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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


KSP 1.1.0  

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  1. 1. Is FinalFrontier working in KSP 1.1.0?

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Small request, as a few bugs have happened. If possible, can you make it write a backup of the (existing) hall of fame before editing it, like Kerbal Alarm Clock does? i.e. halloffame.ksp_000000001, etc.

Manually re-entering the stats from my spreadsheet (oh god, I'm sad) (I'd eventually like to replace the spreadsheet with this mod!) is not fun. Another possibility would be a 'cheat' mode where you can award the ribbons in-game. Useful for more user-friendly editing, and, er, cheating I suppose.

Except there is.....

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Awesome mod. I do hope it is stabilised soon and becomes less alpha. :)


1) does this install permadeath? I read a few posts back that this has been removed. I don't want Jeb to stay dead forever. Jeb cheats death (that sounds very mesiah like - which suits Jeb)

2) the OP says this does not write to the persistence file. Is that still true? I want to share my save file with someone who doesn't have this mod. Will this break the save file for them? (Obviously, they won't see the medals/screens that this mod provides)


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Awesome mod. I do hope it is stabilised soon and becomes less alpha. :)


1) does this install permadeath? I read a few posts back that this has been removed. I don't want Jeb to stay dead forever. Jeb cheats death (that sounds very mesiah like - which suits Jeb)

2) the OP says this does not write to the persistence file. Is that still true? I want to share my save file with someone who doesn't have this mod. Will this break the save file for them? (Obviously, they won't see the medals/screens that this mod provides)


The mod only installed the option of permadeath, which I believe was removed. Crew Manifest does this if you want, and TAC Life Support can change the length of time before rebirth.

Also, the mod does not write to the persistence file. It creates a file alongside it, in the save folder (in case you want to copy/backup/send the entire thing), and reads only from that.

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Wonderful mod, thank you for developing it Nereid! This is just what we needed...a reason to treat Kerbals as individuals, celebrate their achievements and statistics (as we do real astronauts). It adds an important dimension to the game that had been missing. Short story for you:

My 8 year-old son likes to fool around in KSP, not really trying to get into space but rather find creative ways to blow things up. He built a contraption similar to what we saw in a Danny video, a fuel tank and engine pointed sideways with a platform over it. Kerbals would walk off the end of the platform and fall into the exhaust stream. His first Kerbal flew for hundreds of meters before POOF on the ground. He checked the FF records and was pleased to see this Kerbal was (posthumously) awarded "First Kerbal in Space!" :)

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Fantastic Mod Nereid, since i started using it, no Kerbals lost their lives, and it shifted my focus to using drones for recon and preparation.

It only makes sense given i use a ton of other mods that complicate little kerbal green lives. I also featured your mod in my guide on reddit as i think it adds a lot to the immersion of the game

Here is the guide in case you are interested:


Keep up the good work

Edited by Grunf911
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I'm still a bit busy in real life at the moment. FF isn't abandoned, but I don't have much time at the moment. It seems I may need another week to continue my work on FF. So don't expect any updates until next week.

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Ok, just letting you know about a compatibility issue (not sure with what though). It took me a while to figure out which mod was messing with my game and this one is the lucky winner ^^' (bummer, one of my favorites) . When loaded, this mod renders the "load" button unusable (you can click it but the window doesn't open), so you have to create a new game and then come back to the menu to be able to resume a save. It's quiet annoying but there doesn't seem to be anything else going wrong. I tried re-downloading but it won't do. I havn't seen any complaints about this problem so i'm guessing it has to do with a cocktail of mods that don't mix well.

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Ok, just letting you know about a compatibility issue (not sure with what though). It took me a while to figure out which mod was messing with my game and this one is the lucky winner ^^' (bummer, one of my favorites) . When loaded, this mod renders the "load" button unusable (you can click it but the window doesn't open), so you have to create a new game and then come back to the menu to be able to resume a save. It's quiet annoying but there doesn't seem to be anything else going wrong. I tried re-downloading but it won't do. I havn't seen any complaints about this problem so i'm guessing it has to do with a cocktail of mods that don't mix well.

I can confirm that I am having the same issue. It appears to be tied with the disappearance of custom ribbons I've awarded to my Kerbals. I will do more research and try to figure out what mod(s) may be conflicting with Final Frontier.


Interestingly, it does not seem to be a mod issue. Certain custom ribbons will cause this problem when awarded. I also discovered that adding all the custom ribbons with names and pictures (i.e. not Custom01, Custom06, Custom19, etc) will wipe your save of all ships and other awarded ribbons, save a couple.

I am continuing my research, and should be able to track down these trouble ribbons soon.

Edited by CalculusWarrior
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Ok, just letting you know about a compatibility issue (not sure with what though). It took me a while to figure out which mod was messing with my game and this one is the lucky winner ^^' (bummer, one of my favorites) . When loaded, this mod renders the "load" button unusable (you can click it but the window doesn't open), so you have to create a new game and then come back to the menu to be able to resume a save. It's quiet annoying but there doesn't seem to be anything else going wrong. I tried re-downloading but it won't do. I havn't seen any complaints about this problem so i'm guessing it has to do with a cocktail of mods that don't mix well.

I don't seem to have this problem though when there aren't any kerbals on mission on any of the saves. This isn't a compatibility issue with another mod then but simply with the stock game...

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From my testing, it appears that the game does not like it when a lot of custom ribbons are awarded at once. It will only display the first 6 ribbons (of the list, not in the order they were awarded) after a restart.

The refusal to load any saves appeared to be a problem with one of my saves, in which I was using Final Frontier with custom ribbons. The game would not let me even delete this game, I had to manually delete it in the KSP folder. Don't mess around with custom ribbons in your main save, as there is a nasty bug which will delete all ribbons awarded and ships flying.

My conclusion is that while Final Frontier's standard ribbon awarding mechanism works perfectly fine, the custom ribbons are a little dodgy, and should be avoided on your main save.

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Duly noted CalculusWarrior

Those ribbons are the custom ribbons we are talking about, they are found by clicking on a kerbal's name to display his stat window, then clicking on "award ribbon". Be careful, since as we said before, this feature is extremely buggy.

Edited by Aknar
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Duly noted CalculusWarrior

Those ribbons are the custom ribbons we are talking about, they are found by clicking on a kerbal's name to display his stat window, then clicking on "award ribbon". Be careful, since as we said before, this feature is extremely buggy.

So far, I have mainly tested the custom ribbons with names. Do the standard custom ribbons bug out the game?

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  • A new ribbon for kerbals taking part in a mission with a solid fuel booster (I'm not yet sure if this is possible to detect).

I believe you can do that by inserting code that would look into the part configs to look at certain markers like



name = SolidFuel

amount = 850

maxAmount = 850



Though it could be easily abused by just slapping on a Sepratron, so who knows what you choose to go :P

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Ok, I'm back in business today. Sorry, but I'm a software developer in real life too and we had a major release rolled out last week. And working on two projects with a lot of trouble was just too much this time. This, the coming spring weather in Germany :), and some other issues had prevented me from continue my work with FF for a few days.

But I will upload a newer version today. Just a few minor tweaks planed:

  1. No custom ribbons in space center without a word of warning, because they give some trouble to some users.
  2. The halloffame.ksp isn't saved directly, when assigning custom ribbons (because this could be the reason for some issues).
  3. Backups of the halloffame.ksp.
  4. A fix for the invalid index bug reported by malkuth.

Unfortunately custom ribbons work very well on my system even in the last version. So it's not easy for me to analyze those issues and I need feedback, if the new version works.

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Final Frontier 0.3.3 is on Spaceport


  • warning message if custom ribbons are assigned in space center.
  • fixed a bug that causes ribbons to overflow in the hall of fame browser
  • log reduced
  • backups of the halloffame.ksp in save game folder
  • fix for the invalid index bug reported by malkuth

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