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[0.90] Custom Biomes 1.7.0 [17 Dec]


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From my log:

[LOG 00:19:02.432] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CustomBiomes' from assembly 'CustomBiomes'
[LOG 00:19:02.434] Starting Custom Biomes v1.3
[LOG 00:19:02.439] Parsing rect
[LOG 00:19:02.441] Parsing bool
[LOG 00:19:02.443] Parsing rect
[LOG 00:19:02.444] Parsing bool
[LOG 00:19:02.446] Parsing int
[LOG 00:19:02.447] Parsing string
[EXC 00:19:02.450] DirectoryNotFoundException: Directory 'D:\SteamLibrary\Saves' not found.

It should rather be:

[LOG 00:19:13.122] loading roster: D:/steamlibrary/steamapps/common/kerbal space program/ksp_Data/../saves/Hakan/KTKerbalRoster.cfg


[LOG 00:19:13.141] loading hall of fame from D:/steamlibrary/steamapps/common/kerbal space program/ksp_Data/../saves/Hakan/halloffame.ksp

I had a very similiar issue with the Final Frontier plugin and described my setup (Steam version, launching via KSPModManager). In the end, it turned out to be a wrong path to my Saves directory. Maybe you could check out how Nereid obtained the proper path?

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  BigP0ppaJ said:
BTW, thank you for looking into this. I know I'm just reporting an issue, but I really am grateful for all you folks investing time and making this game more enjoyable for us. The community here is just awesome.

My pleasure. And yes, its a Mac vs Win thing. I'll change it to use localized directory structure.

hakan, I'm not sure why it is looking in your steamlibrary folder. It is possible that when you run the game directly from steam the current directory is for steam.exe instead of ksp.exe. I'll look into that as well.

Edited by Trueborn
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Alright BigP0ppaJ and hakan, try out this version: Beta Release

Actually, anyone running Mac and Linux should try this out. Please let me now if this fixes your issue. Although to be honest, I'm not quite sure if that is your issue hakan. I've run it from inside steam and didn't have the same problem. If you do still have the problem, there will be a more in depth dump into output_log.txt, if you could include that.

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Okay, I've run the test. The CustomBiomes button appears on the toolbar now. However, if I click it, the Scansat window disappears, a CustomBiomes window opens, but it's empty. And I'm still not getting Scansat biome results. Here's my log:

[LOG 19:44:48.664] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CustomBiomes' from assembly 'CustomBiomes'

[LOG 19:44:48.664] Starting Custom Biomes v1.4

[LOG 19:44:48.665] Parsing rect

[LOG 19:44:48.665] Parsing bool

[LOG 19:44:48.665] Parsing rect

[LOG 19:44:48.665] Parsing bool

[LOG 19:44:48.665] Parsing int

[LOG 19:44:48.665] Parsing string

[LOG 19:44:48.666] Basic is the default set for /Users/jwetzel/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/Saves/jwetzel

[LOG 19:44:48.666] Basic is the default set for /Users/jwetzel/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/Saves/default

[LOG 19:44:48.666] Basic is the default set for /Users/jwetzel/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/Saves/scenarios

[LOG 19:44:48.666] Basic is the default set for /Users/jwetzel/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/Saves/training

[LOG 19:44:48.666] Setting up Custom Biomes toolbar button...

[LOG 19:44:48.666] Adding to post draw queue...

[LOG 19:44:48.667] Initializing GUI styles...

[LOG 19:44:48.667] Determining current biome...

[EXC 19:44:48.667] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

[LOG 19:44:48.667] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ReentryPhysics' from assembly 'DeadlyReentry'


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The issue still remains:

[LOG 00:22:42.664] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CustomBiomes' from assembly 'CustomBiomes'
[LOG 00:22:42.667] Starting Custom Biomes v1.4
[LOG 00:22:42.673] Parsing rect
[LOG 00:22:42.675] Parsing bool
[LOG 00:22:42.677] Parsing rect
[LOG 00:22:42.679] Parsing bool
[LOG 00:22:42.680] Parsing int
[LOG 00:22:42.682] Parsing string
[EXC 00:22:42.689] DirectoryNotFoundException: Directory 'D:\SteamLibrary\Saves' not found.

Nereid of Final Frontier plugin fame had the same issue, he solved it by using:

private static readonly String SAVE_BASE_FOLDER = Application.dataPath + "/../saves/";
private static readonly String FILE_NAME = "halloffame.ksp";

public static void Save(Game game, HallOfFame hallOfFame)
String filename = SAVE_BASE_FOLDER + HighLogic.SaveFolder + "/" + FILE_NAME;
Debug.Log("saving hall of fame to " + filename);

Maybe you could steal... ah... *adapt* this solution.

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No, what is odd is that it works on my Steam install, but not yours. I'm currently using Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(). I'll look at Application.dataPath and maybe something else. Is there anything "odd" about your installation? I assume your kip.exe is in d:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\kerbalspaceprogram?

Edited by Trueborn
GetCurrentDirectory() is in Directory, not Application
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Yes, I can see this CB button while in flight mode now. Output from KSP.log:

[LOG 02:03:51.627] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'CustomBiomes' from assembly 'CustomBiomes'
[LOG 02:03:51.630] Starting Custom Biomes v1.4
[LOG 02:03:51.635] Parsing rect
[LOG 02:03:51.637] Parsing bool
[LOG 02:03:51.638] Parsing rect
[LOG 02:03:51.640] Parsing bool
[LOG 02:03:51.642] Parsing int
[LOG 02:03:51.643] Parsing string
[LOG 02:03:51.645] DataPath: D:/steamlibrary/steamapps/common/kerbal space program/ksp_Data
[LOG 02:03:51.648] D:/steamlibrary/steamapps/common/kerbal space program
[LOG 02:03:51.650] Saves: D:/steamlibrary/steamapps/common/kerbal space program/saves
[LOG 02:03:51.653] Basic is the default set for Hakan
[LOG 02:03:51.655] Searching for replacement biomes in Basic
[LOG 02:03:51.657] D:\SteamLibrary\GameData\CustomBiomes\PluginData\CustomBiomes\Basic\

Thank you so very much :)

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Glad its working for you. I'm releasing one more beta for 1.4. There are details in the beta thread (over in the addon development board), but I'll provide the link here as well. I would especially like any Mac or Linux users to report if this works for them, and of course if anyone has problems.

Download 1.4 Beta

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Ok, I have some more test results to report. Your version from Jan 30th worked for me on Eve and Gilly. However, last night I got a Scansat to Duna. There, if I tried to open the big scansat map window, it just opened up as a frame with no buttons, no map, no UI at all. Not even a way to close it.

Here's the log from that version:

[LOG 13:11:23.207] Starting Custom Biomes v1.4

[LOG 13:11:23.209] Parsing rect

[LOG 13:11:23.209] Parsing bool

[LOG 13:11:23.209] Parsing rect

[LOG 13:11:23.209] Parsing bool

[LOG 13:11:23.209] Parsing int

[LOG 13:11:23.209] Parsing string

[LOG 13:11:23.210] Basic is the default set for Joel

[LOG 13:11:23.212] Searching for replacement biomes in Basic

[LOG 13:11:23.212] /Users/jwetzel/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/CustomBiomes/PluginData/CustomBiomes/Basic/

[LOG 13:11:23.212] Looking at the Sun

[LOG 13:11:23.213] Looking at Kerbin

[LOG 13:11:23.213] Looking at the Mun

[LOG 13:11:23.213] Looking at Minmus

[LOG 13:11:23.213] Looking at Moho

[LOG 13:11:23.213] Replacing Moho's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.233] Replacing Moho's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.233] Looking at Eve

[LOG 13:11:23.233] Replacing Eve's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.253] Replacing Eve's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.253] Looking at Duna

[LOG 13:11:23.253] Replacing Duna's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.275] Replacing Duna's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.275] Looking at Ike

[LOG 13:11:23.275] Replacing Ike's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.297] Replacing Ike's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.297] Looking at Jool

[LOG 13:11:23.297] Replacing Jool's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.316] Replacing Jool's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.316] Looking at Laythe

[LOG 13:11:23.316] Replacing Laythe's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.336] Replacing Laythe's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.336] Looking at Vall

[LOG 13:11:23.337] Replacing Vall's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.358] Replacing Vall's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.358] Looking at Bop

[LOG 13:11:23.358] Replacing Bop's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.378] Replacing Bop's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.379] Looking at Tylo

[LOG 13:11:23.379] Replacing Tylo's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.400] Replacing Tylo's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.400] Looking at Gilly

[LOG 13:11:23.400] Replacing Gilly's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.421] Replacing Gilly's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.421] Looking at Pol

[LOG 13:11:23.421] Replacing Pol's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.443] Replacing Pol's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.443] Looking at Dres

[LOG 13:11:23.443] Replacing Dres's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.465] Replacing Dres's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.465] Looking at Eeloo

[LOG 13:11:23.465] Replacing Eeloo's biome map.

[LOG 13:11:23.488] Replacing Eeloo's biome attributes.

[LOG 13:11:23.489] Basic is the default set for default

[LOG 13:11:23.489] Disable is the default set for scenarios

[LOG 13:11:23.489] Disable is the default set for training

[LOG 13:11:23.498] Setting up Custom Biomes toolbar button...

[LOG 13:11:23.498] Adding to post draw queue...

[LOG 13:11:23.498] Initializing GUI styles...

[LOG 13:11:23.498] Determining current biome...

[LOG 13:11:23.498] Biome replacement complete.

However, after the other plugins finished loading, the log just becomes a long string of NullReferenceExceptions as long as I kept focused on the Duna scansat:

[EXC 13:11:52.470] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

[EXC 13:11:52.485] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

[EXC 13:11:52.487] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

[EXC 13:11:52.501] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

With your new 1.4 beta from Jan 31, custom biomes are no longer working for me at all. It's the old situation where I just see static for the biomes.

Here's the log from running 1.4:

[LOG 13:03:41.607] Starting Custom Biomes v1.4

[LOG 13:03:41.608] Parsing rect

[LOG 13:03:41.608] Parsing bool

[LOG 13:03:41.608] Parsing rect

[LOG 13:03:41.608] Parsing bool

[LOG 13:03:41.608] Parsing int

[LOG 13:03:41.608] Parsing string

[EXC 13:03:41.609] DirectoryNotFoundException: Directory '/Users/jwetzel/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP.app/saves' not found.

So it looks like it has an extra "KSP.app" in the path.


Edited by BigP0ppaJ
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Hmm, I'll look into the extra KSP.app today. And if you are getting a string of those NullReferenceExceptions, looking at Output_log.txt instead of KSP.log has a little extra info that can be useful. Thanks for the feedback.


Please give this version a try. There aren't any significant changes, but it will give me a better idea of what's going on in the Linux install.

Edited by Trueborn
Added download link.
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So, it increases amount of science we can milk of bodies that before had only high/low space and surface, right?

I wonder if it will disballance tech tree.

Well i installed interstellar so there probably will be need for extra science points.

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Yes, it does dramatically increase the amount of Science on most bodies. But to get to the point where you can really abuse that is fairly far down the tree to begin with, so I don't see it as a huge problem. I believe tweaking the alpha values for each biomes will reduce their Science value, but I just realized I haven't actually tested that yet. If that does work though, you could set each biome's alpha value to 0.15 or so and end up with about the same amount of Science, though it would actually be harder to get at then.

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Ok, I have tried 1.4 beta1 on my Mac. Here is the log output when I load up my Eve scansat:

[LOG 09:07:54.327] Starting Custom Biomes v1.4 BETA 1

[LOG 09:07:54.329] Parsing rect

[LOG 09:07:54.329] Parsing bool

[LOG 09:07:54.329] Parsing rect

[LOG 09:07:54.329] Parsing bool

[LOG 09:07:54.329] Parsing int

[LOG 09:07:54.329] Parsing string

[LOG 09:07:54.329] DSC: / ASC: /

[LOG 09:07:54.329] KSPUtil: /Users/jwetzel/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP.app/Contents/../../

[LOG 09:07:54.329] DataPath: /Users/jwetzel/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP.app/Contents

[LOG 09:07:54.330] Trimmed: /Users/jwetzel/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP.app

[LOG 09:07:54.330] Saves: /Users/jwetzel/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP.app/saves

[EXC 09:07:54.331] DirectoryNotFoundException: Directory '/Users/jwetzel/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerb

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  Trueborn said:
Hmm, I'll look into the extra KSP.app today. And if you are getting a string of those NullReferenceExceptions, looking at Output_log.txt instead of KSP.log has a little extra info that can be useful. Thanks for the feedback.


Please give this version a try. There aren't any significant changes, but it will give me a better idea of what's going on in the Linux install.

Also, you mentioned an Output_log.txt. A quick search doesn't find this anywhere on my mac. Where should it be?

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