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What do YOU want to see in 0.24?

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I know it says not to suggest some of these, but that's because they're coming at some point. The reason I'm saying them is because this isn't a suggestion, it's simply what I'd like to see in the next update based on what the Devs have mentioned. I'll try to be realistic:

  • Payload Fairings
  • The NASA mission (yes, that's coming in 0.23.10, but they've said that the two updates will be released nearby each other).
  • More biomes on other bodies
  • Enhancements to current biomes (in terms of science -at the moment you get as much science from walking a few meters to the grasslands as you do from going to the poles)
  • Contracts
  • Currency
  • More parts (just throwing it out there because it happens in most major updates anyway)

And now for the less likely stuff that may or may not have already been mentioned:

  • Cost of Kerbals (and a Kerbal wage, maybe?)
  • Stupidity and courage have an effect on things
  • Payload assembly building
  • In-game parts designer (basic for now, maybe just fuel tanks)
  • Something to do with this whole asteroid landing malarkey (maybe adding an asteroid, or parts that are related to the mission)
  • More science-related parts

Disclaimer1: I am in no way saying that all of these should/may be included in the next update - but hopefully the majority of, if not all, of those in the first section will be.

Disclaimer2: Things that have been said in this post are not suggestions but are predictions of what I believe the developers will be adding in the next few major updates, therefore I have broke no "what not to suggest" rules.

Edited by Shna_na
Tweaked it.
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  • 1 month later...
I want that time becomes an important factor on the career mode.
when a mission to eeloo can take 3 years i must disagree.

How does that change anything? You're practically saying that because time-management would be important you don't want it to be important, but as Harvester had stated (Err, a year ago), Career mode would have you launching that Rocket to Eeloo and then doing other "smaller things" while it travels there. It would require an implementation of Kerbal Alarm Clock, but making time mean something is not an inherently bad idea... just an idea that causes "changes".

*Err, right, this is a month old... my bad!

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Career mode would have you launching that Rocket to Eeloo and then doing other "smaller things" while it travels there. It would require an implementation of Kerbal Alarm Clock, but making time mean something is not an inherently bad idea... just an idea that causes "changes".

I already do this with Kerbal Alarm Clock and Kerbal Engineer installed. I don't see them as mods that stop it being the stock game, but rather as tools or employees. You know, just an extra something that a space program would have to make things quicker, there's not just one person doing everything is there?

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I'm excited too about contracts. I hope they're semi-randomly generated based on what you're doing currently. So if you've got ships on their way to Jool to set up a base, you get a contract to do something on Jool, not Moho.

I'd also like to see biomes everywhere, but just expanding the selections is fine. Like, say, adding biomes to Duna, Ike, Eve, and Gilly. Then next update the 5 Joolian moons, and finally the three odd-men out.

As they add biomes (and therefore potential to get SCIENCE) I hope they increase the costs of items in the tree. Maybe not all nodes, but make the higher ones cost exponentially more. That way, you can't max out the tree before you've left Kerbin's SOI, but you can still unlock early nodes with the science you can find around KSC. I'm thinking like the first node still costs 5, the 2nd tier nodes cost around 25 instead of 20, but the last nodes cost like 2000 each. With double, triple, even quadruple the available science, that shouldn't be totally unreasonable.

I'd like some of the more (and less!) overpowered things tweaked. I'd like a reason to use a Poodle, and a reason NOT to use 48-7S on almost everything I build. Speaking of tweaks, I'd like everything possible to be tweakable, in the way TweakableEverything is doing it.

And speaking of mods, Kerbal Engineer, PreciseNode, and SelectRoot should also be stock :D

I also hope for some procedurally generated missions based on tech level and also maybe things you ave already done.

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Not sure if this was suggested before, but science in sandbox ode. I don't care if it doesn't do anything, I want the reports for my story :(

I second this... The no science part keeps me away from playing sandboxed games... and i would like to see the science building open too... it would be ok, if the tech tree remains locked in sandbox as it makes no sense there, but the experiment reports should be accessible as well.

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The only things I critically want are:

  1. Storage of multiple quicksaves/autosaves and, upon holding F9, an interface to choose one to load
  2. Indication that the hatch of a capsule is blocked in VAB or SPH
  3. Fixing this bug that causes Mac users to crash in VAB and lose progress spent on building vehicles (a little selfish for us mac users, but definitely necessary)
  4. Fixing parts glitching partially through terrain
  5. Optimizing terrain rendering and fixing the WATER LAG (current workarounds change the height sea level displays at). Also, how about reducing water rendering distance?

These *seem* like they wouldn't take all that long. Emphasis on *seem* as I don't know exactly what needs to be changed for them to work.

Edited by Guiltyspark
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procedural fairings, more tank sizes and integrate stupid_chris`s realchutes.

A bit more animation.

more probe sized parts.

Some form of powered hinge.

More tweakables. If it has a right click menu in flight, let us tweak it in the VAB.

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- A reason to haul more than one kerbal around.

- More biomes.

- A reason to keep harvesting science other than the tech tree.

- In-game tutorials for rendezvous and docking.

- Currency/reputation system, maybe?

I admit these may be longer term suggestions than the next immediate update but I'll put them up anyway in hopes that the developers will see it.

I agree with all of the above suggestions and perhaps add a souvenir room/collection where you store surface samples from planets and logs of flights or badges, medals or something to commemorate your first successful launch, first orbit, first trip to Mun, etc.

Objectives in career mode, like "go to the Mun, collect a surface sample and X amount of science" for which you would be rewarded with something other than just another node on the tech tree (see above suggestion). Other cool perks might be a cash bonus (government grant, unlock a special mission, etc.) if the economic system is put into place.

More functioning space ports/airports on Kerbin, populated areas on Kerbin

Add the ability to harvest resources for sale (again if the economic system is in place) or use in building or fueling your ships. Mine metals to melt down for fuselages, harvest gases from atmospheres for conversion into fuels, coolants and such.

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Storage of multiple quicksaves/autosaves and, upon holding F9, an interface to choose one to load

These *seem* like they wouldn't take all that long. Emphasis on *seem* as I don't know exactly what needs to be changed for them to work.

I'm not a developer, but I have some programming experience, and I believe that the save game system you suggested would be fairly easy to implement. The save files themselves could just have a date-time stamp in the file name, but that's the easy part. The hard part (more time consuming than difficult) would be creating the user interface used to browse the multiple saves. KSP already has a similar feature in the VAB and SPH for saved ship and craft files, so the developers could very likely reuse the code that generates that window.

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Thats a big pain, too. I am looking to test all aspects. For instance, yesterday I designed a re-usable lander to land on Laythe (and subsequently, other moons of Jool), then rendezvous with the Jool station for processing and cleaning of the data/instruments and refueling to continue the exploration. Naturally it was going well until I tried to dock, and found that the RCS was poorly placed, not allowing for translational thrust, making docking take an incredibly long time, and now my calculations for the amount of mono I needed for the project will require two fueling runs all the way to Jool.

The idea is to reward preparation, rather than the frustrating trial and error mode we have now. I understand that the launch vehicles are easy to test, but by the time you go to a new world you should have several tried and true LV's in the subassembly tab. I mean the ability to test things in a simulated operational environment, much the way NASA does in the pool, flight simulator, and computer models.

I LOVE this idea! A simulator where you can test stuff on the fly instead of wasting hours of designing, building, launching and flying just to find out you forgot some crucial part or your lander won't make it back to Kerbin and you have to sacrifice a Kerbal. It would be sweet if there was a window you could open where you could load your lander, punch in things like starting altitude, velocity, heading, gravity, atmospheric density, etc. so you can have a way to practice and have an idea of what to expect when you actually make it to Duna, or Eve.

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I'd like some kind of training system for Kerbals, and like said above, cameras. Also, more parts for unmanned missions and, just to save my personal favorite idea, maybe for future updates, ability to use these cameras to map a planet surface, and then you can go into the menu for maps you made (the quality could look different on some bits because of different cameras used, totally miscelleanous but probaly cool) and draw out and name areas (eg Crater Jebediah) so you can know exactly where are you gonna plan to land and what's nearby. Plus RP'ines.

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[*]Optimizing terrain rendering and fixing the WATER LAG (current workarounds change the height sea level displays at). Also, how about reducing water rendering distance?


YES. YES. YES!!! My computer has minimal RAM for KSP, and oceans just ruin the game.

0.25. Let's make this real, Squad.

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When you make a ship and it just explodes on the pad, when you return to the VAB it would be nice for the parts that exploded first to be marked with a deep red shifting to a very pale red for the parts that exploded last.

Then you would have some idea of why it exploded...

(like marking prototypes with certain paint so you can recognise the parts later)

Also, for craft with a lot of parts, an option to introduce physics to them a bit slower to stop them exploding on unpack for slow machines.

Edited by John FX
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(stuff that may happen soon)

Better rover wheels, (preferably ones with tweak-able suspension or a higher travel)

Better/redone plane parts.

More IVA,s

RCS build aid worked in to the stock game,( or something similar)

(stuff that may happen latter)

Better aerodynamics

Reentry heat

more kerbal animations.

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I'd like to see a hardcore/with-simulator mode. It would work like this:

1 - You decide before launching the flight whether this will be a "real" or a "simulation" launch.

2 - If it is "simulation" then it works as normal but with this exception - a copy of your persistence file is made, and the entire mission takes place inside this copy rather than in the real mission file. This copy is thrown away when you quit the game and cannot be saved permanently.

3 - If it is "real" mode then it works as normal but with this exception: The "revert flight" feature is disabled.

So it basically does the same thing as "revert flight" except it puts WHEN to make that decision that "this flight doesn't count" earlier in time. You have to decide "this doesn't count" BEFORE you launch the flight. This represents the idea that you're practicing the mission, simulating bits of it ahead of time, and detecting mistakes prior to the real thing, but once you launch for real you can't undo.

That would make things like escape tower mechanisms more necessary.

I like the idea of simulation mode, this could had pretty nice potential and running simulations would be less costly than blowing rockets.

I see that simulation mode would had few major differences from "real life".

* Simulation's are not persistent, all crafts and debris disappear when simulation ends.

* Minimalistic graphics of sky-box and bodies surface (for example one color sky and surface texture with grid on it)

* You would had only one, flat planet but it's parameters like radius, gravity and atmosphere profile could be tweakable (+ presets of existing planets in kerbin system)

* parts during simulation are 100% rigid and indestructible (they still can not work and wobble/break "in real life" if design aren't structurally sound)

* You can choose starting position in any place on surface or plotted orbit

Personally, I'm looking forward into improved editor (especially action groups tab) and flight planner.

Edited by karolus10
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I understand we are not allowed to suggest new parts, but what I would like to see is landing cushions in the upcoming update. Like the ones used on the Luna 9 lander and the Mars Pathfinder mission. I think it would make landings in some cases easier.

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I understand we are not allowed to suggest new parts...

To quickly clarify: It's not a blanket ban against suggesting "more parts"; it's more intended to be a prohibition against suggesting "More parts!" as a suggestion by itself, rather than going into detail on precisely what sorts of parts you would like to see added. So suggesting landing cushions would be just fine :)

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To quickly clarify: It's not a blanket ban against suggesting "more parts"; it's more intended to be a prohibition against suggesting "More parts!" as a suggestion by itself, rather than going into detail on precisely what sorts of parts you would like to see added. So suggesting landing cushions would be just fine :)

Personally I am against asking to add more parts at this stage...

just this stage..

Since making a model then creates a texture for it is a very time-consuming thing to do...

Which I prefer to suggests for more feature, then asks for more and varying parts afterwards..

Also, by that time, we probably had an precise and clear idea of what parts we want, instead of asking everything we can think of... which... will be a disaster for DEV..

*** Add ***

Maybe we should add an requirement of asking, why you want this part to be added, and similar...

For example...

If I want to ask for a more powerful engine...

And the reason is: The current rocket engine are not powerful enough and too difficult for me, or I'm tired of same engine...

Maybe we should ignore that or consider it later?

Edited by 8749236
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I'd like to see a Venus type planet added, one where if you send a lander down, well, it would need to be unmanned, but also strengthened to withstand the 80 atmospheres of pressure... I can see a whole new road of mods JUST for this planet...

It would be a REAL challenge to get one down in one piece.. and survive for more than 1.5 hours... even harder if you wanted to take a soil sample and get it back to Kerbal...

Now THAT would be a challenge.

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I would like to see popular mods (such as KW rocketry) fully integrated with KSP, meaning that when you download the game, the mods are already included (or if you've already downloaded KSP, your game is patched to include the mods), some mods have become so widely used that they might aswell come included with the game.

I would also like to see Kerbals equipped with spikes on there space boots that they can activate to enable them to walk and plant flags on asteriods

also, more optimisation (my computer lags so much when im looking at Kerbin, but other planets and moons are all right)

[edit] Ive also got a parts suggestion, can we please have a radial drogue parachute? Due to the fact that if I want a docking port on my ship, I cant have a drogue and sometimes that is necessary when your entering Kerbins atmosphere at 3200m/s. I also like the idea of landing cushions , one of the mars rovers used something similar

Edited by kerbonaut101
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