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Survive That Attack!


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The Kraken rips it apart and eats it.

The Kraken rips apart and eats the next poster.

Edited by Souper
What's a ninja? PS We can hide our chatting in here.
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I instead tear the Kraken to shreds (And you didn't even read up on what EXCELSUS was, did you (Why do you think I linked to it?)? Because a 5-foot squid is NOT able to tear up something like EXCELSUS)

I detonate a bomb in the building the next poster is currently in

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The Kraken's dead body protects me.

The Kraken, who came back to life and tore the EXCELSUS to shreds (By glitching it out and hurling it towards the sun, cause' it's 5-7 STORIES tall, not 5 feet.),

comes back to tear you to shreds, by hurling you at 99% the speed of light towards Kerbol.


Edited by Souper
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My house has a button that drags it underground, unharmed and out of the way. Your car drives over my roof, which acts like a ramp and pings you off into the conveniently placed ocean nearby.

I build a boat out the side-mounted intakes and drop it onto the next user, who also happens to be in the conveniently placed ocean but is in the shallow bit. Unlucky, chum.

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Seeing as you just murdered my clone, i teleport behind you and shoot in the back of the head.

I then do the same to the below poster.

Edited by Souper
You can't see this. I'm just typing stuff in here, and barely anybody notices that we can talk in here in total secrecy!
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I deflect the shots with my Chainsaw until you run out of ammo. I then grab the AK-47 and slice it to pieces

I then proceed to slice up the building the next poster is in (The planet he is on if he isn't in a building (Seriously, I can actually do that))

<ooc>Super, you used the wrong size ribbons image for your signature. The mods aren't going to like it</ooc>

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I slice the Kraken to pieces (I am aware that it is a KSP bug, but why not be able to slice up a FREAKING GLITCH??)

I then notice the next poster and attack him with my high-frequency chainsaw (So sharp AND durable it can slice through a PLANET without breaking)

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