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Survive That Attack!


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I reluctantly accept my fate as a potato; in a bag somewhere, to be eaten someday, but not today. Living as a potato isn't a good life, but it's honest living, dangit.

I teleport the next poster is in the wilderness somewhere, with only what they have on them at the time of posting. (potato powers are nice.)

Edited by Norpo
rephrased my attack to make it seem like an attack and not a scenario
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Well, I got an iPad, which can be used as a map and a compass (Also, the screen is quite reflective, I could use it to signal planes.), a cell phone which I can use to call for help and a bunch of paper sheets (that can be used to start a fire). I could be in a better situation, but I can survive a little bit.

I trap the user below me in a time loop.

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