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Kerbin Kolonization Konglomerate - Space Station/Base building Collab

Captain Sierra

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Consider those running on 32-bit operating systems where application can only use 2GB of ram. In that case part count and complexity has very little effect, but with KSP's stock memory usage you really can't afford part mods. In general with collaboration projects it's best to avoid part mods as far as is possible. As RLA doesn't really expand the game very much I'd say it's far from high priority, despite it being a very nice mod.

Actually, 4GB, but still. :P

I agree that we don't really need that many mods, but Kerbal Engineer should be included I think. I don't think solely from a performance standpoint, but from a "friendly-ness" standpoint, as some people don't like that many mods. I'm not saying we need no mods (except kethane, obv.), but just a few is plenty.

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Plus, the only reason I am suggesting it is that it doesn't add too much to the game.

I just had a closer look at the mod and it does look pretty cool :) And you say that it is one of the least part sensitive mods. I doubt the part sensitive bit in that, but I'd be willing to vote for it if other people do too :P

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It doesn't have much of a memory footprint, and the parts it has would be a major help. The 5 way RCS can cut the number of RCS thrusters on a part down by at least half, and the larger girders could halve or even quarter the amount of girders needed for solar panel trusses and the like. It comes with a few probe sized engines and monoprop engines, along with a radial jet and a few other goodies as well, including a 0.625m NERVA, that is pretty well balanced. (Really low thrust and lower ISP than the stock one.) Also, I second KER, either that or VOID.


Hi again, Progress report on the prototype DeGrasse Base:

1) I named it. (See Above.) It is named after famous astrophysicist and cosmologist, Neil DeGrasse Tyson. (One of my all time science idols.)

2) Hyperedited the whole thing as a train to duna. Turns out that it works perfectly as a train on duna, and the Docking Ports don't break when you turn. (It does not like to brake though. ESPECIALLY when going down a hill at 50+ ms.)

3) Assembled it into it's (Most likely) final layout. Due to the modularity and functionality of the base, It does not have to be landed in a particular order, and can just be assembled however.

4) I have one module to complete however: The Orbital Ferry. However, we may consider this part of an orbital station, which would allow me to build a dedicated Exploration and Utility rover. This could be used to haul around other modules, along with transit between surface bases.

5) A flag was planted about 70 to 100 metres from the base, for use as an LZ for future vehicles. (Orbital Ferry, etc.)


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Edited by Deathsoul097
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Deathsoul, I love the enthusiasm of your base building, but the project, at least for now, is exclusively within the kerbin system. Interplanetary is not yet on the table. Can the landing system for those be adapted for Munar use? In response to everything that has happened during my brief internet outage, I did consider adding RLA stockalike at the beginning but did not as I saw it as a barrier to entry. Since there is call for it, I'm gladly willing to reconsider and put it to a vote.

As for KER, I'm gonna say let's use VOID instead as it adds no parts, making it entirely optional. I do.

here is our official voting poll on RLA stockalike.


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Ah... I didn't realize I had to make the landing system.(I thought that was up to the person lifting it.) No matter, it should be easy to adapt to a mun or minmus base. (Just need to remove the parachutes from some modules, and hey presto, converted.) I will see about testing that.


Right. I have a launcher and a nuclear Transfer/Landing stage ready. (With the capability to land on pretty much anything, as long as the gravity isn't too strong, and with enough DV on most of the modules to make Jool or Laythe orbit.) The Landing/Transfer Stage should have enough fuel to land the payload on the mun, minmus or duna, and then return to orbit for re-use.

Edited by Deathsoul097
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Hi, I am new to the project. Might I suggest the KMP mod for the official missions, that way we avoid the constant tossing around of the persistence file.

Sorry but I doubt my machine would run well with KMP considering I'm 32 bit (and I have only 30 gigs of space left in the computer :P) and additionally Kethane is already added. I doubt my game would run with both and probably same with a number of other people in this collab. Although I'd be up to 1 more mod such as "KAS" or "RLA stockalike". - B9 aeospace? No. too big. xD it doesn't work in my computer.

I will give it a day. If they haven't updated it I will send up the KH4 tank.

Yeah. He hasn't updated google docs either but someone anonymous is on hovering over his name :P

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Hi, I am new to the project. Might I suggest the KMP mod for the official missions, that way we avoid the constant tossing around of the persistence file.

KMP is fairly hardware taxing and is also extremely unstable. On the basis thereof, I'm gonna have to put it as a no on KMP. Also, has everyone seen and voted in the RLA Stockalike poll?

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Ah... I didn't realize I had to make the landing system.(I thought that was up to the person lifting it.) No matter, it should be easy to adapt to a mun or minmus base. (Just need to remove the parachutes from some modules, and hey presto, converted.) I will see about testing that.


Right. I have a launcher and a nuclear Transfer/Landing stage ready. (With the capability to land on pretty much anything, as long as the gravity isn't too strong, and with enough DV on most of the modules to make Jool or Laythe orbit.) The Landing/Transfer Stage should have enough fuel to land the payload on the mun, minmus or duna, and then return to orbit for re-use.

It's up to you to ensure your modules can get from orbit to the surface. Beyond that, it's on the person launching. Now, I'm a bit iffy about the requirements for actually getting it to the target planet when we do start going interplanetary, but as I want to get one full rotation in before that happens, I have time to think on that.

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No. If xetalim and baberbot are unable to do it, you should go.

TECHNICALLY, that's grounds for dismissal. Now, am I ready to do that this early in the life of the collab? Probably not, though the thought has crossed my mind considering we are at capacity right now. We have hit our 10 player cap. So, I guess I'll leave that up to yall. We have 10 slots, all are full. Should we kick people who can't do their payloads?

Also, I'm bumping the poll to include RLA Stockalike. We currently have 6 votes and we need a total of 10 (I'm voting no opinion; yall really shouldn't unless you already have the mod installed).


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TECHNICALLY, that's grounds for dismissal. Now, am I ready to do that this early in the life of the collab? Probably not, though the thought has crossed my mind considering we are at capacity right now. We have hit our 10 player cap. So, I guess I'll leave that up to yall. We have 10 slots, all are full. Should we kick people who can't do their payloads?

I think if you miss a payload, it should be grounds for dismissal, but on a case-by-base basis (and after multiple occasions probably, or after long periods of inactivity/unresponsivnesss). Ideally, if someone can't make a payload, they would go on the thread and say something along the lines of "I can't make it, can someone else do it? I should be available to launch again by [date/time]." That way, they could go later (if they will be available at all during the window) and not hold up the project. Obviously we can't hold them accountable to have computer access 100% of the time, so the launch order should shove them to the back automatically after a day or two.

Also, in the future we should have all sign-ups taken care of before the launch window starts, which I will be doing.

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What other modules? The KH4 tank isn't dependant on any other modules, and as seeing that baberbot and xetalim haven't replied in a while I have launched it.


Okay chaps! The first tank is orbited and docked, and it only took me 10 minutes to boot! (And that includes the time I spent landing the core stage, which unfortunately landed perfectly -less than 3m/s- , then immediately proceeded to explode for no apparent reason.)

I will upload the updated persist in a moment.


Updated Persistence.sfs:

-Removed- (Link on next page.)


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I am kind of confused though. I thought the hab and one of the tanks had already been launched. But the "Updated persist" in the OP was empty, and the original persist only had the core...

Edited by Deathsoul097
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