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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


KSP 1.1.0  

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  1. 1. Is FinalFrontier working in KSP 1.1.0?

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  orven said:
Love this mod! One question about summary window here. Is there any option to show this window only if it has ribbons? I would like to know about new ribbons gained during flight, but I don't like to see this window with no ribbons every time I test engines and etc.

Currently not. But I can add an option in the next release.

BTW: If somebody can enlighten me how to use the stock summary window...

  orven said:

And another notification: sometimes when I hover my mouse over the ribbons on the left side of summary window the hint text crops so I cannot read the text properly. Not a big problem but it would be a pleasure if this will be fixed.

Thanks. I will try to fix that.

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  Gryphon said:
Currently, Curse has the latest version, 0.5.16-317, but Kerbalstuff still has 0.5.15-308.

Kerbalstuff should have 317, too.

EDIT: It has, but it wasn't set as default. Strange. My mistake? Dunno... But differences are negligible anyway.

But this explains way so many have downloaded 308. I was quite surprised and expected some major fault and a downgrade of all who suffered from it. And now it was just a wrong default...

Edited by Nereid
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  _Augustus_ said:

Could you perhaps add rewards for PFREV planets?

I have currently a more or less generic solution in mind. All you need is a file CelestialBody.info in any subfolder in GameData which contains basic information for FF. This way any modder can provide his own mapping planet>ribbon (and ribbon sets if he want). The syntax of this file is quite simple, so you can edit it yourself.

Unfortunately FF needs at least two informations: The ribbon set for a planet/moon and a "base prestige" (currently just used to get some kind of ordering in the ribbon list).

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I seem to have an issue with ribbons dissapearing after a docking.

I launch Jeb, Bill and Bob separately, they all earn their proper ribbons. I then dock Jeb to Bill &Bob's ship and B&B's ribbons disappear apart from the Kerbal Orbit one. The same thing happened when I launched a space station with two new guys in it. I send of Jeb and B&B in their ships and the new guys ribbons disappear too, apart from the single one mentioned.

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  Wyrmshadow said:
I seem to have an issue with ribbons dissapearing after a docking.

I launch Jeb, Bill and Bob separately, they all earn their proper ribbons. I then dock Jeb to Bill &Bob's ship and B&B's ribbons disappear apart from the Kerbal Orbit one. The same thing happened when I launched a space station with two new guys in it. I send of Jeb and B&B in their ships and the new guys ribbons disappear too, apart from the single one mentioned.

I'm currently looking into this. Unfortunately I can't reproduce this. Tried it several times and anytime it was working. The kerbals are still identified by their names and I will take a look in the code now.

EDIT: A savegame saved directly before the docking maneuver that deletes all ribbons would be helpful.

EDIT2: I have found a potential (minor) bug that may have caused this.

Edited by Nereid
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Ok, I have fixed a few minor bugs, including the not working Closer Solar Orbit ribbons and maybe the bug reported by Wyrmshadow (but I'm not sure about that). A typo was fixed, too. And the support for mods that adds or changes celestial bodies is done. I will test this a bit and may release it tomorrow.

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I have been looking to add Kerbal Construction Time to my game. Does anyone here know of any conflicts with KCT and FF? KCT allows a simulation of launches or in orbit testing (ala Hyperedit type process) and reverts back to VAB/SPH. I'm wondering if FF ribbon awarding would glitch.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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As long as KCT don't revert the game by reloading an old save game, FF should be working fine. It may not detect some achievements, if the events are not triggered.

BTW: The new FF can handle multiple saves (as introduced in 0.25). That was the reason I reconsidered my first implementation with the halloffame.ksp (at the time I have done this, I was lacking knowledge to implement it and I was a bit over-careful not to corrupt a save game). But every load of a save, all new ribbons since that save are lost (if not included in another save and loaded later on).

Just test it, and make a backup of your save (or wait for my next plugin S.A.V.E which will handle that for you).

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Ahh, a docking bug. I think that explains the behavior that I just came to report. I just finished my big Duna mission an noticed a couple errors. Unfortunately, I didn't notice these until after I had exited and restarted the game a couple times so I do not have a log. The first was that Jeb did my first Duna EVA but that ribbon disappeared at some point, the ship he was on did perform a few dockings. The second thing I noted was that two of my guys only did orbital EVAs but somehow got the Duna atmospheric ribbon.

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To resolve those bugs, please make a quicksave just before every docking maneuver and make a copy of the quicksave and KSP.log if this bug occurs. I have done quite a few dockings myself and never suffered from this, yet.

Maybe KSP replaces the internal data objects sometimes (ProtoCrewMember) and FF gets confused by this (because FF is caching them for performance reasons). I have changed this a bit, so it may (or may not) less error prone. And I would really like to see SQUAD adding a unique ID for each kerbal. This would make identifying them much easier.

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  _Augustus_ said:

Could you perhaps add rewards for PFREV planets?

Is PFREV working in 0.90? download link? Unfortunately most PF mods are not working officially in 0.90 (but PFCE works at least a bit, because I'm testing this now in 0.90).

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Hi Nereid,

An Exception is being thrown when starting up KSP by the FinalFronter DLL version 0.5.16-317.

The stack trace indicated an ambiguity error within FARAdapter.plugin() when using the GetMethod() call. On investigation this was narrowed down to the statement:

methodGetMachNumber = type.GetMethod("GetMachNumber", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);

On investigation it turns out that there are indeed two methods named GetMachNumber which satisfy the BindingFlags specification whose signature differ only in the third parameter.

A quick and dirty fix, but probably not an efficient solution is:

[COLOR=#569cd6]if[/COLOR] (type [COLOR=#b4b4b4]!=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#569cd6]null[/COLOR]) {
[COLOR=#4ec9b0]Type[/COLOR][] _params [COLOR=#b4b4b4]=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#569cd6]new[/COLOR] [COLOR=#4ec9b0]Type[/COLOR][[COLOR=#b5cea8]3[/COLOR]];
_params[[COLOR=#b5cea8]0[/COLOR]] [COLOR=#b4b4b4]=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#569cd6]typeof[/COLOR]([COLOR=#4ec9b0]CelestialBody[/COLOR]);
_params[[COLOR=#b5cea8]1[/COLOR]] [COLOR=#b4b4b4]=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#569cd6]typeof[/COLOR]([COLOR=#569cd6]double[/COLOR]);
_params[[COLOR=#b5cea8]2[/COLOR]] [COLOR=#b4b4b4]=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#569cd6]typeof[/COLOR]([COLOR=#4ec9b0]Vector3[/COLOR]);

[COLOR=#57a64a]// methodGetMachNumber = type.GetMethod("GetMachNumber", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);[/COLOR]
methodGetMachNumber [COLOR=#b4b4b4]=[/COLOR] type[COLOR=#b4b4b4].[/COLOR]GetMethod([COLOR=#d69d85]"GetMachNumber"[/COLOR], _params);

[COLOR=#569cd6]if[/COLOR] (methodGetMachNumber [COLOR=#b4b4b4]!=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#569cd6]null[/COLOR]) {

Good luck!

P.S. This is for a version 0.90 implementation.

Edited by BruceKnowles
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I've recently installed this, and quite enjoy it so far. I wanted to describe a scene to you, and perhaps you can adjust something internally so the situation is prevented.

I took 3 kerbals to Munar orbit, and landed 2 of them Apollo style. I had a live contract to plant a flag on the Mun. Since this was my first Mun landing, I had Jebediah at the controls, and scientist Bob on board to collect some samples.

Land. Jeb out first, one small step for Kerbals. Plants flag. Bob comes out, EVA report, surface sample, collect data from instruments on the vessel. All aboard, rendezvous, home.

Turns out Bob is awarded "First Kerbal to set foot on the Mun" (because he was the first to take an EVA report). I guess planting a flag as an action isn't on the "first" list? Could "landed at" be used, such that literally the first footsteps on a planet would be used as criteria instead of "first to complete an EVA activity (except flagplacing) on xyz planet"? You get my drift here, yeah?

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  BruceKnowles said:
Hi Nereid,

An Exception is being thrown when starting up KSP by the FinalFronter DLL version 0.5.16-317.

I know this already. It's caused by the new version of F.A.R and a bug in FF. FF should catch any exception in the F.A.R adapter class (and should assume F.A.R isn't installed if any exception occurs).

This is already fixed (it happens in NanoGauges, too). The new version of FF supports an altered solar system now and I will upload it in a few minutes...

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  klesh said:
I took 3 kerbals to Munar orbit, and landed 2 of them Apollo style. I had a live contract to plant a flag on the Mun. Since this was my first Mun landing, I had Jebediah at the controls, and scientist Bob on board to collect some samples.

Land. Jeb out first, one small step for Kerbals. Plants flag. Bob comes out, EVA report, surface sample, collect data from instruments on the vessel. All aboard, rendezvous, home.

Turns out Bob is awarded "First Kerbal to set foot on the Mun" (because he was the first to take an EVA report). I guess planting a flag as an action isn't on the "first" list? Could "landed at" be used, such that literally the first footsteps on a planet would be used as criteria instead of "first to complete an EVA activity (except flagplacing) on xyz planet"? You get my drift here, yeah?

Clearly a bug. EVA and Plant Flag not detected. Will take a look into this ASAP.

Edit: not reproducable. But in my current build landings are not recognized anymore. Have to fix this before I can release the next version. Changed some log level to analyze this further.

EDIT2: 0.90 seems to generate more vessel situation changed events sometimes (or everytime?). This may have caused a missed EVA event, too.

Edited by Nereid
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  Nereid said:
Is PFREV working in 0.90? download link? Unfortunately most PF mods are not working officially in 0.90 (but PFCE works at least a bit, because I'm testing this now in 0.90).

Planet Factory Revived is in my sig, it uses Kopernicus. It works in 0.90 just fine.

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