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Multiple radial attachment points

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All parts that can be radially attached have just one point by which they can be attached that way.

My idea is to define multiple radial attachment points on parts for which it makes sense (typically structural parts and wings) and allow cycling through them when radially attaching the part using some key, e.g. Tab.

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This is definitely something that should be added, the current system of having to stick cubicoctagonal trusses everywhere to be allowed to attach things the way you want sometimes gets rather obnoxious.

Anything that can get rid of attachnodes gets a thumbs-up from me!

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That is a very good suggestion.

Also, de ability to drag the attachment point along a defined axis by holding a button.

Like, you place the wing there, then click on it and hold K then move it with the mouse clicked and its atachment point will remain where it was but the shape will move on that axis.

Should be limited by simple part size parameters.

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I am unable to understand what you are trying to say. As vexx said, please provide an illustration.

Basically, she wants to be able to, say, attach a fuel tank radically from its top, instead of halfway along its length. Or one of those long I-beams, being able to attach those from a point halfway along them.

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Just because you posted a picture with that particular wing, I'm totally behind you on this idea ^^; I myself have thought from time to time that it'd be awesome to be able to stick those wings on sideways, among other things. Or perhaps attach fuel tanks somewhere other than in the center, like closer to the ends.

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