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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


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I'm having an issue with ribbons disappearing/not being awarded. I rescued Edeny from orbit and took him straight to the Mun (first orbit, landing, and flag), but after I landed back at Kerbin the only ribbon he had was the pilot ribbon. Was he, perhaps, not considered a part of my space program until I brought him back to Kerbin? I'm also having the mission count error.

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I think the problem comes from playing another save - but I am not sure. That is the only "unusual" thing I have been doing lately. And whenever I return to my actual save, the ribbons are gone.

But it also happened while I was playing in a new save to test something else. After the second trip to the launchpad right after recovering the first craft, the first crew had lost their ribbons and noone had a mission accounted for.

Sorry, no logs this time, was restarting the game over and over to fix another problem.

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I just tested out a new save to see if I could figure anything out with the mission counter, and loading my old save does not clear the ribbons (and rightfully so, as they're stored in each save folder's persistent.sfs), so I'm not sure that's your issue KerbMav. Though once I enabled Trace logging, I noticed it's loading Hall of Fame data before I even load a save, so there's something weird going on.


Makes perfect sense. :)

Peculiar lines in my log, might be of interest...

[LOG 21:38:31.271] FF: EVA recorded for kerbal Jebediah Kerman: Jebediah Kerman at Year 0, Day 0  -01:-01:-01

[LOG 21:39:04.485] FF: vessel boarding recorded for kerbal Jebediah Kerman: Jebediah Kerman at 189378.662965335, eva time was 25.9999999863794
[LOG 21:39:04.486] FF: end of EVA for kerbal Jebediah Kerman: 0 eva time

[LOG 21:39:12.831] FF: get element for code EX+
[LOG 21:39:12.832] FF: saving logbook entry Year 1, Day 3 04:35:52: Jebediah Kerman begins EVA in atmosphere
[LOG 21:39:12.833] FF: get element for code B+
[LOG 21:39:12.833] FF: saving logbook entry Year 1, Day 3 04:36:18: Jebediah Kerman returns from EVA
[LOG 21:39:12.834] FF: hall of fame saved in 38ms

[LOG 21:39:19.498] FF: processing logbook entry 189352.662965349: EX+ Jebediah Kerman
[LOG 21:39:19.499] FF: get element for code EX+
[LOG 21:39:19.500] FF: get element for code EX+
[LOG 21:39:19.500] FF: processing logbook entry 189378.662965335: B+ Jebediah Kerman
[LOG 21:39:19.501] FF: get element for code B+
[LOG 21:39:19.501] FF: end of EVA for kerbal Jebediah Kerman: 0 eva time
[LOG 21:39:19.502] FF: boarding vessel ingored: no EVA action defined for Jebediah Kerman at 189378.662965335
[LOG 21:39:19.503] FF: EVA for kerbal Jebediah Kerman has ended
[LOG 21:39:19.503] FF: get element for code B+
[LOG 21:39:19.504] FF: new hall of fame created
[LOG 21:39:19.504] FF: hall of fame in persistence file found

[LOG 21:39:20.528] FF: mission end recorded for kerbal Jebediah Kerman: Jebediah Kerman at Year 0, Day 0 -01:-01:-01

Weird note, there was no L+ entry created... but that could be because I'm using some modded parts that don't actually "launch" and use a right-click altitude control (it's a balloon...). I get a liftoff event when I decouple from the balloon, but no L+ entry, which might be leading to these zeroes... I have no idea... I thought it could also be because of Kerbal Construction Time hijacking the launch process, but I tried a new save and a rocket gave me a L+ entry...

I assume the missing M+ entries are because there's no L+?

Also Jeb should have gotten the First Surface EVA from this excursion... but that didn't happen. There's some weird behavior there... the times are logged, but Jeb has no EVA time on the Decoration Board. That 26 seconds is definitely there, but not being passed properly...

Edited by Nitrous Oxide
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Are the ribbons saved in the savefile or in an extra file in the same save folder? (I read the OP as same folder ...)

Savefile, halloffame.ksp was the old way but Nereid switched it up shortly after 0.90 was released.

Also, turns out above that my EVA time is being logged (Jeb now has 00:01), but still no EVA ribbons. Also, manually adding L+ and M+ entries is fixing my mission counters and timers. So I'm not sure they're being overwritten...

Edited by Nitrous Oxide
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FinalFrontier and Mechjeb are incompatible. The reason that is causing this, is not known. FF without MJ and MJ without FF works but together they cause problems.

EDIT: Thats not the whole story. Mechjeb and FF work together under some (yet unknown) circumstances. Maybe FF 0.5.5 works better (and perhaps I should repleace the static access to some singletons with a GetInstance()... maybe that is causing this).

I've been playing with both MechJeb and FF together since I found the FF mod. I have never experienced any problems or conflicts between the two at all. I am running on the STEAM platform, 64, but that should not have any bearing on what I have read in other posts... Just thought I would throw my two cents in!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is going to sound a bit cheeky, but it appears no one else has proposed it, so I might as well register and bite that bullet:

First, is it possible to disable automatic ribbon awards? Yes, that means shutting off the bulk of the plugin so that you have to manually assign ribbons for all achievements.

And Second, is it possible to modify the ribbon precedence/order/arrangement as it is displayed? My military sensibilities get offended when my pilot wings end up at the tail end of my ribbon rack rather than first and foremost.

Edited by Warhawk
My mistake, forgot about the filter tool
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I too just randomly lost all my kerbals stored info, Must of just happened, I just popped in a couple mods that should in no way affect FF whatsoever. Remote tech, nav utilites, fusebox, stuff like that.

Went investigating in the persistance.sfs and all of the data is indeed there as has been reported earlier.

Only thing I could think would cause this is that one mod that renames your kerbals with more variation + that humanlike names pack for it. But i kind of doubt it just now affected me.

Edit : Opened up an old quicksave and copies the info to my persistence.sfs and it seems to have fixed my problem. Still no idea how it got lost in the first place though. Though for some reason one of my kerbals whom has badges doesn't have any mission time. I vividly remember flying with him too becasue i gave him a custom badge for being the first to break mach 1.

Edited by Subcidal
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Just wanted to add my voice to the people experiencing this loss of kerbal achievements and ribbons.

I had launched a number of maned missions in my career and had a few decorated kerbals, and just now noticed that all of my ribbons and mission time info is gone.

I noticed this after my game had crashed due to out of RAM during a Kerbal Construction Time simulation, which sometimes causes weird stuff when reloading the save. Mostly it thinks the vessel was actually launched as though you are no longer in a simulation, you can recover or go and fly the vessel. However none of the stuff like science etc. is actually saved when you recover it. This time I just went ahead and recovered it from the pad and all of a sudden it awarded Jeb a ribbon that I knew he already had, i looked at my FF window and everything was gone.

I'm not sure if KCT actually has anything to do with this bug because I had been launching a large number of unmanned missions and this was the first manned mission I had launched in a while. However the fact that KCT disables FF logging and such during simulations might have something to do with it, I know at least one other person who has had this issue has mentioned they had KCT installed. Has any one experienced this issue without having KCT installed?

Edited by Akira_R
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I have a possible bug report -

I had a contract to rescue a kerbin from LKO and sent out the rescue ship. The mission went without a hitch and I stuffed the drifting kerbal into the rescue ship and de-orbited it near the KSC. Subsequently, I realized all my contracts were reset, the rescued kerbin was not in the roster and she was marked as "unowned" in the persistence.sfs file.

I've only have had one single rescue contract so far, so couldn't investigate more.

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Where can I find mission time, etc in the config files or save file. I need to edit it, it don't always count the mission time even though it adds the mission. I just sent a fresh Kerbal up for 4-5 days and when he returned it shows he has a completed mission but no mission time.

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your save's persistent.sfs file at the bottom are all your FF records. L+ marks the start of a mission, M+ marks the end. Each event carries a UT time stamp, subtract the M+ time stamp from the L+ time stamp to get mission time in seconds.

Thanks, I'll give it a try. Any idea what causes this? I did not revert, used no quick saves and the mission was only a 3-4 hours conducting orbital surveys with no game crashes. I only took focus off the ship 1-2 times to the tracking station to time warp. This isn't the first time this has happened.

The Kerbal got all his ribbons but no time was added to his time nor was the mission counted for one of them.

EDIT: I added the entries myself and now the times are correct (as close as I could remember). However, I had to reverse the subtraction formula you listed otherwise it gave negative time. Going to launch a new, short mission and make sure the counters update.

EDIT 2: No idea whats going on, it awards ribbons but still refuses to add to the mission counter or timer.

Edited by IllicitMedic
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This seems to be a problem with no one set cause.

With these repeated mystery (clearly an external conflict to FF) could a work-around be the creation of a 'Start Mission' and 'End mission' button to the FF interface that could be used just before launch/recovery to force write a L+/M+ event to the persistence file just in case this mystery bug/mod conflict/computer glitch/gremlin/ strikes during a game.

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This seems to be a problem with no one set cause.

With these repeated mystery (clearly an external conflict to FF) could a work-around be the creation of a 'Start Mission' and 'End mission' button to the FF interface that could be used just before launch/recovery to force write a L+/M+ event to the persistence file just in case this mystery bug/mod conflict/computer glitch/gremlin/ strikes during a game.

Well now even with adding the entries myself its not adding anything which is really really strange. This is depressing, this mod adds so much in the terms of having reason and history in my space program. I've had this occur in numerous saves now, and its never at the same time. Sometimes its after just a few days sometimes its after a year or more.

I think, somewhere, somehow when finishing a mission it does not record, it seems like it records the start but not the end...because I've noticed that once it starts to happen every time you recover a Kerbal it awards him the same ribbons each time as he earned from his last mission before it started acting up. The Kerbal is available after the mission however which is confusing but the fact nothing new is recorded and he gets awarded the same ribbons in the summery after every mission makes it seem like the end of a mission is not being recorded properly.

Looking into this myself for the time being but I'm no modder lol.

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I started the game after a few weeks and all teh ribbons of my kerbals have vanished. Did the saving change with some update recently?


Is there a complete documentation of the FinalFrontierHallOfFameEntry codes so that I can merge the missions from the persistence file and an oder quicksave by hand?

Edited by cfds
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I do remove some ribbons from the mod so this may be of my own undoing. I have scanned the source documents but cannot locate a reference.

My Kerbalnauts will receive the First in Space, First EVA in Space and First orbit and Orbit ribbons for Kerbin but do not receive the InSpace ribbon for suborbital and orbital missions.

Is this ribbon superseded or requires another ribbon present?

In my KERBIN Folder I have:

EvaOrbit.png FirstEvaOrbit.png FirstOrbitCapsule.png FirstOrbitCapsuleDocked.png OrbitCapsule.png OrbitCapsuleDocked.png OrbitStation.png

In the general pool I have FirstEvaInSpace.png, FirstInSpace.png and InSpace.png but do not have the G forces, Solid Boosters, splashdown and wings, spaceplanes and chef style ribbons.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this fine work. i also appreciate and use the Nano gauges Mod.

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