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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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Building off of my earlier hinge design, I decided to built top down instead of bottom up. I started by stripping down my second version of F-14 to this:


I added on some intakes under the wing to shape the wing pods, expanded the wing glove, the Air Force insignia , and reshaped the nose cone/cockpit section slightly.


I added the hinge design back in, this time rotating much closer to the pivot on the actual F-14. The new hinge is much flatter than the previous iteration, and will rely a lot on the strength of the RCS ball hinges. Additionally, the new wing placement allows for a more accurate wing shape. The previous one was limited by an awkward hinge placement, but this one is shaped much closer to that of the F-14 itself.


Oddly enough, my primary concern with this design is the weight distribution. I figure that I'll need about 4 panthers to push this thing to speed, putting a lot of mass behind the main gear. I can shift fuel tanks around, but it would be a royal pain.

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I took a break this week from tweaking my ISS build, and decided to do a replica of the Apollo 11 that is fully stock. I'm still using 1.3.1 at the moment, but I'll probably switch when 1.4.1 comes out next week. Below is a slightly outdated image (main difference is the hatch on the MEM). I've got an album with VAB shots of the different stages here: https://imgur.com/a/FBT7T

It flies to the Mun perfectly, but I think I need to take some fuel out of my S-IVB stage, as it retains a bit much after my Munar injection burn. Overall it has room for errors. The C/SM has enough to circularize at 20KM around the Mun, and then drop the Munar Ascent Module into a crash course with the Mun's surface before returning to Kerbin. The Descent Module still needs to be tweaked - I land it with ~150m/s of DV left from the 20KM orbit. The Ascent module ends with a whopping ~400 to get back to 20KM orbit. Otherwise the MEM is balanced with a nearly perfectly centered COM. It's 537 parts, though.


Edited by MaianTrey
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11 hours ago, Servo said:

Oddly enough, my primary concern with this design is the weight distribution. I figure that I'll need about 4 panthers to push this thing to speed, putting a lot of mass behind the main gear. I can shift fuel tanks around, but it would be a royal pain.

This might be a horrible idea.... but what if you put a wheesley or two in the nose to help with thrust and weight distribution? The odd side effect of it is that it starts to steam from the middle of the plane....

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Work on the Eagle is now finished. Performs admirably in flight and handles quite realistically too. Now I just have to take some more photos, set up the thread and it's good to go.

In the meantime though,

It was a cold and snowy day...


17 hours ago, Servo said:

Oddly enough, my primary concern with this design is the weight distribution. I figure that I'll need about 4 panthers to push this thing to speed, putting a lot of mass behind the main gear. I can shift fuel tanks around, but it would be a royal pain.

CoM shifting shouldn't be a problem if you spread out the fuel tanks evenly. And if it will be necessary then the nose assembly seems like quite a good place to shove some ballast into since it's quite bulky. If you run into any engineering issues I'll be glad to help out! c:

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11 minutes ago, EvenFlow said:

CoM shifting shouldn't be a problem if you spread out the fuel tanks evenly. And if it will be necessary then the nose assembly seems like quite a good place to shove some ballast into since it's quite bulky. If you run into any engineering issues I'll be glad to help out! c:

I think he's worried about the CoM being too far back, not because it moves around to much....

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4 minutes ago, qzgy said:

I think he's worried about the CoM being too far back, not because it moves around to much....

Sorry. Bad wording. I meant just that. Usually in those kinds of builds spreading out fuel tanks evenly between the front and the back tends to help with getting the CoM in the correct spot, and allows you to manipulate it's position by draining fuel from tanks when needed.

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2 minutes ago, EvenFlow said:

Sorry. Bad wording. I meant just that. Usually in those kinds of builds spreading out fuel tanks evenly between the front and the back tends to help with getting the CoM in the correct spot, and allows you to manipulate it's position by draining fuel from tanks when needed.

Ah ok. Misunderstanding on my part as well. But if the fuel is evenly distributed, it would shift it, but not by much, no?

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Just now, qzgy said:

Ah ok. Misunderstanding on my part as well. But if the fuel is evenly distributed, it would shift it, but not by much, no?

Certainly. It's a rule of thumb more than anything - placing light structural stuff in the middle with the heavy fuel tanks and engines on either end. The biggest pro of this solution is the ease of shifting the CoM significantly by draining relatively small amounts of fuel from the outmost tanks since the change in the CoM position is linearly proportional to it's distance from a given point, e.g. the old CoM with a given change of mass.

And bad wording on my behalf yet again, I should have said something along the lines of "spread out evenly between the front end and the back end" or something. It's 1 AM here and my mind certainly isn't in it's most coherent state right now. :v

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On 3/10/2018 at 8:02 PM, EvenFlow said:

And bad wording on my behalf yet again, I should have said something along the lines of "spread out evenly between the front end and the back end" or something. It's 1 AM here and my mind certainly isn't in it's most coherent state right now. :v

I got you, don't worry. I fixed the CoM problem by moving fuel around (I didn't even have to redo the tank layouts).


Static flight testing is promising, though the wing box is giving some troubles. I'm redoing the shape of the upper fuselage (it bows inwards in addition to front-to-back). This makes forming a wing glove (which has to be large and flat) difficult and annoying, but I feel like I'm close. The strength of the hinge has been proven, but the docking ports haven't been strutted well enough, resulting in some... strange ... behavior.


As in, it literally starts flapping its wings with small pitch oscillations. While amusing, I don't think it is ideal for a fourth-generation fighter.ufMgmEy.png

Here you can see the hinge architecture, as well as some work on the wing glove. RCS balls surround a .625m SAS wheel hinge, sandwiched by wing panels. Attached to the SAS wheel are docking ports, which are moved by airbrakes between docking ports on the main fuselage. Also of note is how much better the shape of the tail and wings match the actual F-14. From above, they form a smooth delta wing, closing the gaps which were present in previous versions.

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9 minutes ago, Servo said:

As in, it literally starts flapping its wings with small pitch oscillations. While amusing, I don't think it is ideal for a fourth-generation fighter.

Its not ideal for really any plane unless its an ornithopter....

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My rebuilt Saturn V Apollo 15 recreation utilising the MH parts, I have saved over one hundred parts and it is much better looking while retaining all the features of the old one. Click on the picture to go to KerbalX


New Look Lander


New rover look (that is from the version before the final one, but pretty close)


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Due to frustration at the lack of stock-a-like electric propellers (and being inspired by actual stock ones) I decided to throw together one using infernal robotics and tweakscale to make a 2.5m one. 


I had to use rotatrons (mk 2 in this case) since the surfaces didn't generate lift when using docking port washers. Optimal(ish) speed setting was 53 and acceleration was up to 106 (I tried x3, but the rotatron snapped off upon braking). Currently produces 86 kilo-newtons if the total lift number in debug can be trusted. Next step is further optimization and testing various applications (e.i. an engine block).

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Version 3 of my F-14 Tomcat is nearing completion. The completely redone hinge mechanism works beautifully, and the body work is much more accurate than previous versions.


The hinges work nearly every time, and have functioned in turns and in barrel rolls, something the other designs couldn't match. The upper body is curved to better resemble the shape of the F-14, and the flatter hinge means that the wings match the shape much better as well. Details were added to the nose area, featuring cockpit supports, and IRST system.

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2 hours ago, EvenFlow said:

The Tomcat looks absolutely incredible. I may be in love with that canopy.

Meanwhile I've been working on some custom canopy replicas too!

And something to intercept them with.

Actually it's things.


I have been rebuilding the BFR with the new parts and to scale! 106m tall, 31 vectors, and this has a functioning cargo bay! I have not auto-strutted a thing yet and it took like a whole minute to blow up, that's encouraging.I didn't even have launch clamps on it!


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I got a replica of the Airbus A350-900 aloft after contending with fuel flow issues from the engines..



I'm still looking to make aesthetic changes though, like how to make the wingtips sleeker-looking and thinner parts to make the curved fan blades.

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