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Am I the only one afraid to leave Kerbin?


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It's just the fear, watching that tiny blue dot shrink and slowly vanish into space,

Each time I get the feeling like something will happen, that I'll die out there, :sealed: even though I'm not inside the game, or the ship isn't manned, it just feels like something will come up and grab me at any moment...

Then floating in the emptiness... The void, with Kerbol the only object you can see except for stars and your ship.

So whenever I reach the planet I'm going to (which has only ever been Duna or Eeloo iirc) I'm overjoyed when the first flicker of a pixel appears.

This has been the case since about last February when I first got the game, and now its caused me to barely venture beyond Minmus.

And now that I'm trying to overcome the fear, it feels worse each time I leave... :blush:

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I think it's fun to always bring the Kerbals home ... sometimes it just doesn't work out. I've sent plenty of rescue missions for misjudged fuel requirements. I think the game feels more fun when there's something at stake.

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Well, frankly, I really felt nervous sending my first expedition to Duna orbit. I couldn't relax until they were on Kerbin orbit with PE of 32 kilometeres.

Same thing when I sent Jebediah to collect science in Solar orbit for the first time.

Just.. very uneasy.

Maybe it's the fear of failure?

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  Collin Cutler said:
Just take some deep breaths..... In through your mouth out through your nose. You can do it. Just stay with us.

isn't it in through your nose out through your mouth

though I feel the opposite about interplanetary travel it just really excites me

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I never had much problem with space loneliness. Until i've sent poor Bob on a solo voyage to Jool system. My ship was so fuel efficient, i had still a lot left when it finished surveying all the moons there. So i took a look at the map, and noticed that Eeloo was in perfect position for transfer. So caution was thrown to the solar wind, and forward went my brave kerbonaut. Boy, was that a long flight. Perfect transfer window or not, it took almost a year. Alone. In the cold darkness barely illuminated by small, distant Kerbol. Closest Kerbal-made obiect was a lone probe orbiting Dres. I felt so bad for sending Bob there, i swore to never again send single Kerbal on any long-term mission.

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I am often very scared when coming out of time acceleration/map-view in close proximity to a planet, frantically trying to drag it into view but unable to find it, I can feel it staring at my back and its gravity pulling me in, like a predator in the shadows...

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I have a love/hate relationship with interplanetary travel. On one hand its fun to build interplanetary ships and visit pretty places, but on the other its scary. The planets are desolate, so empty, yet I feel creeped out by the fact something could be watching me (the kraken?!?!).

Maybe I'm insane.

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I have a hard time leaving Kerbin because I don't ever know where I want to go next. It's like "Hey, there's this awesome solar system out there, go explore" and I'm like "But...but...there's so much of it" and I can never decide where I want to go. I've made it to Duna, and Dres once. I've made it to Laythe Previously, but since .23 I'm barely beyond Duna.

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That's one of the great things about KSP; is that very tangible fear that you are drifting away from the life raft of Kerbin.

I think it captures the lonliness of space incredibly well. If you've ever been in a boat by yourself, it's a very similar feeling. There is the potential that you may just, drift away.

The bad thing is; that the more you explore the less you worry about it. That first Duna trip is the worst though.

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Even if you stay on Kerbin(I mean, in the atmosphere of Kerbin) you can have an interesting experience:if you have flown to the south pole from KSC, you had a (quite long) moment when

all you can see from your craft is water.

Only water, everywhere around you. Nowhere to land if you have any problem, you can only ditch in water and hope for the best. In these moment, you can only hope for decent navigation: it's mandatory if you want to get back; your designing, piloting and navigating skills are the only things that will get you back.

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i´ve just finished the career mode and i kerbals never leave the Kerbin system, only manned missions to mun and minmus, but my probes arrived to Duna , Eve and jool.

I had to send a rescue mission in the nord pole of mun and Kerbals are now a bit afraid to leave low kerbin orbit. Was a very hard experience survive in such lonely place several months .

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