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I guess you'd get some neat preorder bonus parts for building rockets. Those parts are not available in any other DLC, nor can they be earned in game. They also add unfair bonuses, i.e. a weight/fuel ratio that's at least twice as good as any standard item.

Also full priced addons, released every 6 months, adding a few new parts as well as some new cloths for your kerbonauts. At some point in time, they might introduce cute little animals one could host at KSC.

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You would have to log-in to Origin every time you play, and about once a week you'd find you'd been randomly logged out, the game hadn't saved your email/password combo, and once you typed it in, there servers would be down for two hours anyway ...

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you'd only have halve of the parts.

a new KSP version every year with recolored parts.

simplified controls. press space to go to orbit.

you could shoot red, green and blue space lasers.


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Lets just say that the "simulation" would be marketed as being hyper-realistic that exchanges data with other players via some veeeeery calculation intense cloud operations. Hence, always on, its just logical. In the game, spacestations would "stand" in orbit of any height, cause it's done this way in most sci-fi movies and it looks way cooler than stupid orbiting. Sponsored DLCs. Origin. 'nuff said.

Players would discover the hoax and rip the simulation of the game apart, piece by piece.

If you spot SC references, keep them :D

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- science points for only 0.99 USD per 10 points.

- reduced amount of science points obtained trough scientific operations

- increased amount of science points needed for new parts

- auto and fast travel after launch. Just click the planet you want to visit

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Servers would be up for exactly one year after the game's release and then get sacked.

In the meantime, they'll sell you KSP 2: Electric Boogaloo. It comes pre-unlocked with all the lens flares and atomic engines you had to buy as DLC in the last version. What a great deal! Of course, inflation is harsh nowadays and EA has to eat too, so the price will be higher.

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You would have to log-in to Origin every time you play, and about once a week you'd find you'd been randomly logged out, the game hadn't saved your email/password combo, and once you typed it in, there servers would be down for two hours anyway ...

So true...

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All of you missed the main EA problem...

The game would have many bugs that would be well known throughout the community but never fixed. And I'm not talking about not patched. KSP 2 would have the same bug, and 3, and so on.

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Little kids in multiplayer flying a solid rocket booster through your space station. When you go to take them out with your space lasers, hit detection issues arise and you blow up the rest of your station anyway.

The servers go down a minimum of twice a week. Your computer must be online and connected to Origin to play, so that they can save the multiplayer world, even if you're only running singleplayer.

Twice a month, they wipe the multiplayer worlds to eliminate lag. They do this without mentioning it's going to happen.

No time acceleration. Fly your mission or die! Time acceleration available as a DLC for $10.

Want more than Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmus? Buy a planet as DLC for $10 a planet and $5 a moon. Or buy KSP Premium for $70.

Want more than a command pod, a liquid engine, and a solid rocket booster? Buy the Parts Pack for $10. Note I didn't mention parachutes.

Your KSP account has points which can only be gained by doing Science or by buying 10 points for $1.

Kill a Kerbal? We deduct 15 points from your KSP account.

Parts explode into a million fragments on impact while exploding.

Your system will need a minimum of 4 GTX 780's running in SLI just to run the game on Medium.

Did I miss anything?

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