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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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Started to work on my XKM again. I figured that it should be XKM-10 now since 1.0. It took some remodeling to make the concept work with all the new stuff. I still have a few details to sort out but in general it seems to be working. There is a slight decrease in lift capability but it still gets 36T (100km) as it is now. I think I can get it to 40T. The older version landed on the engine nozzles but that all ends in big explosions now. But with the new heavy landing gear that is not needed. The animation for is looks real neat when the gears are folded between the nozzles. As you can see in one of the pictures I will need to secure the engines better. It is not an exploding problem but still.

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Sopwith Pup prototype in the works.


The Pup was the predecessor to the famous Sopwith Camel, the most successful Allied fighter plane of World War I. It was somewhat overshadowed by the Camel, but helped turn the tide of the air war in favor of the Allies.


The cockpit is quite tight, and Jeb's helmet clips into the top wing a little, but he fits. :P


And this is why this machine goes to the WIP thread instead of getting its own thread and download link. Serious stability issues when I try to turn it. Once you get it pitching and yawing, it gets wilder and crazier until it falls to the ground and explodes. There's no doubt that it's because of the new aero system making the plane unstable.

Oh well, time to go learn to fly all over again.:P

Edited by pTrevTrevs
Gotta fix that capitalization problem
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So I was going to launch some equipment into orbit... However the payload is actually very light for my massive lifter, and by "light" I mean the weight distribution was not very dense, resulting in a huge fairing (so I couldn't just add more payload). What to do to nerf the lifter (reduce cost)? That's easy, just remove one of the boosters!


Going well!


This part kept give me trouble, I had the rocket flying too flat, so it kept losing control and flipping after stage sep.


Made it past the kill zone!


After fairing jettison.


Stage sep.


Once the flames started, imediatly the basic fins exploded. Bu that's ok because they're dirt cheap and, to be honest, fins on the bottom of the downwards moving rocket is really bad anyways. Intentional!





Landed! A bit short of KSC though.


We don't talk about this.


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Sopwith Pup prototype in the works.


The Pup was the predecessor to the famous Sopwith Camel, the most successful Allied fighter plane of World War I. It was somewhat overshadowed by the Camel, but helped turn the tide of the air war in favor of the Allies.


The cockpit is quite tight, and Jeb's helmet clips into the top wing a little, but he fits. :P


And this is why this machine goes to the WIP thread instead of getting its own thread and download link. Serious stability issues when I try to turn it. Once you get it pitching and yawing, it gets wilder and crazier until it falls to the ground and explodes. There's no doubt that it's because of the new aero system making the plane unstable.

Oh well, time to go learn to fly all over again.:P

Cuteness overload :D :D

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thanks to the new 1.01 basic fins, i could finally get some nice vernier housings on the R-7 core stage :) (before that, we had no small enough triangular part :P)


(removed 1 of the boosters for the pic :P)

Edited by sgt_flyer
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How come it crashes? I don't think control surfaces create lift any more, (despite what it shows in the SPH), but they do create a lot of drag. :( So much for replicas.

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You... don't. The real shuttle's SSME's were rotated backwards as well. It used separate engines, the OMS engines, to do orbital maneuvers.

Also the Shuttle's SRBs provided over 70% of the thrust at liftoff. It looks like some extra thrust on that side would help balance you out.

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Having real trouble with my shuttle. How do you line up the COM and COT without literally having the SSMEs rotated backwards?



Try switching the mainsails for skippers. They won't cause such a big difference in shuttle/boosters thrust, and look so much like the real thing. Oh, and add more boosters to the boosters, or switch the entire booster assembly to a powerful LFO engine/s.

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How come it crashes? I don't think control surfaces create lift any more, (despite what it shows in the SPH), but they do create a lot of drag. :( So much for replicas.

Currently, it's because the CoM and CoL aren't alligned properly. It used to be balanced, but then I doubled the length of the wings and the CoL came too far forward. Before the wings were lengthened, it could get into the air, but was too jittery when it came to turning.

I can confirm that they do create lift. ;-)


This afternoon, I'll try and iron out the problems, if I can't find them all, I may post a Beta download and ask for other's assistance.

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A small lander I'm working on. It has 2K dV and a TWR of 1.6 so can land on almost all airless bodies.

The landing legs are a bit close together though so it can't manage a slope. :/

Never been to Ike before so I'm surprised at how dark it is.


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