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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


KSP 1.1.0  

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Personally I would recommend a pop-up appear after each mission like the science notification, just to let you know what happened to "kerbal X" when he finishes his mission, if this is possible of course.

Consider it done. :)

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I got multiple heavy-launch ribbons awarded for a single launch.

Thank you for reporting. It seems that the supersede chain of those ribbons won't work as expected. A new release later this day will fix this.

EDIT: This isn't permanent. The extra ribbons will vanish automatically, when the next release from FF is used.

EDIT2: fixed in 0.4.10

Edited by Nereid
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Final Frontier 0.4.10 is online


  • Fixed a bug that shows an incorrect roster status in the hall of fame after a vessel was recovered.
  • No multiple Heavy vehicle ribbons, but instead a single one for every category "crew member", "launch", "landing".
  • New ribbons for entering atmosphere of Eve, Duna, Jool,...
  • New optional mission summary window. If you dont want it, just uncheck the toggle at the bottom of the new window.

Download FinalFrontier

Edited by Nereid
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I know you're still adding in stuff for vanilla ksp planets, But do you have any plans to make planet factory versions? Is it possible with the code you've created thus far? IMHO Planet factory compatability will be pretty vital down the road as more and more people start using user made planets. This is actually the only mod that I really want that I cant use im my RSS+PF playthrough =P

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Hey, Nereid, really cool mod. Is it possible to add a module part makers can put on a crewed part to show the ribbons of the crew inside? working the same way as the flagTransform that was added in 23.5. The mesh would have few extra quads for the # of crew that can be in the part, the part cfg would include a module for displaying the ribbons if the user has your mod installed. Maybe displaying all the ribbons of an individual kerbal might be too much, it could just a single rank ribbon.

Edited by nli2work
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I know you're still adding in stuff for vanilla ksp planets, But do you have any plans to make planet factory versions? Is it possible with the code you've created thus far? IMHO Planet factory compatability will be pretty vital down the road as more and more people start using user made planets. This is actually the only mod that I really want that I cant use im my RSS+PF playthrough =P

Well, FF relies heavily on celestial body names and uses predefined ribbons. I can create ribbons in just a few seconds, because I have written a small (or not so small ;)) Java program to generate them. So, I can add some generic sets of ribbons for non vanilla planets and let the user decide which set is used for a planet. And then there are some specific exclusion for some planets. Most of them can be automatically excluded - perhaps all can, I would have to check this. The code for the RibbonPool (the class that defines all ribbons), is a little bit ugly and changing this code to a generic solar system would make it even worse.

In a few words: Yes it's possible, but I have do a bit to get this working. It could not be done in one or two days.

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Hey, Nereid, really cool mod. Is it possible to add a module part makers can put on a crewed part to show the ribbons of the crew inside? working the same way as the flagTransform that was added in 23.5. The mesh would have few extra quads for the # of crew that can be in the part, the part cfg would include a module for displaying the ribbons if the user has your mod installed. Maybe displaying all the ribbons of an individual kerbal might be too much, it could just a single rank ribbon.

Puh... this is a bit to much for me at the moment. If someone wants to try this, I can provide some kind of API, that returns all ribbons for a specific kerbal. Well, it's already there, so just ask how to use it. :)

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This was very hard to find while google searching. I saw this mod on a twitch stream. Can you possibly add mission ribbons to the title, or something like that. It will make finding this thread on google so much easier.

Edited by Gaugeforever
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Puh... this is a bit to much for me at the moment. If someone wants to try this, I can provide some kind of API, that returns all ribbons for a specific kerbal. Well, it's already there, so just ask how to use it. :)

How do you use it :P I've always wanted to mod KSP, this seems like a relatively entry level task.

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Have you considered making the ability to turn off a ribbon award from the ribbon list, like if you didn't want it to ever award a specific ribbon?

I love this mod. :)

Yes. But this have to be some kind of persistant option and I dont want so save this in the FF config file. But I'm planing to add a new file that contains the supersede chain and can hold this setting, too.

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How do you use it :P I've always wanted to mod KSP, this seems like a relatively entry level task.

Use something like this:

ProtoCrewMember kerbal = ...
HallOfFameEntry entry = HallOfFame.instance.GetEntry(kerbal);
public List<Ribbon> ribbons = entry.GetRibbons();
foreach(Ribbon ribbon : ribbons)
Texture2D texture = ribbon.GetTexture()

"GetTexture()" is spelled "getTexture()" currrently (I'm a Java coder, so I often tend to start with lowercase letters for methods), but I will correct that later.

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This was very hard to find while google searching. I saw this mod on a twitch stream. Can you possibly add mission ribbons to the title, or something like that. It will make finding this thread on google so much easier.

you my friend need to learn how to google, I had this mod as my third find on google only using the word ribbons....

searchterm: 'site:forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com ribbons'

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So, possible bug, Under certain situations, it appears the mach 10 ribbon can be awarded in a straight vertical launch. My Kerbal, Kir Bi, got it riding a SRB launch straight up.

Love this mod though, Keep it up!

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That's probably because you rode an SRB straight up. Not exactly a bug if you exceed Mach 10 and get awarded the Mach 10 ribbon.

That would be true, except it was awarded for exceeding mach 10 traveling horizontally below 30000m . ----->

Also just had a situation where I got Jeb up to 115k and EVA'd him, he got the first eva in space ribbon on the next launch, Lul Aby got the first Kerbal in space ribbon even though Jeb beat him into space in the last launch. I'm not sure if I'm seeing errors because I edit my persistence file so all my Kerbs aren't Kermans, or if I don't understand the super-ceed chain for ribbons, if they are legit bugs, or even other possibilities. These are just minor things and I'm not complaining, I just know if it were me, I'd want to know, because I'm OCD like that. :)

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I got a mach 1 ribbon for launching my rocket (with a gravity turn) and a mach/G 4 ribbon for re-entry. I think these are edge cases that are hard to define as correct or not. Personally I'm taking away the mach and G ribbons since I would prefer the mach be reserved for flying an aircraft and the G's be reserved also for aircraft or for a rocket launch - situations where it's harder to achieve these ribbons, in other words

However, what is definitely a bug is that my kerbal was awarded a 4000t heavy vehicle crew ribbon for a 53t vehicle. The timestamp of the ribbon shows it was awarded the second I brought the rocket out onto the pad

Also can we have total mission and total EVA time in the after-mission report box?

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So, possible bug, Under certain situations, it appears the mach 10 ribbon can be awarded in a straight vertical launch. My Kerbal, Kir Bi, got it riding a SRB launch straight up.

Love this mod though, Keep it up!

Thank you for reporting. I will check this in the next days.

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I'm not sure under what condition it happened, but some of my Kerbals got sent to a space station, the ride up there got them an orbital ribbon, when I checked later all four of them only had a docking ribbon from the transfer to the station. Orbital ribbon disappeared. Not sure how this happened.

EDIT: Mission Summary also doesn't seem to show manually awarded custom ribbons.

Edited by UAL002
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I'm not sure under what condition it happened, but some of my Kerbals got sent to a space station, the ride up there got them an orbital ribbon, when I checked later all four of them only had a docking ribbon from the transfer to the station. Orbital ribbon disappeared. Not sure how this happened.

This is not a bug. It should work this way. The docking ribbon supersedes the orbit ribbon, because an orbit is preliminary for a docking.

EDIT: Mission Summary also doesn't seem to show manually awarded custom ribbons.

I will check this. The handling for the code for custom ribbons was reworked in 0.4.x, so it may be broken. The good news: If it's true, it isn't permanent.

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