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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


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Final Frontier 0.6.1-604 released


  • Some more or less minor fixes. (maybe the docking issue reported by Wyrmshadow, the first EVA bug reported by klesh)
  • Fix for the new F.A.R plugin (thanks to BruceKnowles)
  • Landings are detected again
  • Planet packs now supported

Planet packs have to be installed separately or should be included by the modder himself. There is an example for PFCE on the first page. Just extract the archive like any other mod/plugin.

And this is somekind of a very hot hotfix. So be prepared for some new bugs (and it's time for branches already ;)). Testing was a little bit chaotic because of new bug reports in between.

Important: This is the one of the first releases that will replace the halloffame.ksp. If you use this relase or a later one, there is no way back!

Please make a backup of your save game before starting KSP with this release!

- - - Updated - - -

  _Augustus_ said:
PFREV adds all the planets that PFCE does, along with a bunch of others.

Then you will have some new ribbons with the PFCE planet pack. :) More than 750 ribbons in total if I remember right.

- - - Updated - - -

  Dragonchampion said:
Nereid, is there any plans to have ribbons give experience bonuses, or even better, experience modifiers? Say each ribbon gives a kerbal 10% or 5% more XP per mission.

Currently we have to iron out all bugs. And I have no clue how this could be done (but I'm learning some new every day in coding for KSP ;)). The planet pack for PFREV will be next. To answer your question: not at the moment.

Edited by Nereid
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  _Augustus_ said:
I renamed PFREV to Kerbol Expanded because of Krag.

Well, feel free to include the contents of FinalFontier.PlanetPack.KEXP.zip in your mod, when its ready.

Because there are no major bug reports since yesterday, I assume that I didn't break to much. ;)

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  _Augustus_ said:
And add three more named Corvus, Phobius, and Diamas...

Puh... Don't expect the planet pack until 2. Jan. If you are interested I can give you my ribbon creator and you can do it yourself. But its very, very ugly Java code. Written down in a few hours and its missing a comfortable GUI in some aspects.

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  MeCripp said:

Download: Kerbalstuff (maybe Working)

Alternative: Curse (may not be the latest version)

Yes. Kerbalstuff is not very reliable at the moment. And Curse sometimes needs time to check the uploaded version (and sometimes I just forget to upload on Curse, too).

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  Nitrous Oxide said:
So I'm a bit wary of upgrading to the latest version, is all that's required to backup the save is to copy the folder with the same name as the save file?

I you want to be on the save side, copy the whole folder <KSP-Install-Folder>/saves to any other location in your filesystem. Or just use zip or 7zip to craete an archive of that folder. Or just use S.A.V.E. ;) It's up to you.

- - - Updated - - -

  _Augustus_ said:
And add three more named Corvus, Phobius, and Diamas...

I have uploaded the current state of the planet pack. Download link is on the first page.

Edited by Nereid
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I'm using Final Frontier version 6.1-604, and have been loving it since I found it early last year. Since noone has reported any issues since your hotfix it could be me, but my kerbals are losing their ribons when I switch between ships before they land. It has affected science, contract, heavy vehicle launch and docking (including first docking around the Mun) ribons for me.

This is a great plugin, although it has encouraged me in some less efficient craft designs so that I can get 5 or 7 kerbals with 1st orbit or whatnot. Thank you for putting it out there, and for continuing to improve it.

Edited by im_sparticus
more ribbons effected
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  im_sparticus said:
I'm using Final Frontier version 6.1-604, and have been loving it since I found it early last year. Since noone has reported any issues since your hotfix it could be me, but my kerbals are losing their ribons when I switch between ships before they land. It has affected science, contract, heavy vehicle launch and docking (including first docking around the Mun) ribons for me.

This is a great plugin, although it has encouraged me in some less efficient craft designs so that I can get 5 or 7 kerbals with 1st orbit or whatnot. Thank you for putting it out there, and for continuing to improve it.

Thanks for reporting. I will take a look into it ASAP.

Questions: Do you lose ribbons everytime you switch ships? All ribbons? Do you switch by keyboard or within the map view?

EDIT: if you can reproduce it regulary, please set the log level of FF to DETAIL/DEBUG (before you experience the bug), exit KSP after the bug occurs and send me the KSP.log (or at least save it, for later analysis).

EDIT2: Switching vessel on ground works (and there shouldn't be any difference between ground an in flight).

EDIT3: I still don't know, what have caused this. I will change the caching for the crew members a bit. Maybe that could cause this sometimes. Added some logging to get more information, if this happens.

EDIT4: Release 0.6.3-681 will contain a bit more log information. Please set the log level at least to INFO and check for log outputs like

[LOG 14:44:42.093] FF: hall of fame loaded in 0ms

[LOG 14:44:42.093] FF: hall of fame loaded (34 logbook entries)

[LOG 14:44:42.094] FF: creating new hall of fame entry for kerbal Jebediah Kerman

[LOG 14:44:42.094] FF: creating new hall of fame entry for kerbal Bill Kerman

[LOG 14:44:42.095] FF: creating new hall of fame entry for kerbal Bob Kerman


Those just after loading the hall of fame are ok, but if just before the bug occurs a "creating new hall of fame entry for" appears, we got it.

Edited by Nereid
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My ribbons bugged out as well. All of my Available (at the KSP) Kerbals' merits were replaced by Bill Kerman's, who is on Mun at the moment, while all of his were deleted. Cannot reproduce though, as I haven't noticed this until after another mission and I have no save file to revert to. :/

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Bug found: loading from a quicksave is not working at the moment. Investigating...

This is strange: KSP gives FF the ConfigNode from the persisten.sfs if a quicksave is loaded... this could be complicated to resolve...

got it.... an event was not working as I expected it to work. Testing a few things and release ASAP.

This is a major bug so update ASAP.

Fixed in 0.6.3-681

Edited by Nereid
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Hi Nereid.

Well, thanks for update, but...:

[LOG 18:41:39.350] FF: EventObserver:: OnGameStateCreated 21344.4050382061, game status: ONGOING, scene MAINMENU

[LOG 18:41:39.352] FF: loading hall of fame

[LOG 18:41:39.354] FF: hall of fame loaded in 0ms

[LOG 18:41:39.354] FF: hall of fame loaded (0 logbook entries)

[WRN 18:41:39.356] FF: no entry for kerbal Jebediah Kerman found

...60+ more lines of similar warning

[LOG 18:41:39.450] FF: EventObserver:: OnGameStateCreated 67.0400000000038, game status: ONGOING, scene MAINMENU

[LOG 18:41:39.451] FF: loading hall of fame

[WRN 18:41:39.451] FF: no data node 'FinalFrontierHallOfFameRoot' found

[LOG 18:41:39.451] FF: hall of fame loaded in 0ms

[WRN 18:41:39.452] FF: loading hall of fame from halloffame.ksp

[EXC 18:41:39.453] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Nereid.FinalFrontier.Persistence.Load (.Game game, Nereid.FinalFrontier.HallOfFame hallOfFame)

Nereid.FinalFrontier.EventObserver.OnGameStateCreated (.Game game)

EventData`1[Game].Fire (.Game data)

Game..ctor (.ConfigNode root)

GamePersistence.LoadGame (System.String filename, System.String saveFolder, Boolean haltIfIncompatible, Boolean suppressErrorMessage)

MainMenu.LoadGame ()

TextButton3D+.MoveNext ()

Result: cannot start game at all.

halloffame.ksp does not exist in saves (even with previous version)

Extra info: Playing career

What am I doing wrong?

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Sorry, I had to sleep a bit... I have loaded a few times myself. But I will take a look.

hmmmm. resuming works for me... ok, there is something wrong, if no data is found... wait a few minutes

Edited by Nereid
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