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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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One question (sorry if I missed an answer somewhere before).

Are the ground vehicles to use liquid fuel and outside air (As in they will only work on Kerbin and Laythe), or are they electric (some silly ideas for a Duna bus).

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Okay, I managed to get the Super 25 on the ground near the space center. A few pieces of advice for anyone using my configuration file.

- Dump fuel before reentry.

- Aim your trajectory somewhat ahead of the space center, but keep an eye on it.

- If you're going to overshoot the landing site, wait until you're subsonic to turn around. You can glide a good ten kilometers or so. FAR doesn't warn about high dynamic pressure for nothing, it'll tear your wings off.

- Drag chutes that trigger on ground contact are highly recommended, you'll roll right off the runway before you stop otherwise.

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Here is a Deadly Reentry config for KSO25

It is a multi-purpose config and requires Module Manager 2.1.5 as the one file contains contingencies for Real Solar System and stock Kerbin.


needs to overwrite the original file; it's not a patch for the original. Put it in /GameData/KSO/FX/

Please provide feedback!

Or I will resort to typing in italics!

Using Comic Sans!

Thank you both.

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One question (sorry if I missed an answer somewhere before).

Are the ground vehicles to use liquid fuel and outside air (As in they will only work on Kerbin and Laythe), or are they electric (some silly ideas for a Duna bus).

They are liquid fuel + outside air.

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I made an MDD for the S25 to mount and un-mount off a jet.



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The more important question here is what mod gives you those runway approach lights?

That would be the KSC++ mod by Lack which can be found here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24906-WIP-LLL-Lack-Luster-Labs-LLL-12-2-10MAY2014-SXT-16-5-28JUN2014-KSC-v2

And to mike9606, I am right now getting the craft files together and writing up a readme with the required mods and instructions.

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One question (sorry if I missed an answer somewhere before).

Are the ground vehicles to use liquid fuel and outside air (As in they will only work on Kerbin and Laythe), or are they electric (some silly ideas for a Duna bus).

The trucks and bus are diesel/electric meaning they run of electricity and have a liquid fuel/oxidizer generator to recharge their batteries. The sedans, at the moment require the engine to be running to drive.

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Here is a Deadly Reentry config for KSO25

It is a multi-purpose config and requires Module Manager 2.1.5 as the one file contains contingencies for Real Solar System and stock Kerbin.


needs to overwrite the original file; it's not a patch for the original. Put it in /GameData/KSO/FX/

Please provide feedback!

Or I will resort to typing in italics!

Using Comic Sans!

Still lost tail rudders and rear gear, also the rear gear has no ablative. Seems like no matter my reentry or AOA this thing just wont slow down! (S-Turns are kinda impossible @ 2000m/s)

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Google Chrome recognizes the download as malware. Any reason why?

I'm not sure why. I'm using chrome and I can download them without any problem or chrome saying anything.

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To anyone else who is interested, here is the download for the MDD and SCA. Also included is the list of mods required and a craft file for the S25 without the booster that I used in the testing.


Can you use Dropbox? It's annoying to have to download every file one by one since mediafire won't let you download them all at once without giving them money to "upgrade" to bulk downloads.

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OK, so how do I use that with RPM 0.17? The version in KSO is older than RPM 0.17.

Honestly, I don't know, I guess you would have to run two instances of the plugin at the same time, but I don't know if that's even possible.

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Still lost tail rudders and rear gear, also the rear gear has no ablative. Seems like no matter my reentry or AOA this thing just wont slow down! (S-Turns are kinda impossible @ 2000m/s)

Looks like the file in my dropbox didn't sync up. Try downloading it again. Starwaster's Deadly Reentry Config for KSO25


It's odd to me that you singled out the gear as not having AblativeShielding because none of the DREC configs that I've put out for the KSO25 use AblativeShielding. So either you're looking at a pre-existing shuttle or you didn't follow directions and have more than one DREC config for the KSO25.

Read the following carefully:

The DREC configs that I put out

  • Must overwrite /GameData/KSO/FX/KSO25_dre.cfg
  • Use only reflection when playing normal sized Kerbin (at 25% reflection value; 5% for the rudders)
  • Provide maximum protection at 45 degree pitch up. (rudders receive their full 5% at any angle)
  • Use 98% reflection when playing Real Solar System
  • Also use a resource named 'HeatCapacity' which is massless and regenerates slowly over time when playing Real Solar System.
  • Pre-existing shuttles will not see most of these changes because they use persistent data. Only newly launched shuttles will see the full effect of a new DREC config. That's outside of my control

Edit: Also, about the s-curve's, what you're doing is rolling your shuttle 60 degrees to the side (I also combine it with 45 heading change to make I still have my optimal reentry angle lined up as close as possible to my velocity vector) so that lift from your wings isn't causing you to gain unwanted altitude or carry you past your landing site. Yes, I know it can be hard, especially when you're approaching max-Q and it insists on going nose down. At least try to keep your nose up above the horizon as much as possible.

Google Chrome recognizes the download as malware. Any reason why?

That sounds more like you're seeing malware advertising disguised as a legitimate warning of some kind.

Edited by Starwaster
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Looks like the file in my dropbox didn't sync up. Try downloading it again. Starwaster's Deadly Reentry Config for KSO25


It's odd to me that you singled out the gear as not having AblativeShielding because none of the DREC configs that I've put out for the KSO25 use AblativeShielding. So either you're looking at a pre-existing shuttle or you didn't follow directions and have more than one DREC config for the KSO25.

Read the following carefully:

The DREC configs that I put out

  • Must overwrite /GameData/KSO/FX/KSO25_dre.cfg
  • Use only reflection when playing normal sized Kerbin (at 25% reflection value; 5% for the rudders)
  • Provide maximum protection at 45 degree pitch up. (rudders receive their full 5% at any angle)
  • Use 98% reflection when playing Real Solar System
  • Also use a resource named 'HeatCapacity' which is massless and regenerates slowly over time when playing Real Solar System.
  • Pre-existing shuttles will not see most of these changes because they use persistent data. Only newly launched shuttles will see the full effect of a new DREC config. That's outside of my control

Edit: Also, about the s-curve's, what you're doing is rolling your shuttle 60 degrees to the side (I also combine it with 45 heading change to make I still have my optimal reentry angle lined up as close as possible to my velocity vector) so that lift from your wings isn't causing you to gain unwanted altitude or carry you past your landing site. Yes, I know it can be hard, especially when you're approaching max-Q and it insists on going nose down. At least try to keep your nose up above the horizon as much as possible.

That sounds more like you're seeing malware advertising disguised as a legitimate warning of some kind.

Ahhh I was doing everything right it's just the front landing gear showed ablative because I was using a pre-existing craft going to try again with the new file.

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