

The Kopernicus team has already expressed interest in porting over the stock PlanetFactory planets. I think that would be really cool since I spent about as much time on making those as the plugin itself. :)



Thanks, Krag! Glad to know!

Now OvenProofMars, Fastwings, me and the rest of the gang will be adding planets to StarSystems soon... hehehehe

Edited by sumghai
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Hahahahahahahahaha. Someone is forced to share his toys apparently. Too bad that should have happened months ago when the community actually could have used the code in here, but now given everyone's ahead of PF I guess it's just a wet firework here. So long and thanks for all the fish I guess.

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Hahahahahahahahaha. Someone is forced to share his toys apparently. Too bad that should have happened months ago when the community actually could have used the code in here, but now given everyone's ahead of PF I guess it's just a wet firework here. So long and thanks for all the fish I guess.

Hmm. I felt no "force"... Did I miss something?

As for shared toys. Full source code has been shared since Jan. License was basically ask-and-you-shall-recieve. And I said yes to everyone who ever asked. Only difference is now you dont need to ask. Yawn.

But I must thank you for bringing up fish. I LOVE this clip. SEEK to 1:23 for the SNAPPY bit!!.



Edited by Kragrathea
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PlanetFactory CE has been acting up with .24.2

For some reason when it's loaded, even if not using other star systems, when you right click to move around, the orbits move. It's kind of hard to explain. It's like the orbits lag behind the mouse movement and need a little time to update. I can also zoom out an incredible amount til the point that Kerbol system is gone and the stars are all jumpy.

Also causes E.V.E. clouds to not work. If you remove planetfactory then everything is fixed, including the jumpy planet orbits.

It's too bad you're stopping development. This was THE best mod in my opinion because it gives more life to the system and there are no good alternatives yet.

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PlanetFactory CE has been acting up with .24.2

For some reason when it's loaded, even if not using other star systems, when you right click to move around, the orbits move. It's kind of hard to explain. It's like the orbits lag behind the mouse movement and need a little time to update. I can also zoom out an incredible amount til the point that Kerbol system is gone and the stars are all jumpy.

Also causes E.V.E. clouds to not work. If you remove planetfactory then everything is fixed, including the jumpy planet orbits.

It's too bad you're stopping development. This was THE best mod in my opinion because it gives more life to the system and there are no good alternatives yet.

I have none of these problems...

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I have none of these problems...

I get those problems with either Kethane or ORS installed. Installing PF also borks the kethane overlay. I think it's related to the jittery map thing. Seems the mods are colliding with PF in a way it doesn't like. It's unfortunate because I really love custom planets. Here's to hoping the guys working on Kopernicus release soon. :P

Edited by Immashift
Damn you autocorrect!
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Where's it going? I don't want it to go.

Oh well, I'm going to say this. Thank you Kragathea for giving me the best time I've had with any mod in any game in my entire life, this mod finally let me put my ideas into the verbal universe in a fairly simple way. Thank you.

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Alas, sorry I left so many roaches behind.

Delighted on the other hand that Kerbals have finally discovered that there are more than 32 bits! If someone knows why PF has problems with 64bit and/or could provide me with a patch I would be happy to apply it. So as to tide the intrepid Kerbal over until Kopernicus or Star Systems gets up to feature parity.


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