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Science of the Spheres - development


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  hotmailcompany52 said:
Nova? Have you found a way into the micro verse and haven't found a way out?

I'm sorry, but Nova was just helping Tony Pistachio and I to get the UTC working, but I spilled a cup of coffee of the control panel and Nova got stuck on a planet full of hoppers. The portal was vanishing so I threw in a knife for Nova to use. I hope he's okay. We've got the UTC working, but it keeps transfering only to a universe full of strange little green men firing rockets everywhere. Hopefully we'll get it working. Then I just need to remember what the co-ordinates of the location was.

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  hotmailcompany52 said:
Nova? Have you found a way into the micro verse and haven't found a way out?

Sorry, it's just been a bit slow again. r4m0n's had a lot of work to do and I've been a bit dry on motivation, been doing work on a few other things lying around http://vocaroo.com/i/s0JXQhtvDfeK

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Now that the Unity 4.6 beta is out, I've made a separate project for prototyping the game's UI using the new system. The first thing I'm working on is a multipurpose 7-segment display.


Right now I have it set up to pick numbers for each individual digit based on a number put into the shader. 0-9 yield those numbers, -1 makes a blank image, and -2 makes a minus symbol. Next will be writing a script to control a number of these digits to display any provided value. Also, it can be set to

Edited by NovaSilisko
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  NovaSilisko said:
Now that the Unity 4.6 beta is out, I've made a separate project for prototyping the game's UI using the new system. The first thing I'm working on is a multipurpose 7-segment display.


Right now I have it set up to pick numbers for each individual digit based on a number put into the shader. 0-9 yield those numbers, -1 makes a blank image, and -2 makes a minus symbol. Next will be writing a script to control a number of these digits to display any provided value. Also, it can be set to

Make a feature where the game can sense Kraken-y bug behavior and make the 7-seg display flash 6666 over and over. Of course, ideally you'd be able to fix all the Krakens, but some Krakens will persist and it would be a neat little easter egg.

EDIT: My Youtube's not loading, but I'm guessing you can get it in any color you want as long as that color is red.

EDIT2: Well, that was a disappointing video. It really can be set to any color, huh. A joke would've been nice there. I almost wish it was indeed monochromatic.

Edited by GregroxMun
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Sensor block mockup.


Not set it up to display decimal values yet. Just getting a good layout first.

Edit: Now with decimals


Speed value is being read from a rigidbody just to test it out.

Edited by NovaSilisko
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Wow I just got linked to this project and it looks soooooooooooooo fun. When this gets into alpha you better believe I will be first in line :D It's like some crazy hybridization of minecraft and space engine (and far more original then this comparison makes it seem) and it looks amazing.

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"Hello again, its been a looong time" -GLaDOS

back, to the forum as a whole for the first time this entire summer ! :D

More to the point of why this is where i'm posting, is, ummm. What's the progress on that bullet phys engine implementation into unity going, have you released it to the asset store, or getting close to that point ? What have I missed in the last 40 pages of posts ?

"I'L BE BACK" -random quote i heard somewhere

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Resumed work on the transfer device, which I shall now begin referring to as The Box. Each of the 32 "portal panels" is 2x2 meters across, and can, with half of the entire city's electricity supply pumped into it, open a portal to another universe. Unfortunately, having the endpoint in a vacuum tends to lead to large quantities of the Earth's atmosphere/terrain/wildlife being siphoned off into space (those farmers still don't know what happened to their cattle), so someone had the bright idea of putting multiple panels together in a sealed box to create a stable combination of portal and vacuum chamber.

Insert the spacecraft, close the door, turn it on, and all the air gets sucked out. Any breach in the system strong enough to worry about would damage the portals enough to shut down the whole system, so it's failsafe (that's what they say anyway).

To-do: add high-tension cables connected to a big steel arch for securing the panels, make mounting brackets for the door, and to and route the 5 trillion cables to a big computer/generator bank. There will also be three sizes of Box, this is the medium one. The door is about 2.5 meters across inside, so build your payloads to fit!

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