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[Collection] Silisko Industries - BACE 0.3(1) released! [April 28]


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so the new camera part and the telescope part are both supposed to be able to let us see through their lens, right? I can understand that the camera part would give us a normal view, just that it would be out of the camera, but will the telescope let us see deep into space? I know there\'s nothing to see out there right now, but it would be cool for when we do get other celestial bodies to have things like space telescopes mounted on the moon to gaze into the stars! :D

P.S. would there be any way for us to Just look through the camera\'s view? It would be cool if we could swich the two screens around, so you could have the external view of your ship become the small screen and look through the telescope on the bigger screen.

P.P.S When we have electricity (and will be needing things like solar panels to keep our orbiting devices powered) will we have some way to lock our solar panels to face the sun?

P.P.P.S. I love the pack, made my first real Munar landing with a probodobodyne probe!

P.P.P.P.S. A question about the hinge part your putting in. will they be activated like the solar panels are by pressing \'G\'? Would there be a way to make a sort of separate panel for them, so that we could activate them in a specific order, for more complicated probes and spacecraft?

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so the new camera part and the telescope part are both supposed to be able to let us see through their lens, right? I can understand that the camera part would give us a normal view, just that it would be out of the camera, but will the telescope let us see deep into space? I know there\'s nothing to see out there right now, but it would be cool for when we do get other celestial bodies to have things like space telescopes mounted on the moon to gaze into the stars! :D

Well, it would likely just be a camera with a very low field of view.

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Ah, I see. so it would be a narrow view, but would make very distant things appear much closer?

Duh. I can\'t believe I said that! -_- that\'s exactly what telescopes do...

What about that reentry heat? :D

yes, I\'ve wondered about that too. Thankfully I\'ve devised a rocket that can slow myself down for re-entry quite well, so it shouldn\'t be a problem, but I\'m wondering what it will do to other things. Like, will re-entry heat cause a fuel tank with fuel in it to explode faster then an empty one? (speaking of which, why does everything 'explode' when it hits the ground or another object? I highly doubt empty fuel tanks or pieces of wings would 'explode' the same way an engine would.

Also, now i have some questions about the new kit and about the action buttons. How exactly are the fairing supposed to work in the new pack? I\'ve tried twice to open them while approaching the Munar surface now, and both times they wouldn\'t disengage. are they meant to be opened in 0g? and is there anyway we can remap the action key from 'g' to something else for opening the solar panels? I\'ve had at least three crashes because i hit 'g' by accident while using F key to momentarily disable SAS to fine-tune my approaches to the Mun and the solar panels opened inside my fairing and clipped through it, making the whole ship freak out and tear itself apart in a crazy spin... will G always activate EVERY moving part on our rocket?

this is a link to the picture. I\'m still not used to the whole forum stuff to put the actual picture up. sorry >.< I\'ll fix it later if someone tells me how. its a picture of the cross section of the rocket I\'m using, under the fairing. I\'ve gor a SAS attached to the fairing decoupler thing, then another decoupler for the actual lander.


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I\'ve just realized that that mini-capsule reminds me so much of. It\'s a diving bell, isn\'t it. The kerbals took a flipping diving bell, strapped it on top of a rocket bunch of dustbins filled with kerosene and called it a day, didn\'t they. :D

Speaking of dustbins, I\'ve also been able to put a finger on what exactly it is that bothers me about SE2 so much. It\'s too smooth, too streamlined. The only truly kerbal component seems to be the mini-capsule. I really miss those old fuel tanks with indented sides. Made the rockets look so much more like they were just cobbled together from random bits.

Edit: Downloading Blender... ;P

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...Also, now i have some questions about the new kit and about the action buttons. How exactly are the fairing supposed to work in the new pack?...

Fairings work the same way they always have - there\'s a fairing decoupler that you have to put at the bottom of your fairing stacks.

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It has one. Are you up to date? It\'s with the photobodyne parts.

Yes, I am up to date.

However, the pod has no attach point on the top of the pod, meaning I can\'t attach the probe parachute to it.

I\'ll go with the mini-stack parachute, seems good.

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for some reason, whenever i see the mini capsule, All i can think is that it looks like it shouldn\'t have anything to slow it down. xD IT looks like it should just be built from the hardest things they could find and just slams into whatever they\'re aiming for and hope the capsule doesn\'t get stuck too deep in the ground.

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

for some reason, whenever i see the mini capsule, All i can think is that it looks like it shouldn\'t have anything to slow it down. xD IT looks like it should just be built from the hardest things they could find and just slams into whatever they\'re aiming for and hope the capsule doesn\'t get stuck too deep in the ground.

I just can\'t be bothered using it.

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Ive tried out both of the suggestions mentioned here and had a lot of fun. You can attach a double ended parachute module and allow the screaming pilot to go into the ground head first at a safe speed , but it doesnt look great visually because all the nose-mounted chutes are still narrower than the underside of the capsule. Instead , my prefered option is to use the heavy probe engine and tank from the probe-kit. The slimmed down parts are actually lighter than a chute , and there is just enougth gas to slow the capsule down for a soft landing. Looks much better too.

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