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On Kerbal Civilizations

There are few things quite as baffling as that of Kerbal civilization, particularly given the many conflicting reports about their species as a whole. Granted, most of these reports conflict due to the tendency of Kerbals to cause explosions in the vicinity of anyone who attempts to contact them, but this is less due to self-defense and more due to their rather poor grasp of rocketry. That said, at least one correspondant of ours has managed to glean some information about the spacefaring civilization on Kerbin known as the Lovothorians.

Lovothoria (a Kerbal term which more or less translates out to "we're better than everyone else"; points at least for being honest about their nationalism) is a nation situated near the equator of Kerbin, on the large peninsula commonly known as Lovotrazi (a Kerbal term which directly translates out to "our landmass is better than everyone else's"). The population ranges across the entirety of this region, though most of them are concentrated to the far west of the large mountain range in the center, the Lovobagits (which is Kerbal for "our mountain range is better than everyone else's").

The Lovothorians were reportedly quite egoistical even before they first started launching things into space, and often tout the fact that they have launched things into space as justification for their tendency to go "nah-nah-nah-NAH-nah!" at Kerbals from other nations. It is perhaps unsurprising then that they also sport a very large diplomatic force, which is mostly tasked with apologizing profusely for the behaviour of the rest of their people to the other nations of Kerbin, mostly because Lovothoria does not have any sort of standing military. Indeed, they possess no weapons at all according to their standards, though other nations around the planet argue that their frequent failed rocket launches should really be classified as ICBMs (even though most of them hit Lovothoria itself).

While the civilian population of Lovothoria is very proud of their nation's accomplishments, their space exploration and rocket design team tends to be far more humble. Mostly because they know that if the rest of Kerbin gets sick of the constant spent fuel stages falling down onto their cities, they will be the first ones up against the wall when the revolution comes.

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United Proviences

LEADER: President Madfield

GOVERNMENT: Three political parties, the Liberals, Conservatives, and the Liberatian Coalition

ECONOMIC: Capitalism

MILITARY: 500,000 regular forces Kerbals, and around 2,000,000 in reserve/militia forces.

POPULATION: 400 million

The United Proviences is situated on an entire continent, with population mostly focused at the center of the continent and the western and eastern coastlines.

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The Kerman Republic.

Leader : Jeb Kerman, Of course!

Government: One party rule

Economic system: Mixed

Military: 500,00 regular infantry, 100 mechanized units, consisting of 16 vehicles each, and 30 UAV's, and about 1000 Military aircraft, and 13 subs and one aircraft carrier.

Has WMDs? Orbital station capable of Firing rockets with A mix of payloads ranging from kinetic to High burst fragmentation (Courtesy of InfiniteDices Sub mod), and a bunch of High burst fragmentation rocket firing Scud launch vehicles and subs. (The frag missiles are pretty big explosions dealing a lot of pain, They basically act in place of Nukes.)

Population: 92,301,391 And growing!

Edited by Krosulhah
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Retrograde Base

Pop. 12, located on the Munar surface. Almost perfectly situated on the Mun'r retrograde orbit line. A small scientific outpost, independent from Kerbin for the most part, with rocketry facilities. Notable for constructing the first LV-N2, of which they are proud. Even prouder for them, the LV-N2 was removed from service due to a tendency to explode. Now, they occasionally launch pods full of SCIENCE at Kerbin and recieve shipments of Blue and Yellow Mush from the surface.

Don't believe in military, these lads. Closest they have is the Kycho Mass Driver, a rocket-powered launch site for engineless payloads. Yes, they use rocket cannons. Under construction is their orbital Laser Test Array, with a number of spectroscopic lasers. These operate at a fraction of their capacity for normal duties.

The kerbals of Retrograde City, as they call it, are baffled by the strange, violent nations below. Only once have they been forced into battle, when a splinter group attempted to sieze the base. The invaders' ship was impacted by a 10 ton payload from the Kycho Mass Driver. Since, they have been left alone.

Edited by The Error
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  • 3 years later...


Leader:The Great AdaNe Kerman

Government: Kingdom Type of Republic

Economics:Stable at 89% of good

Military: 230 Jet Fighter, 130 Tanks, 5 (Non Nuclear) Balastic Missile, 0 ICBM, 6 Ship Destroyers, 5 Aircraft Carrier, 2 Battle Cruiser, 3 Missile Cruiser, 2 Naval Plane, 260 Bomber Plane, 23 Aircraft Destroyers, 67 Cargo Plane and 130 GunShip

Military Crew:Naval, Airforce, Army, Marines,

Special Force: Delta Cross, kOmbant, SSGS

Population: 25 Mill @Haruspex Looks like my country Population beats you

Edited by Mukita12
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The People's Republic of New Keralonia


Leader: L.I.Kerman, Honorary Secretary General of the Provisional Bureau for Work Safety and the High Chairman of the People's Council. An ancient and deeply senile Kerbal who loves shinies and moves around on a wheelchair.

Government: "The People's Council" (in name only; the true government is the Provisional Bureau.)

Economic: "The People's Cooperative" (whatever that is). The real economy is closer to a corporate state with a thriving black market.

Military: None, since the main enemy of the Keralonians - the desert-dwelling Kermibians - lost the space race and abandoned their Space Center.  Оnly local police exists. But since the Republic of New Keralonia has absolute space superiority now, they can just bombard any point on Kerbin with heavy metal junk from orbit within hours if they want.

Population: Seriously, we are going to count Kerbals? Unknown, probably between 5 and 20 million. Kerbin is a small planet, y'know.

Edited by Haruspex
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  • 3 weeks later...

Now i am gonna break the rules a little here. But the country i came up with for my KSP has been in place for awhile so i cant really change the name. :/

United kerbal states.

Leader: a president, current president: John kerman

Government: democracy, two parties, both founded at the beginning of the UKS to keep one another in check.

Economics: mixed

Military: Contains the usual branches such as army, marines, navy, coast guard. air force ect.  The KSP itself is considered to be a air force  sub-branch.

WMDs?: Has the ability to make nuclear weapons (handful of desert tests completed), does not due to fears of what such weapons would do to kerbins inviroments if used. Has MRIV-capable ICBMs but all of them are outfitted with non-nuclear warheads

Population: unknown, speculated to be somewhere around the million range or more.

territory: Everything east of the "arrow-head peninsula" (which sticks into the middle of the kerlond interior ocean) all the way to the coastal line where the KSC exists. UKS land ownings contains landmarks such as the karringer crater , greater kerbin desert, the grand kerdus inlet (wich is just west of the KSC)

Enemies? None really, though it could crush all of the other countries  on kerbin easily. It chooses not to, due to it being a waste of lives, resources, and that its politicians do not see a need for any expansion.





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"National boundaries are as invisible as meridians of longitude, or the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The boundaries are arbitrary. The planet is real." -Carl Sagan

"From space I saw Earth -- indescribably beautiful and with the scars of national boundaries gone." -Muhammad Faris

"When you're finally up at the moon looking back on earth, all those differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend, and you're going to get a concept that maybe this really is one world and why the hell can't we learn to live together like decent people." -Frank Borman

"I really believe that if the political leaders of the world could see their planet from a distance of 100,000 miles their outlook could be fundamentally changed. That all-important border would be invisible, that noisy argument silenced. The tiny globe would continue to turn, serenely ignoring its subdivisions..." -Michael Collins

"The first day or so we all pointed to our countries. The third or fourth day we were pointing to our continents. By the fifth day, we were aware of only one Earth." -Sultan bin Salman Al-Saud

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Federal Union Of East Kasian Republicks 


(FUOR for short)

Leader : Naxender Kerman

Government: Multiple Parties Rule

Economic system: Mixed

Military: Semi-automated drones and unknown amount of mercenaries.

WMDs: Has the largest amount of ICBMs on Kerbin, has both hydrogen and nuclear bombs

Population: 1, 2 billion.

Edited by cratercracker
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I never have thought about it. I have always imagined that Kerbin's allegiance were to junk yards, not nations.
But I have built a big base on Minmus, so maybe 'The Republic of Minmus Lowlands and Lesser Flats'. ™*
Motto: "Gas, Snacks and Restrooms (request key at cash register)."

I think Douglas Adams' novels might have corrupted me in the way I think of this game...

*(A subsidiary of Zik's Towing and Refrigerator Parts Industries. Some settling may occur during shipping. Your mileage may vary. Void on Eve.)

Edited by Ty Tan Tu
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