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[1.0.4][WIP][IVA,PLUGIN] ProbeControlRoom 1.0-beta10a - IVA All the things! - NotSoShaky


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Little update, still needs a lot of texture work. :)

Images on the monitor are there to give an impression of what it might look like.

I like that cup of coffee. :D

And if you could, place some more stuff on the table, like notebooks with some random writing on the paper, pens, keyboard+mouse, etc.

EDIT: I've tried this but it seems like some of these buttons in some of these MFDs are not working. I don't know if it's caused by this plugin or if there's some limitation in RPM...

Edited by HoneyFox
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Maybe you guys should work together to make this into something awesome.

Thats been done, I´ve been talking to Albert and the mod will get that thing once hes done :kiss:

I´m just waiting for that, with a short test this will become the v1.0 final as well =)


I really like where this is going. If I could make a suggestion: make the MFD's look a little less than the by now very familiar 'stock' ones. However great they are, seeing them on every craft is getting a bit bland.

These are not even mine, but the RasterProp screens :blush:

But I see your point, for the "huge screens" the buttons could be a lot smaller for example...

I´ll recheck this especially seeing Alberts awesome draft... maybe some screens "bound" to specific displays so they only get like one or two buttons...


And ALCOR back to my mind, problems here remains:

Speaking of the moduleManager stuff above and not making it a requirement, there are some solutions coming into my mind:

- you push these props into the RasterPropMonitor package :)

- you add a dummy .dll xD and I add a overwrite for alcor props

- you add the alcor-patch.cfg in your download and overwrite my props

Didn´t got any reply from alexustas yet, so I think I will ship an ALCOR-Config as an additional download.


Have you had reports of your mod causing spontaneous disassembly? [...]

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the error happens when the root part of the rocket is staged away.

Uhh, never heard of that! But I would guess the issue is that you keep controlling the bottom stage and that might disassemble (whats fine), to get around this:

When you click the "StartIVA"-button it loops the parts on the ship for "the first room it can find", usually the part you placed first and with that likely the bottom stage yep...

The only way to get arround this is to set your "control from here" part correctly (like on dockingports/capsules/probes) so on lanch set it to your upperupper probe core (Rightclick and "Control from here"), its a game limitation i cant script around...

Protip: add the "control from here" in your action group called "stage", then it will happen without the need to remember that =) (fired whenever you "stage")


Also, a few other things splunged into my mind:

- totally remove the "analog controls"? Navball, RadarAlti., 3h-Alti.?

- multiple seats // "desks"? so you could use the V key to switch from the pilots desk over to the navigator with the big map screen...

Oh, and thanks for all these nice words & feedback, its great to see there actually is a "need" for this mod and its beeing used^^ :D

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The ALCOR has some pretty niffty RPMs, but the information it shows can "easily" be added to any other RPM.

So I would suggest to have custom designed RPMs for PCR, so that it wont look out of place.

So to sum up what the uses might be for each screen:

1 big screen for Scansat

4 medium screen for camera views

4 small screens on the desk for stuff like: accent, decent, orbit, recourse info, navball, cameras, etc.

Anyway next thing to make is some simple keyboards for each small screen and add buttons to the large ones.

I'm also going to add a larger keyboard to control stuff like: SAS, brakes, gear, lights, action groups, etc.

Please post any suggestion or comment if I forgot something. :)

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And ALCOR back to my mind, problems here remains:

Didn´t got any reply from alexustas yet, so I think I will ship an ALCOR-Config as an additional download.


I'm sorry but I don't understand what exactly do you want. It would be helpful if you explained in detail what do you want me to do and why exactly do you need it.

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That looks BALLER. :D Any chance those flags can be swapped out for the mission flag of the ship we're controlling?

This is exactly what should happen.

Or am I missing something and it always "has the flag of the save game, but not the actual mission"? I´ll check this...

// nvm. while typing Albert answered your question ;-)


I'm sorry but I don't understand

Oh, I´m sorry, let me clear this up:

Im using conditions in ModuleManagers to replace my "stock-instruments IVA" with the config made for RasterProp like so: (dll_loaded)

MM_SWITCH { CASE { dll_loaded = RasterPropMonitor \ @INTERNAL { @name = ProbeControlRoom_SpaceMiniRPM...

So much I like the ALCOR, I don´t want to make it a requirement to have it installed, but i can not "automatically turn it on/off" like I can with RPM because your ALCOR has no .dll with it.

So instead, I will create an additional config to use also ALCOR-instruments inside my mod, this would be an additional download!

To make that easier for the players you could add this file into your download once it's finished. - thats all =)


comment if I forgot something. :)

You got most of them, I´ll just repeat for the record: :D

AtmosphereDepth, AxisIndicator(Pitch|Yaw|Roll), ActionGroupLabelButton(1-10), (Speed|Altimeter|Fuel|Mono|Power)Panel, FlagDisplay, Brakes, Lights, Gear, SAS, RCS - and the throttle thing^^
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You got most of them, I´ll just repeat for the record: :D
AtmosphereDepth, AxisIndicator(Pitch|Yaw|Roll), ActionGroupLabelButton(1-10), (Speed|Altimeter|Fuel|Mono|Power)Panel, FlagDisplay, Brakes, Lights, Gear, SAS, RCS - and the throttle thing^^

Shouldn't the gauges be on the monitor screens only? That way you have a cleaner setup and you can setup any desk monitor to us it and when the power runs out you'll wont get any information. :D



Edited by Albert VDS
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Oh, I´m sorry, let me clear this up:

Im using conditions in ModuleManagers to replace my "stock-instruments IVA" with the config made for RasterProp like so: (dll_loaded)

So much I like the ALCOR, I don´t want to make it a requirement to have it installed, but i can not "automatically turn it on/off" like I can with RPM because your ALCOR has no .dll with it.

So instead, I will create an additional config to use also ALCOR-instruments inside my mod, this would be an additional download!

To make that easier for the players you could add this file into your download once it's finished. - thats all =)

In case you did not know, if a PROP{} block within an INTERNAL{} fails to load because the prop is not present in the system, the internal itself remains functional. I don't have an idea how could you use ModuleManager to tell whether a certain prop is present or not, (it might be something to ask Sarbian for) but if you just add an ALCOR instrument and there is no ALCOR on the system, your internal will still work but the prop will be missing from it. If you can design it with that in mind, your problem is solved, but if you can't, I'm not sure I can help you. ALCOR's license permits you to redistribute these props under certain conditions anyway, so I don't see much of a problem.

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I managed to get the monitors into the internal view, but somehow they aren't aligned like in unity editor(read rotated and clipping through other stuff).

Some fine tunning in the cfg files should fix that.

After that it's a matter of getting the RPM part of the monitors to work and adding the main keyboard.

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