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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


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Thank you for reporting the bugs; I'm investigating them at the moment.

Great idea, but this mod persistently crashes the game for me. Well, the game does not "crash", but gets "stuck" when attempting to start a new or resume an existing game.

Which version are you using?

Edited by Nereid
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Just thought I would drop in and say thanx for this neat mod...

...and let you know it has recently started giving my more adventurous Kerbals double ribbons for doing something first. (as in they get the "First Orbiter" ribbon as well as the "Orbiter" ribbon.)

Again, thank you for making a mod that gives my kerbals more personality.

That's international I'd say, he did orbit and he did it first, makes sense to me

Great idea, but this mod persistently crashes the game for me. Well, the game does not "crash", but gets "stuck" when attempting to start a new or resume an existing game.

Does not crash the game for me

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So 2 quick bug reports, both relating to the "First Kerbal in Space" ribbon:

1. The interface calls it the "Awarded to the first kerbal in space Ribbon".

2. It seems to be awarded to the first Kerbal to EVA at all, regardless of whether or not they actually are in space. Maybe that one's intentional, but it doesn't seem to be.

Other than that, happy to say that this mod works great!

Regard 1: Its a bug. The corresponding achievement in the code were given the wrong name. Fixed

Regarding 2: This is strange. I have not changed anything in the code regarding this. But yes, any EVA will cause this. The achievement tests for less than 0.0000001 atmospheric density. And this seems to be to be the case just when doing EVA on Kerbin or somewhere else. Some of the strange behaviors of KSP.

Edited by Nereid
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Final Frontier 0.4.5 is online

Bugfixing release


  • No more First in Space ribbons by doing just EVA on Kerbin
  • Name of First in Space ribbon corrected
  • No more ribbons that were achieved as first-achievements before (e.g. Orbit Ribbon when a kerbal has gotten the First Orbit Ribbon).

Download FinalFrontier

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That's international I'd say, he did orbit and he did it first, makes sense to me

Well no. The First Orbit ribbon should prevent the awarding of the normal orbit ribbon for the same celestial body. Introducing the Sphere of Influence ribbon screwed this up, because I have made a mistake in creating the correct supersede chain. Intentionally the First Orbit ribbon should supersede the Orbit ribbon and the orbit ribbon should supersede the Sphere Of Influence ribbon. But in all versions prior to 0.4.5 the First Orbit supersedes the Sphere Of Influence ribbon.

I have corrected this (hopefully) for all celestial body ribbons. The good news: Installing just 0.4.5 and loading a game will get it right. So a kerbal will loose all Non-First ribbons if he got the correspondig first-one already.

BTW: bugs like this are hard to detect. If I play my normal game I already had all those ribbons and don't get them again. If I'm just testing the release, I'm concentration on changes and may overlook such things quite easily. That's the main reason why I'm releasing an update that often. Someone will notice this and is hopefully reporting. If I can I will fix it ASAP.

Edited by Nereid
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Final Frontier 0.4.5 is online

Bugfixing release


  • No more First in Space ribbons by doing just EVA on Kerbin
  • Name of First in Space ribbon corrected
  • No more ribbons that were achieved as first-achievements before (e.g. Orbit Ribbon when a kerbal has gotten the First Orbit Ribbon).

Download FinalFrontier

Yay, goodness! Thanks for the continuous updates Nereid.

BTW is there any reason why the changelog in the OP hasn't been updated in a while? That was very convenient for deciding whether to update or not.

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Yay, goodness! Thanks for the continuous updates Nereid.

BTW is there any reason why the changelog in the OP hasn't been updated in a while? That was very convenient for deciding whether to update or not.

Here is a copy and paste for you Nereid

  • 0.3.19
    • hopefully the lags in the config window are gone
    • 32 new ribbons:
      Closer Sun Orbit Ribbon: for establishing an orbit between Sun and Moho at half or less of the orbit of Moho (a regular and a first-kerbal ribbon)
      Rover Drive Ribbon: for moving a vehilce (hopefully driving a rover) on the surface of a celestial body (30 ribbons, a regular and a first-kerbal ribbon for each celestial body excluding Sun and Jool)

    [*] 0.3.20

    • a revocation of a ribbon wasn't permanent. fixed.
    • 21 new ribbons:
      Crew member of a heavy vehicle of at least 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 20000 or 4000 tons
      Launching a heavy vehicle of at least 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000 or 4000 (!) tons
      Landing a heavy vehicle of at least 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000 or 4000 (puh!) tons

    [*] 0.3.22

    • Code for Closer Solar Orbit fixed
    • Persistent filtering in the hall of fame depending on scene (Flight, Space Center, ...)
    • Hall of fame sortable; persistent depending on scene
    • Ingame Code-Browser

    [*] 0.3.24

    • Tracking of time spent in EVA
    • 8 new ribbons for 1h, 2h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 96h and 192h in EVA
    • Size of ribbon display in Decoration Board adjusted

    [*] 0.4.3

    • Redesign of code
    • 8 new ribbons for accelerating to Mach 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15 below 25.000m in Kerbin atmosphere
    • FAR (Ferram Aerospace Research) optional (with Package FinalFrontierFAR.zip)

    [*] 0.4.4

    • No more Mach ribbons just for EVA
    • Mach ribbons starts with Mach 1 now.
    • Mach ribbons only take horizontal speed into account.

    [*] 0.4.5

    • No more First in Space ribbons by doing just EVA on Kerbin
    • Name of First in Space ribbon corrected
    • No more ribbons that were achieved as first-achievements before (e.g. Orbit Ribbon when a kerbal has gotten the First Orbit Ribbon).

Edited by Rockstar04
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I have corrected this (hopefully) for all celestial body ribbons. The good news: Installing just 0.4.5 and loading a game will get it right. So a kerbal will loose all Non-First ribbons if he got the correspondig first-one already.

There are still some redundant ribbons. But this can't be changed at the moment, because every ribbon can only supersede exactly one other ribbon. This was sufficient at first. But now we have several ribbons that are included in others. Currently I'm thinking to change this and add some kind of text file where the supersede chain is configurable. This will straighten out the source code, too

I will change this in a later release.

BTW is there any reason why the changelog in the OP hasn't been updated in a while? That was very convenient for deciding whether to update or not.

Well I'm a bit lazy at the moment. ;) But here you go...

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Just a FYI, I trashed the link to the far plugin. I was copying and pasting a lot. . . oops

There is not much difference between FAR and Non-Far. Without the FAR-dll, it will use an own formula for calculating mach numbers. With FAR it uses the same formula which FAR uses. The differ by ca. 10%.

So the dll is completely optional. It's there for technical reasons, to avoid errors in the KSP.log, if FF is used without FAR. Maybe someday I will check, if there is another solution possible without an optional dll.

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Well I'm a bit lazy at the moment. ;)

Says the guy who updates his mod so fast, whenever I want to play there have been at least three version changes. You sir, are the opposite of lazy!

Also: is it possible to track and distinguish between mission/eva time in and out of atmosphere? That would be awesome imo...

Thanks for making this awesome mod, made me start (and love) the game all over again.

Edited by Schmonzo
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I started a new career to play with this mod because I'm the type of guy that likes statistics and a bit of a personal touch in a game. This is wonderful, there are so many attributes given and the statistics for missions/per mission just blew me away, thank you very much for this it is working flawlessly. I am playing a perma-death game.

Personally I would recommend a pop-up appear after each mission like the science notification, just to let you know what happened to "kerbal X" when he finishes his mission, if this is possible of course.

Oh and the perma-death option in the config, what does this mean? I have manually enabled perma death by editing the save.sfs, but was wondering what yours did?

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Also: is it possible to track and distinguish between mission/eva time in and out of atmosphere? That would be awesome imo...

Its not impossible, but a little more difficult. If its sufficient to test only the start of the EVA or boarding the vessel, to distinguish between atmosphere and zero atmosphere, then it's quite simple.

Personally I would recommend a pop-up appear after each mission like the science notification, just to let you know what happened to "kerbal X" when he finishes his mission, if this is possible of course.

Oh and the perma-death option in the config, what does this mean? I have manually enabled perma death by editing the save.sfs, but was wondering what yours did?

An optional popup would need some extra coding but it's doable. I will see what I can do, but this takes longer than only a few hours.

Regarding the permadeath option: It should do the same as changing the config directly. Just a question: Is permadeath in the FF config enabled in your game? If yes and have left it untouched, it reflects your editing of your save. I have never tested this myself yet.

Maybe there is a new version later with some new EVA ribbons.

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A good reference for detecting EVA in atmosphere would be code from TextureReplacer, which removes helmets when on EVA in a breathable atmosphere

Well, its not the problem to detect if no atmosphere is present but to detect if atmosphere was not present ALL the time in EVA. It's hard to think about an EVA where atmosphere was leaved and entered again (or vice versa), but I'm quite sure somebody will try (and possibly do) it, if I add such kind of statistics. ;)

EDIT: Cool! I just checked if boarding a seat will end an EVA... and no it doesn't. :) So driving a rover on the Mun without a sealed crew pod is technically still an EVA.

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I started a new career to play with this mod because I'm the type of guy that likes statistics and a bit of a personal touch in a game. This is wonderful, there are so many attributes given and the statistics for missions/per mission just blew me away, thank you very much for this it is working flawlessly. I am playing a perma-death game.

Please keep in mind that EVA tracking is new and prone to change in the next releases. Currently all EVA are the same. This will change, so you have to keep track of the different kinds of EVA yourself for a while if you want to correct your statistics afterwards.

The different types of EVA I'm thinking about are: E+ (orbital EVA, no atmosphere), EA+ (EVA in flight, breathable atmosphere), EZ+ (EVA in flight, no atmosphere), EG+ (EVA on Ground, breathable atmosphere), EZ+ (EVA on Ground, no atmosphere),...

The reason for this are requests for more EVA statistics and a very special ribbon I have in mind.


Final Frontier 0.4.7 is online


  • Minor changes in ribbon supersede chain.
  • 11 new ribbons:
    • First EVA in space ribbon
    • Ribbons for continuously on EVA for 20, 30, 50, 50 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300 minutes (i.e in a single EVA)

Download FinalFrontier

I will not yet change the frontpage for this release, because i havent fully testet the new ribbons and maybe I will add a few more things later. But if anybody wants to test it....

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Just started a new career with 0.4.7 and it's not recognizing the first kerbal in space. Any idea why? Jeb's pretty angry about it. :)

Definitely in space. 70+ km. Does it need to be an EVA or is just being in the ship enough?

Edit. It gives me the first EVA in space, but not the first Kerbal ribbon.

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Just started a new career with 0.4.7 and it's not recognizing the first kerbal in space. Any idea why? Jeb's pretty angry about it. :)

Definitely in space. 70+ km. Does it need to be an EVA or is just being in the ship enough?

Edit. It gives me the first EVA in space, but not the first Kerbal ribbon.

I will investigate it. In ship should be enough.

FIXED in 0.4.8

EDIT: 70tkm wont work, 72tkm work (at least using hyperedit). Strange things in the log, too. Again KSP wont do the things I expected.

EDIT2: One flaw is the event system. if the orbit is closed at 70tkm (and its not relay space) FF will never get any in new event for raising the orbit.

EDIT3: If you get an orbit in just 70tkm, you may not be really out of atmosphere. Currently it's only counted, when you establish a stable orbit (because of the event system) and at 70tkm your periapsis may be just a little bit below 70tkm and so its mathematically NOT a stable orbit.

But you get the point: FF won't detect a "first in space" if a kerbal does just a parabolic launch without entering an orbit at all. The event system of KSP wont fire any kind of event and FF just missed the achievement. I will have to add another periodic test, if atmosphere is leaved and just check the achievements if this happens. No big deal. Thank you for reporting.

EDIT4: Fixed in the next release. Leaving and entering atmosphere are detected now for any planet. So we can add some new ribbons later: "Entering Duna atmosphere", "Entering Jool (!) Atmosphere", "Entering Gilly Atmopshere",...

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The different types of EVA I'm thinking about are: E+ (orbital EVA, no atmosphere), EA+ (EVA in flight, breathable atmosphere), EZ+ (EVA in flight, no atmosphere), EG+ (EVA on Ground, breathable atmosphere), EZ+ (EVA on Ground, no atmosphere),...

The reason for this are requests for more EVA statistics and a very special ribbon I have in mind.

Well... I have trashed some of the EVA codes because of a potential problem. What if a kerbal starts an EVA in orbit around Minmus and descents with his jetpack to the surface of Minmus ? He had landed then and now we have two types of EVA: An orbital EVA and a ground EVA. Both are happening in the same EVA mission. And now things start to get complicated... I can change the EVA type but then I will have to end the first one and start another. This won't work well with the EVA endurance ribbons. Ok, I just can keep track of the point in time when the type of EVA changes. But this could change multiple times. To keep track of this, a way more complicated code and new data structures would be needed. That would take way to much time to code and its a bit beyond the scope of FF.

So, I have decided to implement only three different types of EVA: In atmosphere without oxygen, in atmosphere with oxygen and in zero atmosphere. If an EVA starts with no atmosphere, well it might change; but this should be rare and rather unimportant. In 99,99999% of the time the kerbal will die if he tries this anyway.


Also: is it possible to track and distinguish between mission/eva time in and out of atmosphere? That would be awesome imo...

It's done. But there is no report in the GUI at the moment. I will add this later

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Final Frontier 0.4.8 is online


  • First Kerbin in Space ribbon now awarded, when atmosphere was leaved without establishing a stable orbit (around 70,000km altitude).
  • New ribbons for EVA Endurance, i.e. a single EVA of at least 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 or 300 minutes.
  • The mod keeps internal track of EVA in atmosphere (with or without oxygen) or zero atmosphere now for later usage.

Download FinalFrontier

To correct historic EVA actions, just change the EVA code "E+" in the halloffame.ksp as follows:

  • E+: EVA in zero atmosphere
  • EA+: EVA in toxic atmosphere
  • EX+: EVA in atmosphere with oxygen

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