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[Collection] Silisko Industries - BACE 0.3(1) released! [April 28]


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lay off me man i have free speech rights so i can say what i want

Free speech is not an excuse to be a moron. I will release the mod when it is done. Yelling about how much you want it, while it may make you feel better, does nothing to help speed it up.

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lay off me man i have free speech rights so i can say what i want

You mean the same freedom that the Cepheus is exercising to criticize your posts?

You certainly can say what you want, but the consequence of that freedom is that others can say what they want about you. So, if you post like an idiot, people will call you an idiot, and there\'s nothing you can do about it other than not being such an idiot.

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i will stop but some people are asses like Cepheus. i try my hardest too fit in. i am not 20 i am 16 years old

First thing that will help people look more kindly on your posts is correct spelling and grammar.

Secondly, demanding mod-makers who work in their spare time work faster is not particularly well looked upon.

Thirdly, by the age of 16 I would hope you can understand when you might be irritating people and adjust your behaviour otherwise.

Fourthly, I look forward immensely to these parts, Silisko, and more in the future

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17 here. You\'re not too much younger than the rest of us. We\'d be a lot kinder to you if you acted your age. There are some things that people just won\'t tolerate, and you can\'t fix that by complaining about it. You\'ve gotta change, man.

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My guess is some invisible colliders that the decouplers would hit.

Edit: I wonder if it\'s possible to fix the seams on the fairings:


Hey Nova, I tried to register just to reply to this, but had forgotten that I\'d already registered previously, so yeah, I\'ll post then =P

In order to get rid of a visible seam across two objects that should fit smoothly, you need the vertex normals to 'think' that the other part is there even when it\'s not. I accomplished this in my Wings3D .msh plugin by allowing the user to designate geometry that wouldn\'t be exported--it would still affect the normals of the geometry that does get exported, but doesn\'t actually show up in the exported model. I have no idea how the KSP model format works, or what program you\'re using for modelling, but the basic idea would be that in your modelling program you model the full thing (not just the half), but then you only export the half without actually cutting the model.

You probably only need one extra row of polygons, not the full other half, but it\'s probably easier to just have both halves. I explained the way to do it in Wings3D for my .msh exporter in my video (in the spoiler below--I couldn\'t figure out how to suppress the automatic youtube embedding) --that might help explain it.

Does that make sense?

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Towards the fighting couple:

What happened to you guys? Can you at least have the courtesy of taking these fights off the forums? It ruins the mood, and I would much rather witness the removal all mods (please don\'t :P) than see this forum fall into the mud, like many forums before it! Please grow up!

Edit: Also, Cepheus is right.


Most of the forum

Nova, you seem to amaze me even to this day. There is much need for a smaller shroud, and yours look excellent.

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[mod]Alright, that's enough. Everyone, calm down and do not post a response to any instigating party. I will be investigating this thread to possibly hand out warnings.[/mod]


[mod]Warnings handed out. I will make this very clear. You do not instigate a troll or spamming situation on someone elses thread, without permission or against a creator of a project, ect ect. We have "Report Post" features, guys. Use them. Do not counter troll, do not respond to caps lock, do not instigate.[/mod]

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