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Wobbly rockets - Now 1.09 - 2 metre parts, verniers, payload fairings, MUCH more

Sunday Punch

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In the 10 minutes since I saw that post, I decided to finally just do that. I\'m uploading a redbug-fixed, 'SundayPunch' tagged version of the latest release of this pack. All parts, textures, cfgs and whatever are the same- just the folder names are pretagged with SundayPunch. Ships will still load just the same with these tagged folders.

There you go.

Perhaps a mod could add this link to the main post, since this is a widely used pack - and with this, it\'s atleast semi-up-to-date?


Also, here is a mediafire link for those so inclined


20 seconds after I finish fixing all the texures intending to upload them I see this. :\'(

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dunno, I certainly hope he comes back. Hopefully he\'s just busy.

Nova isn\'t likely to continue SIDR right now either, so thats a lot of quality stuff falling out of maintenance.

Kyle and Winston have a good pack going, as does DownUnder Aerospace (by Slew) though they both have some issues with breaking the game\'s connection engines due to mass scales.

If one could get permission, it would be great to merge Wobbly and SIDR, drop the duplicate parts and balance them against one another

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I agree that some parts are obsolete, but I just downloaded the pack again today just to get a couple of items that don\'t mess up the balance of the new pack. I\'m thinking about the attachable parachute (I love to have a soyuz-like orbital module), the payloads, the decouplers, the escape tower and a couple of other things.

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Like the stock parts, yes. Which is exactly why we need the 'realistic' rocket parts too.

What I would suggest doing...

Update config of all discontinued packs to current version if neccessary.

Combine them to make a super-pack.

Add more to it later if need be.

I volunteer to be part of the team! :D

With NS\'s permission I\'d add SIDR, I\'d add wobbly rockets too and then remove it if SP ever had any issues. I\'m sure he won\'t mind, it\'ll say it was created by him, etc.

Who knows, I might even make some of my OWN parts :o. What do you guys use for the models?

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OKay well I went through the packs and sorted them for comparison, to see what is missing/duplicated or whatever. This would be a HUGE pack if merged, might need to be split into a hardware pack for the couplers/shrouds/Adapters and an Engine/Tank/Other stuff pack for the rest.

Long list to follow!

Solid Boosters

1m Stackable

SSH-221 - 370thrust/23.3 seconds - SIDR

KSP-30 - 250/40 - SundayPunch

1m Radial-only

CMM-96 - 320/37.5 - Energia-style - SIDR

Small boosters

Mini-booster 80/40 - Stackable - SIDR

Payload Assist Module - Stackable - 40/62.5 - SIDR

Solid Motor - 100/9 - Stackable - SundayPunch

Engines (Liquid)

1 Meter Engines

RMA-3 100thrust/3Fuel - Lander Engine - SIDR

SPS-10 - 65/10 - Lander Engine - SundayPunch

K2-X - 150/6 - SundayPunch

M-50 - 400/22 - SundayPunch (Overpowered!)

Nerva - 100/2 - 'Nuclear' and heavy - Sundaypunch

GG-M4 - 200/16 - 4-nozzle - SIDR

1.75 Meter engines

The Berthas - SIDR

Medium Bertha - 600/24

Twin Lite Bertha - 400/18

Large Bertha - 800-30 (Why isn\'t this named Big Bertha???)

2 meter engines

Absolutely no 2m Engines

3 meter engines

4x-800 - 650/36 (Weak as a kitten) - SundayPunch

Omnipotent Bertha - 1100/58 - SIDR


1 meter tanks

HH-77 - 750Fuel, 3meters tall, orange - SIDR

FL-s100 - 1000Fuel, ~4meters tall, B&W - SundayPunch

FL-R25 - 165Fuel, 1meter tall, Orange - SundayPunch

1.75 meter tanks

HH-78ab - 650Fuel, 2meters, White - SundayPunch

HH-78a - 1250Fuel, ~4meters, B&W - SIDR

HH-78 - 2500Fuel - Long tank, B&W and Orange version - SIDR

2 meter tanks

FL-S2000 - 2000Fuel - ~6meters, B&W - SundayPunch

3 meter tanks

FL-R1000 - 2800Fuel - Short tank, Orange - SundayPunch

FL-T3000 - 5000Fuel - ~8meters, B&W - SundayPunch



HH-78b - Long, not decpl, not shroud - SIDR

MK 46 - Shroud Decoupler - SIDR

Needed: short/plate adapter


KC-120 Shroud Decoupler - SundayPunch

needed: 1-2m plate or non-shroud


KC-130 Shroud Decoupler - SundayPunch

needed: plate or non-shroud


KC-320 Shroud Decoupler - SundayPunch

Centaur-32 plate - Sundaypunch


HH-78d adapter, no decpl, no shroud - SIDR

Needed: Shroud Decoupler


KC-310 Shroud Decoupler - SundayPunch

Needed: plate/non-shroud


HH-90909 plate - SIDR


HH-90908 plate - SIDR


KC-210 Shroud Decoupler - SundayPunch

Centaur-21 plate - SundayPunch


KC-230 Shroud Decoupler - SundayPunch

Needed: Plate


HH-78b6a9 plate - SIDR

HH-78e adapter, no decpl, no shroud - SIDR

Mk 847 Shroud Decoupler - SIDR


HH-78c Adatper - no decpl, no shroud - SIDR

Mk-77 Shroud Decoupler - SIDR

Shroud Decouplers (Cylinders)


RS-501 (Long) -SundayPunch

RS-502 (Short) -SundayPunch


RS-202 (Short) -SundayPunch

RS-201 (Long) -SundaPunch


Mk 2.3 (Long) - SIDR

Needed: Short 1.7m Shroud


QS-93 (Long) - SundayPunch

QS-92 (Short) - SundayPunch

Mk 3030302 (Short) - SIDR

Various Decouplers


AA-BB Long Strut Decoupler - SIDR

SL-55 Radial Cone Decoupler - SundayPunch

Model 9 Flange Decoupler (Soyuz style) 1m - SIDR

Model 808 - 1.75m Radial Stack - SIDR


HS-300 - Stack Decoupler - SundayPunch


Tk-421 (Cage) stack decoupler - SundayPunch

TD-M9 - Stack Decoupler (super-thin) - SIDR

Td-M3 - Micro-decoupler (0.5m)


Am-27b - 1.75m - SIDR

Am-27 - 1m - SIDR

HMX175 - 1.75m, Decoupling - SIDR

HMX1 - 1m, Decoupling - SIDR

HMX Nanocone - 0.5m - SIDR

HH-77 - 1m - SIDR

GSH-30 Nosecap - 1m - SundayPunch

1Meter Nosecone - 1m - SundayPunch


Adapter Plates

2m->(2x1m) plate - SundayPunch

3m->(5x1m) plate - SundayPunch

3m->(5x1m) plate (smaller, fits in fairings) - SundayPunch

3m->(7x1m) plate - SundayPunch

Dual Couplers

SP-41C - 1m->2x1m - Sundaypunch

SP-41CR - Same, but rotated 90 degrees - SundayPunch

Quad Coupler

SP-81c - 1m->4x1m - SundayPunch

Stack Couplers

LT-20 - 2x1m - SundayPunch

LT-21 - 2x1m, rotated 90 degrees - SundayPunch

Lt-30 - 3x1m - SundayPunch

LT-31 - 3x1m, rotated 90 degrees - SundayPunch

Model 9 Flange Coupler (Soyuz style, non-decoupler version) - 1m - SIDR

Command & Control/SAS parts

Nano SAS - Nosecone SAS module - SIDR

MPM-20 - 1.75m stackable SAS module - SIDR

Grey/Black Pod - SIDR

'unmanned' command module (cannister) - SIDR

Yawmaster Command Module - SundayPunch - Needs redone to be SAS/utility module

SAS-2 Vernier Pod (solid thruster for now, could be RCS)

Miscellaneous parts

2m Fairing Panel - SundayPunch

2m Fairing Nosecone - SundayPunch

Sp-5 Verical Stabilizer - SundayPunch

T-2 Strake stabilizer - SIDR

Retrorocket - Stackable, 1m - SundayPunch

Escape Tower - SundayPunch

3x Satellite Parts - SIDR

Stackable Parachute - SIDR

Nosecone Parachute, 1.75m - SIDR

Docking Claw - (non-functional) - SIDR

K-1 Parts (3 Fuel tanks 2 cage decouplers, Omni Bertha 3m Engine) - N-1 Replica parts, SIDR

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Rather than make that post any more scroll-ish, new reply with my ideas;


Aside from weight/burn time/thrust balancing; Upscale KSP-30 to a 1.75 meter part, it\'ll be longer, heavier, and burn longer too, for heavy lifting

For the 2 payload assisters, make Sunday\'s a little stronger, make sure the SIDR one can be radially placed.


The RMA-3 is best as a lander/ascent engine, the SPS-10 would be slightly stronger, perhaps for heavy landing, or command module maneuvers.

K2-X would remain light/efficient, with the M-50 getting brought back into reason as a medium-powered engine, and the GG-M4 4-nozzle engine as the 'heavy-lifting' 1m engine.

The Berthas have the 1.75meter engines locked down, would just need a re-balance to fit with the pack as a whole. Do we NEED 2Meter engines? Or should all 1.75 parts be scaled up to 2m?

The 4X-800 4-nozzle should be the main lifter, its pretty underpowered right now it seems, but that would all come out once everything is balanced together.

Probably most of them would be gimballed?


Ideally, we need a short, medium, and long tank at the 3 main sizes. Not sure if we would want 1.75 and 2m parts or just scale thing so they\'re all the same.

And a new new of uniform textures? A B&W set and orange set? Orange on the small tanks?

Adapters, Shrouds

There are a few more adapter sizes that could be filled in, but they\'re pretty complete as is - some may need some connector node updates.

And there are some missing parts that might need to be added to be a functional 'set'

RCS tanks in various sizes

RCS blocks, light and heavy

Landing legs

Perhaps a tuned ASAS module

I am sure I missed something, so feel free to chime in.

Fleshed-out fairings? Already have 2m parts.

Btw, with just SIDR and Wobbly loaded, the game takes forever to load - definitely might be wise to thin it down some.

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Okay, I set down tonight to start crunching numbers. Who doesn\'t love a good spreadsheet.

Basically for this 1st step I just ran the tanks and engines through the formulas in the IKAO thread here on the forums, since they have a good baseline to work against. Might need some tweaks for play-ability\'s sake.

I also took a look to see if we have duplicates, gaps, or if the power didn\'t match the design of the engine, so there are some possible changes in the comments on the right side.

Note that Tanks, engines, and boosters have a separate tab, for now the solid booster tab just displays the old values, since I don\'t think IKAO has done anything on those yet.

I plan to clone the packs and plug in these numbers for some playtesting tomorrow, if anyone else is bored and wants to help, jump in. This is just somewhere to start.

Link to GoogleDoc Spreadsheet

IKAO Thread

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Hi mate,

some of your packs parts are fro me showing up as a pink colour where they should be white. I tried re-installing, but it make no difference.

Any idea how to fix it? Its making my rockets look a little bit phallic. :(

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Hi mate,

some of your packs parts are fro me showing up as a pink colour where they should be white. I tried re-installing, but it make no difference.

Any idea how to fix it? Its making my rockets look a little bit phallic. :(

This is a common issue with mod parts following an improvement in how KSP handles textures.

A quick search on \'red tint\' on the forums here should reveal the various solutions to it.

Additional: There\'s a handy utility to do the fix for you:


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This is a common issue with mod parts following an improvement in how KSP handles textures.

A quick search on \'red tint\' on the forums here should reveal the various solutions to it.

Additional: There\'s a handy utility to do the fix for you:


Top notch mate, thanks!

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Nice to see this thread on the front page again!

I\'d like offer my help updating these parts, Sunday Punches\' & SIDR are by far my all time favorites.

A couple of things I can think off,

The satellite parts need to be changed to decoupler type parts. Currently they stick to things ontop of them.

Some of the fairings in the sunday punch\'s pack need to have nodes added to jive with some of the SIDR Engines, Maybe add nodes to accommodate the newer packs like K&W and Down under.

Duplicate a fairing and set it up the nodes to better fit the satellite parts.

SP\'s dual coupler is slightly shorter then the lateral couplers and those are also of a slightly different size then the SAS module. IMO these should be tweaked to fit the stock SAS height, but spacers could also work. Theres also quite a few lateral coupler possibilities that can be created.

The Grey/black mercury looking pod in SIDR needs to have its nodes fixed.

In the SIDR pack, the medium bertha used to have a different model with a huge exhaust nozzle that should maybe be reintroduced as the big bertha.

Change the non-hollow adapters to fuel tanks.

With respects to the yawmaster, I think that best thing to do is to slice the module up into separate components untill KSP supports a proper command module. So you would basically end up with 3 segments, sas/asas, rcs fuel tank, liquid fuel tank, and slice off the thruster and make them proper rcs thrusters.

Thats what I got for the moment, I\'m sure I\'ll come up with more later. But like I said, I would like to help out any way I can, I\'ve already made some of these tweaks for personal use like changing the satellites to decouplers and re-implementing the old medium bertha engine. I can do any of the modeling that would ne needed, but I\'ve had no luck getting new models into the game so I\'ll need some expert advice there. But all in all I don\'t think this should be too hard to do as many of the missing adapters can be created by simply mirroring the existing ones.

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Excellent, I wouldn\'t mind seeing Big Bertha implemented as another 3M engine, the N1 Omni Bertha doesn\'t exactly work well with the parts.

The Command pod is an easy fix, the version that was in the podreplacer standalone zip works fine, I use it all the time, just need to name-change it so its not a replacer.

The connector nodes on the adapter shrouds will definitely need some work to line up right. And I agree on the yawmaster and coupler issues.

Modeling-wise, the only thing I have on my list so far is to lengthen the HH77 1m orange tank to be 5 meters, the current HH77 and Sunday\'s 1m tank are too similar, and having a long tank to match the 2m long tanks would be good.

And perhaps some remapping of all tanks for a matching set of textures (some of the parts with the corrugated metal-look have some issues, too)

I sent some messages to see if the authors will give permissions for re-release, so hopefully we hear something.

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He didn\'t have those in this pack, in fact there is only the one fairing wall and nosecone, I don\'t recall how you were supposed to use them.

You can go grab Payload Fairings from Captainslug\'s Assorted Hardware thread, they work well with this pack.

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And I prefer rockets made of sheet metal and hazard tape, so...

Whereas I like the Apollo-era styling, considering we\'re going to the Mun and all. (The more modern stuff, eh, not so much, but that\'s me.)

And comparing the SIDR textures to the stock ones (and yours), I frankly don\'t see that much difference in the level of 'polish.' If the stock textures were rough and hand-drawn, with rusty irregular plates that look like they were joined with a nail-gun, maybe... but no, they\'re just as even and symmetrical and clearly made with a fancy graphics program. I think some of us like to overstate just how clunky and ugly these parts actually are, especially in the descriptions, but the neat-and-tidy in-game textures don\'t bear that out.

IMO, the only really 'ugly' thing about the stock parts is how many it takes to build a decent rocket. It\'s like trying to build a (full-scale) pyramid out of dice or sugar cubes rather than stone blocks. I don\'t want overpowered broken parts, just usefully upscaled ones.

Sunday Punch\'s parts and yours are, IMO, the best add-ons out there. I\'d really rather not see one of my favorite creators get in a slap fight with the other.

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I have both packs merged (and the K-1 parts separated for now) - the red textures fixed, and the folder names edited for sorting. I\'ve also plugged in the numbers and ran some tests - it\'s a good place to start, but I reckon some different piloting styles will illuminate any issues.

I haven\'t heard from Nova yet, and I was only able to contact Sundaypunch via PM here and his Youtube channel, so we don\'t have permission to redistribute anything officially yet.

I will give out the files to a few people who are interested in testing or working with them, just hit me up via PM.

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