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Hello fellow Kerbnoughts and Kerbministrators! So I played the demo for 3 hours straight and immediately bought the game! Of course!

So now Kerbal has my undivided attention for the rest of my foreseeable life I am looking for help in regard to some noob questions.

Firstly, how do I go about recharging the rechargeable batteries? Am I to guess later on down the tech tree there are solar panels that recharge them as I go? I realised this a touch to late ( around 150,000 miles too late ).

Secondly, how do I tell what mass the parachutes are able to hold? Also, do they become useless if they happen to overlap?

I was attempting to create a return landing pod that incorporated both the command capsule and a science Jr lab, with four experimental goo capsules attached. This was in order to bring back the data to ensure full scientific discovery! I attached no less than 6 Mk2 Radial mount parachutes, 2 to the command capsule and 4 in the spaces left on the science lab, between the goo capsules.

I even tested this before sending it to the heavens, decoupling at around 10,000 feet and deploying chutes at around 5,000, with the test proving a success with the science section recoverable.

However! On the Vozlov Mk1 maiden voyage everything went according to plan, sciencey things done, re-entry and such going smoothly, deploying chutes at 5,000 when major catastrophe struck, the chutes seemed to completely fail and Jeb met his demise at the hands of gravity. Is there something I'm missing here? Am I deploying far too late from such a larger trajectory? Could the chutes be getting 'tangled'?

Also again, I accidently pressed revert to space center and have now lost comrade Jeb FOREVER! Do many people lose Jeb? I feel bad for letting any of my dudes die, let alone mighty Jeb.

Any help kindly appreciated!

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NOOOOO Jeb died again.... Darn. Time to go Config editing.... :D

Another thing: Quicksaves. Press f5 at any time (not while throttled up/in atmosphere, moving, however) to quicksave, and hit f9 to reload to that point.

I think that since all your 'chutes deployed at once, the g-forces broke them off. Right-click in flight/in the VAB/SPH and set the top ones to X height, the middle to Y height, and the bottom to Z height. X,Y,Z being abstract heights of your choosing.

Other than that, I've never had this happen before. So you might not get any help from me. Good luck out there, Kerbonaut!

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If you are generating/collecting more power than you are using, it automatically accrues in any batteries installed on the ship. Electricity is generated by most engines (not all), and is collected by solar panels, and high in the tech tree, the RTG generator produces a low but constant flow.

I haven't worked out a rule of thumb for chutes required, because it depends on the size of the ship, but also how slowly you want to end up going after the chutes open. A large ship, for example, will be more fragile and will need a lower touchdown speed to avoid damage. Nothing should ever hit the ground at more than 10m/s, though. The overlapping of the chutes is merely an aspect of the part animation, and does not affect their performance.

The problem you had is probably due to the speed at which the chutes opened. The faster the ship is moving, the harder the shock that's applied when they open, and you were likely going faster on your re-entry flight than you had been in testing, even though the chutes opened at the same altitude in both.

Most of us try to avoid unnecessary casualties, but don't feel overly guilty about it, as Jeb frequently reappears after fatal accidents. :)

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Hello fellow Kerbnoughts and Kerbministrators! So I played the demo for 3 hours straight and immediately bought the game! Of course! Nice!

So now Kerbal has my undivided attention for the rest of my foreseeable life I am looking for help in regard to some noob questions. The game has stolen your soul

Firstly, how do I go about recharging the rechargeable batteries? Am I to guess later on down the tech tree there are solar panels that recharge them as I go? I realised this a touch to late ( around 150,000 miles too late ). Solar panels to recharge.

Secondly, how do I tell what mass the parachutes are able to hold? Also, do they become useless if they happen to overlap? Overlapping does nothing at the moment. There isn't a way that I know of to find out how much mass a parachute can hold. Just stick 2 radial parachutes on (if you have unlocked it) and you will be good.

I was attempting to create a return landing pod that incorporated both the command capsule and a science Jr lab, with four experimental goo capsules attached. This was in order to bring back the data to ensure full scientific discovery! I attached no less than 6 Mk2 Radial mount parachutes, 2 to the command capsule and 4 in the spaces left on the science lab, between the goo capsules. Try to not attach to much goo. It will make you ship spin like crazy.

I even tested this before sending it to the heavens, decoupling at around 10,000 feet and deploying chutes at around 5,000, with the test proving a success with the science section recoverable. [OLOR=#0000FF]Random comment

However! On the Vozlov Mk1 maiden voyage everything went according to plan, sciencey things done, re-entry and such going smoothly, deploying chutes at 5,000 when major catastrophe struck, the chutes seemed to completely fail and Jeb met his demise at the hands of gravity. Is there something I'm missing here? Am I deploying far too late from such a larger trajectory? Could the chutes be getting 'tangled'? 1. Chutes don't get tangled, luckily. 2. When returning to Earth, try to only have your capsule. Other stuff are likely to weigh it down.

Also again, I accidently pressed revert to space center and have now lost comrade Jeb FOREVER! Do many people lose Jeb? I feel bad for letting any of my dudes die, let alone mighty Jeb. You reverted it meaning the game was rolled back to before you launched. You should still have Jeb, and if you don't, he should respawn soon.

Any help kindly appreciated!

Answers are in blue.

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Cheers people. Yeah I got that wrong, I didn't revert back to space center, I just pressed 'Space Center' not reverting anything and thus comrade Jeb is gone! Lets hope not forever.

Didn't even realise there is a quick save, or that I can change the height of chute deployment. I think the problem was indeed with the speed of re-entry, as I've now managed to achieve what I was attempting. For SCIENCE!

Cheers again, much appreciated.

I'm getting consistent with low orbits, and am now trying my hand at making satellites. Once I've got a decent design I'll start making some heavy lifters to send them everywhere else. Whilst I'm making and sending out rovers I'll be building a space station, which I'll use to help my Kerbals on their mission to explore and colonise strange new worlds.

Awesome game. Only early access I've ever bought. The team seem determined and passionate about the game and its potential. Had it not been for that I don't think I'd of taken the risk.

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