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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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Well, I got impatient waiting for 1.0 IVAs... so I took the modular STS concept a step further. I found out that if root the STS-4's cargo bay, I can now install different cockpit modules:

Launch test successful.


Glide test successful.




Installable modular cockpits... hmmm... this opens up a whole new world.

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Just for that I'll be sure to cameo you in the next film credits I make! :D

Oh cool! Thanks.

So........I've decided to take a break from replicas and decided to make military ships instead. What do you guys think?

I think you're going to crash your computer. XD

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Only 403 parts! I'm impressed. If only KSP could handle 10,000 parts at a time we could have proper cities in space.
Hah, the MK3 parts help a lot. Also, the inside already looks like the inside of a kerbal downsized O'Neil cylinder.

- - - Updated - - -

Working on new interplantary ship. What do you guys think?


Edited by Yukon0009
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So, my new interplanetary cruiser is ready to be loaded up with cargo. The new, totally different edition of the IEV Stargazer:


That Ranger was only docked so I could have someone link up a load of KAS struts. The fool nearly ran out of EVA Propellant doing just that, but it was necessary.


It also incorporates the latest iteration of my Midi-Torus design. The first version had gaps in the outer hull, but they're gone now, and there are extra docking ports on the exterior of the ring for the aforementioned cargo (read: base modules).


The design did originally call for a six-segment ring module similar in design to Endurance from Interstellar, but I figured that the lower part count of this new torus would be better, plus I wanted to see what it would look like :P

Propelled by two extremely efficient fusion engines and with tonnes of hydrogen fuel, this thing can probably manage a Jool round trip on its own, but its first destination will be Duna... a little overkill, perhaps, but I've been playing the game for many, many versions now, so at the moment, I don't feel like being too simple or basic with my designs.

I'll be bringing an Aries lander and two Ranger IIA's with me to Duna, plus four base modules of varying design. The crew has yet to be chosen.

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@Yukon : Interesting

@ScriptKitt3h : Damn these have so really cool shapes!

@RogueMason: looks like the perfect ship for my survival/exploration game idea, kerbal isolation, survival of the fittest (jeb). :D


Coming soon, surprise surprise

Edited by RevanCorana
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In anticipation of 1.0, I've embarked on a new project. The goal is simple, Kerbal+command seat+enough delta-v to go anywhere I want and land on at least Minmus-sized bodies, and do it in the smallest and prettiest possible package.

My first design wasn't good enough. My second design was awesomely small and had oodles of delta-v, but it turns out Engineer was lying to me and said I had six times more than was actually there. Turns out it doesn't like combining ion engines and rcs engines.

My third attempt has proven satisfactory so far. I like the way it looks and it's got about 55,000 delta-v. I don't actually have any idea how far that can get meâ€â€my otherworld experience is limited to Duna and multiple failed attempts at Eveâ€â€but it sure sounds like a lot.

I want to make it smaller though!




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Looking good CDRW!

I have also continued work on old craft to get them flyable before 1.0 judgement day. This stock SSTO spaceplane is nearly there... wings on the front of a plane make balancing out CoM and CoL particularly tricky. I got it to work on this plane which makes 100x100 LKO without difficulty, though it's not quite as agile as it looks :rolleyes:



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So, my new interplanetary cruiser is ready to be loaded up with cargo. The new, totally different edition of the IEV Stargazer:


That Ranger was only docked so I could have someone link up a load of KAS struts. The fool nearly ran out of EVA Propellant doing just that, but it was necessary.


It also incorporates the latest iteration of my Midi-Torus design. The first version had gaps in the outer hull, but they're gone now, and there are extra docking ports on the exterior of the ring for the aforementioned cargo (read: base modules).


The design did originally call for a six-segment ring module similar in design to Endurance from Interstellar, but I figured that the lower part count of this new torus would be better, plus I wanted to see what it would look like :P

Propelled by two extremely efficient fusion engines and with tonnes of hydrogen fuel, this thing can probably manage a Jool round trip on its own, but its first destination will be Duna... a little overkill, perhaps, but I've been playing the game for many, many versions now, so at the moment, I don't feel like being too simple or basic with my designs.

I'll be bringing an Aries lander and two Ranger IIA's with me to Duna, plus four base modules of varying design. The crew has yet to be chosen.

That last picture is amazing!

- - - Updated - - -

Looking good CDRW!

I have also continued work on old craft to get them flyable before 1.0 judgement day. This stock SSTO spaceplane is nearly there... wings on the front of a plane make balancing out CoM and CoL particularly tricky. It works on this plane which makes 100x100 LKO without difficulty, though it's not quite as agile as it looks :rolleyes:



Very nice original use of parts there. Great looking plane.

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I never really liked that weird goose-necky Mk2 to Mk3 adapter tank, so I set a challenge for myself: Make that puppy look good! And I actually kinda succeeded.

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I call it the Bumblecrow, because much like its namesake, it flies like an enormous steel cube. Looks good while doing it though.

It flies pretty well in VTOL mode, but I am a terrible pilot. I can't reliably land it on the VAB just yet. Also, the SAS modules are causing some power drain problems. Forward flight is abysmal, all things considered. It takes the entire runway to get up to speed, and it really likes to turn off to the side and explode. Getting it in the air is tricky, but it's possible. Once there, it can pretty much go forward. Asking for much more would be pushing it. I haven't tested it's cargo capacity yet, but I'm pretty sure performance won't be affected too much.

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I never really liked that weird goose-necky Mk2 to Mk3 adapter tank, so I set a challenge for myself: Make that puppy look good! And I actually kinda succeeded.


I call it the Bumblecrow, because much like its namesake, it flies like an enormous steel cube. Looks good while doing it though.

It flies pretty well in VTOL mode, but I am a terrible pilot. I can't reliably land it on the VAB just yet. Also, the SAS modules are causing some power drain problems. Forward flight is abysmal, all things considered. It takes the entire runway to get up to speed, and it really likes to turn off to the side and explode. Getting it in the air is tricky, but it's possible. Once there, it can pretty much go forward. Asking for much more would be pushing it. I haven't tested it's cargo capacity yet, but I'm pretty sure performance won't be affected too much.

Smeggin' awesome. More vtols the better.

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Looking good CDRW!

I have also continued work on old craft to get them flyable before 1.0 judgement day. This stock SSTO spaceplane is nearly there... wings on the front of a plane make balancing out CoM and CoL particularly tricky. I got it to work on this plane which makes 100x100 LKO without difficulty, though it's not quite as agile as it looks :rolleyes:



Wow nice looking craft mam. Have some rep good sir

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I made another stab at the ship. This time it's both smaller and has more delta-v, just over 70k, or enough to escape Kerbol's sphere of influence from an altitude of 100,000 meters twice over. It also has enough thrust to land on anything Minmus-sized or smaller in every stage except the first.

I probably could have squeezed another thousand or two out of it if I felt like getting rid of those antennas and using smaller solar panels.

Ignore the lander can, that's just there so I can use hyperedit to test my ship.


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Potential mind blowing imminent....


Yes, I'm trying to use air intake for wheels.

What's the problem? These have 20m/s crash tolerance and they spin really well :rolleyes:


Hidden docking ports hold them linked together.

Exciting project, but not quite working yet.

Edited by RevanCorana
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