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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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23 minutes ago, Frozen_Heart said:

The craft themselves are unimpressive but testing if carriers are feasible in KSP or not. Might try to build a proper one if this goes well.


First attempt nailed it.

Glad to see that you've taken the Mk3 fuselage route for the hull/deck. A lot of people do it with structural plates, and thus end up with laggy 1k part monstrosities. 

I've made a few aircraft carriers myself using that method.


You can get large decks with reasonable parking space using it. This particular carrier has a deck about 140m long (about twice the length of  your test article I believe) and generous parking wings for under 400 parts. If I removed the fancy geegaws like guidance LEDs, paint stripes (fuel lines), deck edge smoothing and "safety railings", it could probably be more like 300.

I once managed to accidentally land a medium sized cargo plane on a smaller version of the carrier. Damaged the carrier on takeoff though due to a tailstrike.


BTW is that a Gloster Meteor you've got there?

Edited by EpicSpaceTroll139
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16 minutes ago, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

Glad to see that you've taken the Mk3 fuselage route for the hull/deck. A lot of people do it with structural plates, and thus end up with laggy 1k part monstrosities. 

I've made a few aircraft carriers myself using that method.


You can get large decks with reasonable parking space using it. This particular carrier has a deck about 140m long (about twice the length of  your test article I believe) and generous parking wings for under 400 parts. If I removed the fancy geegaws like guidance LEDs, paint stripes (fuel lines), deck edge smoothing and "safety railings", it could probably be more like 300.

I once managed to accidentally land a medium sized cargo plane on a smaller version of the carrier. Damaged the carrier on takeoff though due to a tailstrike.


BTW is that a Gloster Meteor you've got there?

Next test will be double length and width as having problems with take off and turning round on the current one. Not sure how to fit it in the SPH though as pushed for space at 70m long. Tried once a long time ago with the metal plates and just gave in due to the part count.

Has that little plane got flaps btw? Found they are very useful for carrier landings already.

And yep that is a meteor i built a couple of days ago. Just getting back into KSP so started simple.


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4 minutes ago, Frozen_Heart said:

Next test will be double length and width as having problems with take off and turning round on the current one. Not sure how to fit it in the SPH though as pushed for space at 70m long. Tried once a long time ago with the metal plates and just gave in due to the part count.

Has that little plane got flaps btw? Found they are very useful for carrier landings already.

And yep that is a meteor i built a couple of days ago. Just getting back into KSP so started simple.


The way I built the large carriers was that I would first build one half of the thing, then set a part at the end of that section that is going to be the middle, and use the offset tool to move it to the other end of the SPH, then continue building. This can be done multiple time depending on how large you want it to be. Another (easier) way to do it would be to install Hanger Extender (I would put a link but I can't seem to find it at the moment), which allows you to move you camera far outside the SPH and thus build very large vehicles.

The small plane does indeed have flaps, mainly because I was attempting to play using FAR at the time that picture was taken. A few seconds later I discovered some kind of bug with FAR (understandable, since it's still in dev for this version) that causes any ship in the water which you come within 200m of to just... disappear, and the game to lag and eventually crash. Either that or it's an incompatibility between FAR and DMP. Wouldn't be surprised at all by the latter.

In stock though the flaps on this thing aren't really necessary, as it is super light and can float in at about 35m/s and the brakes stop it in something like 7m. Flaps definitely are useful on other planes for keeping the nose down other planes that risk tailstrike at high angles of attack. They also help to produce drag when you need it.

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5 hours ago, Frozen_Heart said:

The craft themselves are unimpressive but testing if carriers are feasible in KSP or not. Might try to build a proper one if this goes well.

First attempt nailed it.

I've built some in the past, they are very fun and challenging!

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7 hours ago, CaptainKorhonen said:

A scifi style ultra heavy container ship I'm working on. At least 9500 tons (no, that's not a typo!) from LKO to Jool. I don't think it's big enough though. I might scrap this one and have a go at building something even bigger.


I can beat that amount of payload easy with my freighter (10000 tons.), however It can only pull that amount to LMO and back, but its fully stock so no modded engines required!

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19 hours ago, CaptainKorhonen said:

A scifi style ultra heavy container ship I'm working on. At least 9500 tons (no, that's not a typo!) from LKO to Jool. I don't think it's big enough though. I might scrap this one and have a go at building something even bigger.


Awesome !


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In preparation for XotD, I've begun prototyping for the X-53 Active Aeroelastic Wing Demonstrator


Basically, NASA modified a F-18 to have flexible wings which would torque back and forth with aileron control. This was the 21st century equivalent of the 20th century wing warping. And, as far as I've seen, this is the first attempt (stock or mod) to have wing warping as a control mechanism in KSP. Ironically, it's the elevators that are controlling the warping, but I see it similar to the turboshafts (using jet engines to power propellers) in a way.

Now to make it fly.

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Testing the YB-49 "Flying Wing", she sure does fly like a plane with one wing. Refuses to do anything I tell her and goes wherever she wants (control surfaces will tame her, hopefully). Those tubes on the wing are just intakes, ignore them. Besides the hideous objects sticking out all over the place, any thoughts on the overall shape of the plane?



Edited by Munbro Kerman
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16 minutes ago, Munbro Kerman said:

any thoughts on the overall shape of the plane?


Looks really nice. One thing is though - did you not use/abuse the power of SAS modules?

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16 minutes ago, Triop said:

Just finished mine, wanted to send it in for the X-planes challenge, but someone already took the job...<_<


And @Munbro Kerman took the F-20...;.;

But I'm sending in my X-31




If you want to do the F-20, then by all means go for it. I was trying take crafts that weren't taken, but it appears that I did. I'll clear this up and put your name in instead of mine, sorry. If you want to do any other craft that I might have taken, then you can go for it. 

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7 minutes ago, Munbro Kerman said:

If you want to do the F-20, then by all means go for it. I was trying take crafts that weren't taken, but it appears that I did. I'll clear this up and put your name in instead of mine, sorry. If you want to do any other craft that I might have taken, then you can go for it. 

No worries, I can make a F-20 whenever I want to and post it.

I think they should let anybody who wants to make replicas present their jet.

And please, don't put my name down...


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6 hours ago, Triop said:

I think they should let anybody who wants to make replicas present their jet.


6 hours ago, MiffedStarfish said:

Ah sorry, that would be me. :) I actually wanted to try to make the X-31 as well, but Apparently you already had one.

You got your wish! XotD is for everyone :)

Speaking of which, the X-53 is continuing to progress. The final pre-flight model is done, so I'll be trying to control a plane with this tomorrow.


Changes: New, angled wing sections (they look smooth from the top), control ailerons are located under the wings as opposed to inside the fuselage, basically redoing everything but the concept, doesn't glitch out and disassemble any more.


Here it is in action. All ready to be fitted to a retired F/A-18 and flight tested.



This is going to be more difficult that I thought...


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Have Blue

Why do you

Pitch into

The ground.


The back rear stabilizers are temporary.

Wing panels being wing panels, it, umm, likes to nose dive. (I guess cause of the negative AoA on the front.)


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