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Mod bundler for "Real Solar System" (DEFUNCT)


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NOTICE: This project is no longer being maintained. As mods get updated, the manifest files here will NOT be updated, which means things will quickly begin breaking (if they haven't already). Please read the full announcement here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67668?p=1117572&viewfull=1#post1117572

NathanKell's "Real Solar System" mod (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145) is all the hotness these days, and no wonder. But anyone who's tried to set it up will understand when I say that it's not a task for the faint of heart. There is a maze of dependencies to navigate, and the lists of supported and recommended mods rarely have links to point you at where to download them.

In navigating this maze myself, I took some notes, and these notes turned into a list, and the list turned into a simple script. The purpose of this script is to pull in all the needed dependencies and install them, and after testing it for a week or so, I've found it works quite well. Well enough to share with others who might find themselves in the same quandary I was in.

Just grab the bundler here:

http://jamisbuck.org/files/real-solar-system-20140325.zip (20MB)

Unzip it somewhere (NOT IN YOUR KSP FOLDER), and then click on the "real-solar-system.bat" (Windows) or "real-solar-system.sh" (Mac/Linux) to launch the UI.


Also, while the manifest file itself (which defines the mods that can exist in this bundle) is always downloaded automatically every time you launch the app, there may be times when you want to tweak the list, or change a mod that has been updated recently. (I will always try to keep the manifest up-to-date, but I'm human and sometimes fall behind.) In that case, you can download the manifest itself here:


That will be a YAML-formatted list of mods, and you can tweak that in any text editor. Then, from the bundler, you can choose the "File" menu and open your local manifest that way.

Alternate Manifest Files

The following are provided experimentally. I do not make any promises to keep them up-to-date, but I'll try. These are mostly made available to demonstrate how alternate manifests might work.

I'd love feedback, as well as pull requests to make the process simpler. Sadly, please do not ask for the generated bundle of mods itself, because I am not permitted to distribute it. It contains the work of many others, and I'm not allowed to share all of that without explicit permission.

Lastly, here is the list of (most of) the mods (optional and otherwise) referenced by my bundler, with links to their corresponding forum threads:

core mods

extra mods

interesting mods

part mods

support mods

utility mods


If you're interested in helping out, the source code is hosted on GitHub:


Pull requests are gratefully received!


* Worked around SSL problem with github-hosted files
* [Windows] hide command prompt after launching (thanks @paxy97!)
* [Mac/Linux] set script directory automatically, so it can be launched from anywhere

* Fixed a file processing bug that caused some files and directories to be incorrectly ignored (like the Module Manager config files for RealChutes)

* Include descriptions of and links to the referenced mods
* Only the "default" set of mods is displayed, by default, but you can change the filter via the dropdown above the list
* Added more robust config file manipulation to support mods like Kethane that need significant tweaking
* Window is slightly larger, to see the list better
* Added a grundle of optional mods, and updated a few existing ones

* Fixed a bug that caused spaceport downloads to fail on 64-bit windows

* The manifest file now uses a more robust method for downloading files, which will hopefully make things less fragile when a mod is updated.
* Mods are now organized by category
* You can now open a manifest file manually via the "File" menu, if you want to tweak the existing manifest (or make your own!)
* Added a few more (optional) mods to the manifest

* A new graphical interface for choosing mods, and building your bundle! No more command-line (unless you want it)
* Updated the mods list to include recent updates to various dependencies

* Windows support!
* Switched to JRuby, to allow the script to be more easily bundlable
* The mods.yml (dependency database) is now read directly from the git repository, allowing mod updates to be distributed without needing the script to be downloaded each time

Edited by jamis
Announced termination of project
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This sounds great! Love, love, love this. Thanks!

Two questions/requests/etc.

1. Is there any way to compile it to a stub? The sorts of folks who would want a pack might not be the folks to (a) clone a GitHub repo and (B) grab a Ruby runtime environment and © run it from it. Even better a GUI. :)

2. Is there any way to, instead of relying on a local mods.yml, rely on a web-based one? (That, hopefully, someone will pledge to keep up to date). Mine use non-permanent dropbox links....and you're tracking version numbers anyway. That way one wouldn't have to redownload the tool each time.

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1. Is there any way to compile it to a stub? The sorts of folks who would want a pack might not be the folks to (a) clone a GitHub repo and (B) grab a Ruby runtime environment and © run it from it. Even better a GUI. :)

Sadly, Ruby doesn't really make this (generally) possible. (That is to say--some limited solutions exist, but they are just that: limited.) Still, that doesn't mean we can't find another way--it just means we might need to find another implementation language. The Ruby implementation I posted is really more of a proof of concept; maybe it's time for me to dust off my Java chops and see what I can do. (It's been almost ten years...)

2. Is there any way to, instead of relying on a local mods.yml, rely on a web-based one? (That, hopefully, someone will pledge to keep up to date). Mine use non-permanent dropbox links....and you're tracking version numbers anyway. That way one wouldn't have to redownload the tool each time.

A centralized list would be wonderful, and I wouldn't mind maintaining it. That's a really great idea.

Thanks for the feedback!

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The commands should be typed at the command-line. What OS are you using? On Mac, that's Terminal.app. On linux, it could be any number of things. :) For Windows, it's the console (but this bundler won't yet work on Windows, alas).

The default HardMode.zip is around 180MB in size, but depending on individual mods that you select to include (or not), it might be much smaller, or much larger.

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Not sure why, but every time I run --default I get a error while it tries to download Real Solar System.

It says: "SSL_connect return=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (OpenSSL::SLL::SSLError)

Then gives a large list of lines in the Ruby code and in the bundler code. bundler lines 180, 70, and 381 are listed. Not quite sure why, but it seems unable to connect to the pages to download.

Any thoughts?

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1. I think Java would probably be best for this; most people are going to have JREs, or if not will probably better know how to get one, and you get nice cross-platform GUI. (And using the GUI it'd be easier to select which mods, or which mod-groups...). You could even, dare I say it, add a wizard for installing and configuring some settings.

2. Hey, thanks for *doing* this! ;)

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Alright, baby steps. :) I just posted an update that actually works on Windows, now, and should be marginally simpler to run. It still requires the command-line, but I've tried to simplify everything else.

Next step: building a UI for it. That's not my forte, I'll admit, but I'm up for it, I think. It might be a week or so before I have something for it, though.

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I've updated the OP to reflect the most recent release of the bundler. It now includes a graphical interface for choosing mods, and for building your custom real-solar-system bundle. No more command-line! I've tested it on both Windows and Mac, and it works great.

Try it out and let me know what you think!

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Is there any chance you can keep the download manifest outside the jar file so we can update it without you having to re-write the Java app? Some mods are updated regularely and are no long available at the URLs you have used thus the bundler fails. If we could edit the URL or you supply a fresh download locations file every so often it'd be much more practical I think :)

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That's actually exactly how it works now -- the mods.yml file (that mod manifest file) is hosted on github (with the source for this app), and the app downloads it on every run. So it is possible for *me* to update it whenever a mod is updated, and then everyone gets the updated list.

It is technically possible for anyone to feed their own mods.yml to the script right now, but it requires that you run the command-line version, and not GUI one. But that's a good suggestion; I'll see about adding a way for users to specify their own mods.yml, so that if I'm slow updating the canonical version, people can at least fiddle with it on their own.

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Sorry to be slow updating that--crazy week! I just bumped the mods.yml to refer to the latest versions of all referenced mods.

You do NOT need to redownload the bundler for this change! Your existing copy will automatically update the mod list when you run it next.

Specifically, I changed the following:

  • Mission Controller Extended bumped to dev build 6
  • Kerbal Joint Reinforcement bumped to 2.0
  • KSP Interstellar bumped to 0.10.3
  • AIES bumped to 1.5.1 (and yay! it doesn't need to a manual download now)
  • Toolbar bumped to 1.5.1 (and boo! it needs a manual download now)
  • Added the HullCam VDS mod (just because)

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It is technically possible for anyone to feed their own mods.yml to the script right now, but it requires that you run the command-line version, and not GUI one. But that's a good suggestion; I'll see about adding a way for users to specify their own mods.yml, so that if I'm slow updating the canonical version, people can at least fiddle with it on their own.

That'd be great. Some of the mods in the list are updating so fast it's hard to keep up with them (Toolbar updated *again* since your revision, I notice!) :P

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TranceaddicT, great suggestion! Some of those appear to be windows-only, which I'd like to avoid, but the TextureCompressor mod, at least, would be a great addition. I'm almost done with the next version of the mod bundler, and I'll see if I can test that mod with the bundler before I ship it.

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I just updated the OP with the latest version of the bundler. For this one, you WILL NEED to download the bundler app itself--it won't auto-update.

Hopefully this new version will be friendlier when mods get updated. I'll try to stay on top of keeping the manifest up-to-date, but I'm not always as fast as people might like!

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I have a HUGE problem with IOerror connection closed by remote host (probably not huge). makes most of the mods undownloadable. I have my own rss install but this would make new/upgrade installs so much easier. What can I do to help with this? I have todays update and have encountered it on several mods, so far the first mod that errors out on a normal list is FAR. Yes, i'm a windows user...I know that's not optimum, but oh well. lol

Here is what does download so far?










Texture Compressor

Again, what can I do to help fix this?

Edited by usulrasolas
Sometimes I Exaggerate
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Ugh, I'm sorry to hear this! What version of Windows are you on? I've tested with XP (which is all I have to test with) and it worked okay.

Some other questions:

  • Are you behind a firewall of some sort? Do you use an HTTP proxy to access the Internet?
  • If you retry the build, does it work? Or do the same mods consistently give you the "connection closed" error?
  • Does updating Java on your machine help at all? (You can get the latest version of Java here: https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp)

I know there aren't a lot of people using this bundler app yet, but if anyone else tries it, I'd appreciate it if you could report your experience here. It'd be good to know if this is working for anyone besides me.

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Windows 8.1 x64bit... I almost think this could be a java 32/64 bit problem as it takes two versions of java to support a 64 bit install. Stupid programming that causes some call issues. If there is an IO difference between 32 and 64 bit calls, the format of the link or method recalling mod list locations.

  • No firewall from me, slight content filtering on my ISP but can download the problem mods via browser. However, all(browser based) tests run on my ipv4 connection show no filtering or redirection issues, so I feel this is not likely an issue.
  • The mods are consistent, I can make a list if you would like, it will take a few minutes of checking and unchecking boxes but I would be happy to do this.
  • I will try to update, but my java installs are less than 2 weeks old so I doubt that it is the issue. (EDIT: Confirmed as 7u51, however reinstalling both 32 and 64 just in case)

Again, I have seen some pretty weird issues with java on my system before, and it always seems to stem from the fact that a 64 bit machine needs two different versions of java installed (one 32 and one 64). However, normally the issue is just that one of the two isn't installed or that the %system% style variables used to call the compiler are wrong and in this case everything is working fine on that.

Ugh, I'm sorry to hear this! What version of Windows are you on? I've tested with XP (which is all I have to test with) and it worked okay.

Some other questions:

  • Are you behind a firewall of some sort? Do you use an HTTP proxy to access the Internet?
  • If you retry the build, does it work? Or do the same mods consistently give you the "connection closed" error?
  • Does updating Java on your machine help at all? (You can get the latest version of Java here: https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp)

I know there aren't a lot of people using this bundler app yet, but if anyone else tries it, I'd appreciate it if you could report your experience here. It'd be good to know if this is working for anyone besides me.

Edited by usulrasolas
Java Details Added
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Curious. Hmm!

I know it's a pain, a list of the problem mods might be just the thing. Given that the ones that error, error consistently, I wonder if there is something easy going on, like a URL parsing issue or something.

Thanks for helping to troubleshoot this!

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